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2021-09-08 17:59 网络整理 教案网

Timely induction can sort out existing knowledge in time, which is conducive to the construction of a knowledge system and the formation of intuitive and long-lasting memory. Teachers or students themselves summarize the main content of the class so that students can re-review the content in class, deepen their impression, and make a summary and explanation of the achievement of the goals of this lesson in the corresponding goals, so that they can assign targeted homework. The new curriculum standards require us to: advocate task-based teaching methods, cultivate students' comprehensive application ability; expand students' horizons of change, and develop their awareness and ability in cross-cultural communication. The purpose of learning English is to be able to communicate in English. According to the law of language learning, students must absorb a considerable amount of language materials and undergo a certain amount of language practice, that is, sufficient input of language knowledge and skills to obtain the ability to use English for communication. Therefore, in classroom teaching activities, teachers must Pay attention to efforts to create a real language communication situation and create a language communication atmosphere. Organize lively in-class activities to promote students' English learning, constantly update the knowledge structure, and adapt to the requirements of the development of modern society for the English learning process. Classroom teaching goals are too high and difficult to achieve, which easily makes students lose confidence and dampen the enthusiasm of English learning; too low goals are not conducive to mobilizing students' enthusiasm, and it also affects the completion of teaching tasks. Therefore, the classroom teaching process must achieve "low entry, small steps, large capacity, strict requirements" to ensure the quality and quantity of language input, not only pay attention to the difficulty of control, but also ensure the authenticity of the language and the situation, and handle the language correctly. The relationship between input and output, fully understand the teaching idea that input is greater than output.

The new curriculum standards require us: English courses should be for all students, focus on quality education, highlight the main body of students, respect individual differences, adopt activity methods, advocate experience participation, focus on process evaluation, and promote student development. Our teachers must learn the new ideas of contemporary foreign language teaching in classroom teaching. With the curriculum reform, we constantly update foreign language teaching concepts, keep up with the pace of middle school students' English learning in the new era, and better organize classroom teaching. Classroom teaching evaluation should not only analyze the teaching process and teaching methods, but also analyze the teaching effect. The first is that the teaching is enlightening and efficient, the students are lively thinking, the atmosphere is enthusiastic, the student participation rate is high, and they are excited. The second is that teachers face all students and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Students benefit from a wide range of development, and students of different levels have developed on the original basis. The third is to make effective use of 45 minutes. Students can learn easily and happily. Problems in class are solved in class. On this basis, they can innovate and develop and explore new goals. The burden on students is reasonable.
