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《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版.doc(2)

2019-07-19 06:07 网络整理 教案网

尽管这种发展的速度近年来已大大减慢。化学工业的发展由于1950年以来石油化学领域的研究和开发大部分在有机化学方面取得。石油化工在60年代和70年代的迅猛发展主要是由于人们对于合成高聚物如聚乙烯、聚丙烯、尼龙、聚脂和环氧树脂的需求巨大增加。《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦The chemical industry today is a very diverse sector of manufacturing industry, within which it plays a central role. It makes thousands of different chemicals which the general public only usually encounter as end or consumer products. These products are purchased because they have the required properties which make them suitable for some particular application, e.g. a non-stick coating for pans or a weedkiller. Thus chemicals are ultimately sold for the effects that they produce. 《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦今天的化学工业已经是制造业中有着许多分支的部门,并且在制造业中起着核心的作用。

它生产了数千种不同的化学产品,而人们通常只接触到终端产品或消费品。这些产品被购买是因为他们具有某些性质适合(人们)的一些特别的用途,例如,用于盆的不粘涂层或一种杀虫剂。这些化学产品归根到底是由于它们能产生的作用而被购买的。《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦2. Definition of the Chemical Industry《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦At the turn of the century there would have been little difficulty in defining what constituted the chemical industry since only a very limited range of products was manufactured and these were clearly chemicals, e.g., alkali, sulphuric acid. At present, however, many intermediates to products produced, from raw materials like crude oil through (in some cases) many intermediates to products which may be used directly as consumer goods, or readily converted into them. The difficulty cones in deciding at which point in this sequence the particular operation ceases to be part of the chemical industry’s sphere of activities. To consider a specific example to illustrate this dilemma, emulsion paints may contain poly (vinyl chloride) / poly (vinyl acetate). Clearly, synthesis of vinyl chloride (or acetate) and its polymerization are chemical activities. However, if formulation and mixing of the paint, including the polymer, is carried out by a branch of the multinational chemical company which manufactured the ingredients, is this still part of the chemical industry of does it mow belong in the decorating industry?《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦化学工业的定义《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦It is therefore apparent that, because of its diversity of operations and close links in many areas with other industries, there is no simple definition of the chemical industry. Instead each official body which collects and publishes statistics on manufacturing industry will have its definition as to which operations are classified as the chemical industry. It is important to bear this in mind when comparing statistical information which is derived from several sources. 《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦因此,很明显,由于化学工业经营的种类很多并在很多领域与其它工业有密切的联系,所以不能对它下一个简单的定义。


相反的每一个收集和出版制造工业统计数据的官方机构都会对如何届定哪一类操作为化学工业有自己的定义。当比较来自不同途径的统计资料时,记住这点是很重要的。《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦3. The Need for Chemical Industry《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦The chemical industry is concerned with converting raw materials, such as crude oil, firstly into chemical intermediates and then into a tremendous variety of other chemicals. These are then used to produce consumer products, which make our lives more comfortable or, in some cases such as pharmaceutical produces, help to maintain our well-being or even life itself. At each stage of these operations value is added to the produce and provided this added exceeds the raw material plus processing costs then a profit will be made on the operation. It is the aim of chemical industry to achieve this.《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦对化学工业的需要《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦It may seem strange in textbook this one to pose the question “do we need a chemical industry?” However trying to answer this question will provide(ⅰ) an indication of the range of the chemical industry’s activities, (ⅱ) its influence on our lives in everyday terms, and (ⅲ) how great is society’s need for a chemical industry. Our approach in answering the question will be to consider the industry’s contribution to meeting and satisfying our major needs. What are these? Clearly food (and drink) and health are paramount. Other which we shall consider in their turn are clothing and (briefly) shelter, leisure and transport.《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦在这样的一本教科书中提出:“我们需要化学工业吗?《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦(1) Food. The chemical industry makes a major contribution to food production in at least three ways. Firstly, by making available large quantities of artificial fertilizers which are used to replace the elements (mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) which are removed as nutrients by the growing crops during modern intensive farming. Secondly, by manufacturing crop protection chemicals, i.e., pesticides, which markedly reduce the proportion of the crops consumed by pests. Thirdly, by producing veterinary products which protect livestock from disease or cure their infections.《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦(2) Health. We are all aware of the major contribution which the pharmaceutical sector of the industry has made to help keep us all healthy, e.g. by curing bacterial infections with antibiotics, and even extending life itself, e.g. ?–blockers to lower blood pressure.《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦β-抗血栓降低血压。