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2021-09-08 17:59 网络整理 教案网


意识到学生可以在学习和学习中使用它。活动也需要人性化、生活化!从“以教材为中心的教学活动”向“以宿舍为中心的教学活动”的转变。 “正在做”。使学生在做事过程中培养语言能力、思维能力、沟通合作能力,提高综合语言能力。一方面,教师设计的任务要贴近生活。另一方面,也可以满足学生未来不确定的社会生活。为了为未来的发展做准备,有必要分配应用所学的任务。在实现有效教学的过程中,教师在英语课堂中组织的所有活动都应注意以下几点: 新课程评价 改革的主要目标是实现评价的多元化和多样性,综合评价学生的发展和进步。最突出的是引入了形成性评价机制和方法。同时,需要对学生在活动中的表现进行评价,让学生能够反思自己的成功与不足,进一步提高自己。需要强调的是,教师要学会欣赏学生在学习过程中的微小进步,善于鼓励和表扬他们的闪光点阅读教案怎么写,使他们更加自信和积极。用一张纸 用试卷和一个表现来评价一切是很片面的。教育是一个动态的过程。教师要以发展的眼光看待学生,相信每个学生都能进步。例如:学完问路的课文后,想知道他们是否能听懂所学的语言,于是设计了一个问路听力材料,让学生听完后画出路线图材料,并进行相应的评价活动。

1) 听完第一段录音,可以正确完成任务,评分为A,表示; 2)听了第二次录音后,可以更好的按照要求画路线图,评论是B,表示; 3)老师播放第三段录音后,可以在老师和同学的帮助下完成任务,评分为C表示。通过这种评价,可以及时了解学生听力能力的发展情况,了解他们的语言掌握情况,发现问题,从而采取有效的补救措施,帮助学生克服困难,鼓励学生采取有效的策略,继续努力学习。因此,真正能激励学生的评价才是有效的评价。家庭作业的有效性首先取决于家庭作业的有效性,让学生对家庭作业有一个透彻的了解。通常,课堂作业的分配和指导需要几分钟。传统的英语作业是抄字、朗读、听录音等,缺乏创造力,容易扼杀学生的学习兴趣。当新课程来临时,我们有必要有效处理其他学科与英语学科的横向联系,这将有助于英语教学的发展和提高。 《新英语课程标准》还提出在教学中积极促进英语学科与其他学科的相互渗透和衔接,培养学生的创新素质。英语作业是课堂教学任务的有效延伸。是巩固教师教与学生学的重要支撑点。因此,教师应布置综合各门课程的课外作业。同样,与其他科目不同的是,会有英语听力作业。


为了不让学生厌倦简单机械的复读和跟读,教师要引导学生端正心态阅读教案怎么写,让录音带在课堂外成为自己的老师,而不是只听录音来完成任务。最后,有效的作业要适度适度,并具有一定的趣味性、实践性和层次性。总之,有效的课堂教学离不开一系列有效的设计。如何提高英语课堂教学的有效性,应在课堂教学中不断积累和探索。新课程英语教学改革以科学探究学习为主,注重体验式学习,倡导交流合作,自主创新学习。课程改革成败的关键在于教师。教师是课程改革的实施者。作为一名教师,我要做好学习新课改理论、更新教学理念、迎接新课改挑战的深刻变革。新课程改革倡导全人教育,强调课程必须促进每个学生的身心健康,培养学生的良好素质。新课改提倡建设性学习。以下是对自学年开始以来所做的一些英语教学工作的简要回顾。只有学生对自己、英语及其文化抱有积极的态度,才能保持英语学习的积极性并取得成果。千篇一律的态度不仅会影响英语学习的效果,还会影响其他方面的发展。态度是学好英语的重要因素。因此,我努力营造一个自由、民主、和谐的教学空间。 1、尊重每一位学生,积极鼓励他们努力学习,保护他们的自尊和积极性。

2、将英语教学与模态有机结合,打造丰富多彩的合作学习活动,促进学生相互学习、相互帮助、体会成就感、培养合作精神。 3、关注学习困难或性格内向的人,尽可能为他们创造语言机会。 4、 在师生之间建立和谐民主的沟通渠道,经常与学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,互相鼓励和帮助,与教学相关。 1、创造了多种场景,鼓励学生大胆使用英语,对自己在学习过程中的失误和失​​误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供独立学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分发挥和自我发展的空间。江苏省兴化市新多中心学校 李娟兴 江苏兴化 225747 在农村,英语教学还很落后。基本上,教师教,学生学,教师教多,学生记少。老师累,学生烦。那么如何让学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣,达到最佳的学习效果,让学生轻松学习,是我们每一位英语老师都应该思考的问题?经过一段时间的国训和自己的教学实践,同时借鉴了同行的教学经验,结合新教材的特点,从本校学生的实际情况出发,运用了因材施教,提出“目标确立——教法与学法并举——分层训练——反馈总结”课堂教学设计思路。教学目标是课堂教学的出发点和归宿,其正确的制定和实现是衡量一堂好课的主要依据。


新课标的教学目标体系由“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感、态度与价值观”三个维度构成,体现了新课标“学生发展——面向”。如果正确理解了这三者之间的关系,就成为如何正确把握教学目标的关键。 Junior high school English follows the idea of ​​"topic-function-structure-task" combination, with topic as the main line, task-oriented, supplemented by functional and structural items, to effectively cultivate students' ability to use English comprehensively. The correct classroom teaching goals must be established in the classroom: knowledge goals and ability goals. Combining the characteristics of the English subject, in the process of actual target teaching, the first is the goal of memorization, the second is the goal of understanding, and the third is the goal of comprehensive application. The standard requirements of the new curriculum: use modern educational technology to broaden the channels for students to learn and use English. The new textbooks are authentic in English with fresh pictures and texts, reflecting the spirit of the times, broadening their horizons, three-dimensional design, and actively developing learning resources. The new introduction of modern teaching concepts has a strong impact on traditional English teaching, focusing on the training of listening and speaking skills, which has changed the past. The single teaching method of "relying on teachers' lectures and students' passive follow-up reading", with the help of audio-visual equipment such as pictures, physical objects, and multimedia presentations, will enhance the classroom atmosphere and stimulate students' interest in learning. Through the screen, students can be guided to better understand the content, which is conducive to the students' involvement in the context and gaining language in an intuitive, lively, and relaxed atmosphere. Listening training is the most common application in English classroom activities.

Listening to the recording before the students have access to the materials is beneficial to the training of listening skills. Second, the students will read the materials or listen to the teacher's explanations attentively for new content that cannot be understood, which can enhance the students' attention. Listening to the recording after the lecture is helpful for students to follow the reading and imitate, enjoy the authentic English taste, correct the pronunciation and intonation, and form good language habits. The new curriculum requirements for teaching students in accordance with their aptitude: English teaching should be oriented to all students, laying the foundation for students' all-round development and lifelong learning. Teaching methods should not be monotonous and rigid. No matter how good the method is to copy it every day, it will be boring. No matter how interesting knowledge is taught every day, it will lose its taste. The complexity and diversity of teaching content and teaching activities determine the diversity of teaching methods. Teachers should use concise, accurate, and vivid language to teach language materials in general based on students' reality and goals. The new curriculum standards require us: teaching design should conform to the physical and psychological characteristics of students, respect the rules of language learning, and strive to meet the needs of students of different types and levels, so that each student can develop physically and mentally. In the classroom teaching process, teachers through repeated intensive training can enable students to firmly grasp language knowledge, form language communication skills, and cultivate the ability to use language. 3、Dangtang feedback, summarize it in time. On the one hand, it can supervise and check students' learning, and on the other hand, it can also provide a reasonable basis for the subsequent layered homework. When teachers find that students have knowledge and ability obstacles or fail to meet the target behavior requirements, they should give corrective guidance in time. It is best to adhere to the face-to-face guidance for students with difficulties to ensure the effect.