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The "more practice" in the review is not to engage in problem tactics and increase the burden on students, but to enable students to master the basic knowledge from different angles through a variety of problem types. "Practicing more" requires that we first choose the topic carefully, from the shallower to the deeper, and take a variety of forms, such as oral answers, discussion, and test paper analysis. In the review teaching, it is necessary to actively create some situations that simulate real problems, put abstract theories in the real situation of social life, and guide and inspire students to recognize and understand. To practice more, pay attention to the practice questions to correspond to the high school entrance examination. Secondly, to cultivate on-the-spot experience, after the usual assessments and mock exams, strive to answer the questions accurately, and display your knowledge level normally.

(三)Caring about major events at home and abroad and caring about social life.

If you want to get good grades in political subjects in the senior high school entrance examination, you must not "close your ears and read only the sages", you must be concerned about current affairs, have the motherland in mind, have an eye on the world, and combine knowledge inside and outside the class. Political classes are current and political. This is also the biggest feature compared with other disciplines. It not only examines knowledge, but also examines the ability to use knowledge to analyze major current events at home and abroad.

(四)Organize and summarize, check for omissions and fill in vacancies.

In the review approaching the senior high school entrance examination, students should check their mastery of knowledge, organize the scattered knowledge points into "lines" and then weave them into "nets", so that they can be dispersed and concentrated, so that they can be flexible Grasp the knowledge in a timely manner, fill in the gaps in time, and leave no future troubles. Incorporate the content of the units and chapters into the overall knowledge system to grasp, so that knowledge is presented in a networked manner, the process of knowledge formation is displayed, and students are guided to freely discover knowledge and comprehend the methods and ways of creating knowledge. After such analysis, excavation, and innovation, the results of the outline and the plan will eventually be achieved, and the students' abilities will inevitably have greater development to adapt to the examination situation of the high school entrance examination.

(五)学会Question review and problem-solving method:

Question review is actually a thinking process of analyzing and solving problems, and it is also the key to making accurate answers to test questions. Candidates often make two mistakes when reviewing questions: one is that they are eager to answer in a hurry after receiving the test paper, the review is not serious, the views are incomplete, and the content is not sufficient; the second is that the review is wrong, the answer is not what is asked, and the answer does not meet the requirements of the question. . For this reason, three points should be paid attention to when reviewing the questions: first, be calm when reviewing the questions, and answer the questions based on the principle of first easy and difficult; secondly, under the premise of correctly understanding the meaning of the question and clarifying the requirements of the question, draw up the key points of the answer and determine the scope of the answer. In addition, we must grasp the key words and highlight the key points. The key words in the test questions are like the "eyes" in the questions. After answering the test papers, do not rush to hand in the papers, and compare the questions with the answers.

In my work this semester, I fully implemented the school’s teaching reform plan, oriented to all students, taught students in accordance with their aptitude, improved their overall quality, improved teaching performance, insisted on teaching in accordance with the law, and made full use of the advantages of this discipline. Highlight the function of the subject, improve students' ideological awareness and moral quality, and cultivate the ability of students to learn independently.

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