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2021-08-15 15:58 网络整理 教案网

1、 Let young children know what is dangerous to play.

2、 cultivate children's initial self-protection awareness.

3、 Cultivate children's keen observation ability.

4、 actively participate in the event, experience the joy of the event and the joy of success.


1、Electric fan, electric iron, small blade, perfume picture, self-made wall chart

2、Supporting Children's Book


一、 show pictures of electric fan, electric iron, small blade, perfume

1、 Let the children say the name of the picture

2、 Let young children simply state their purpose.


What the kids said just now is very good. The things in the picture can bring us a lot of convenience. It can help us relieve the heat when the weather is hot, and the clothes are wrinkled. The electric iron can help us iron the clothes. We can also use a knife. Peel fruit and sprinkle perfume on your body. Our daily life cannot do without these things, but if children use these things as toys, it is very dangerous.

三、Guiding children to look at pictures:

1、There are several boys on the picture.他们在做什么?

2、There are several girls on the picture.他们在做什么?

四、Guide children to think, what is the danger in doing this?


1、 Putting your hand into the rotating fan will hurt your fingers and hurt your fingers.

2、玩小刀 will cut small hands, severely life-threatening.

3、玩通电’s electric iron will scald clothes, even hurt yourself or cause a fire.

4、 Spraying perfume on your eyes will hurt your eyes.


Through this type of activity, children can be familiar with the role of objects, and they can also learn dangerous concepts while watching pictures and listening to the teacher's explanation, and understand what can and cannot be played with. Indispensable in preschool safety education. However, in such teaching activities, it is not possible to let the children master all the dangerous and dangerous objects, which has certain limitations. Therefore, it is particularly important to cultivate children's safety awareness.

This article contains 28,430 words in 10 safety lesson plans for middle class.


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