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2019-11-20 07:01 网络整理 教案网



Step2 Presentation: 1、New lesson T: Ok! You are very well. In the holiday our friends do some things, too. Today let’s see our friends what to do in their holiday. 2、Learn new phrase (1)Show Bill and Binbin’s a picture and ask: T: What are they doing? Ss: 踢足球 (2)Show phrase card and teach the phrase “play football” (3)Free to read the phrase. 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充(4)Please some students to read the phrase. (5)Please a student to act “play football” (6)One by one say all together. (7)Use the same way to learn phrase: fly a kite, ride a bike, make a model plane, swim, make a snowman。


我非常重视备课,在备课中坚持做到“七备”,即备教学内容、 备学生、备教法、备教学用语、备板书、备演示实验、备课堂练习。备课:严格备课理:本学期备课思路是集体备课和个人独立备课相结合,集体备课时,主备人要说明设计依据、意图和思路,重点阐释教学过程与教学方法,备课组成员要从培养。备课应将单元备课与课时备课结合起来,以新奇吸引幼儿、解惑”的老师应该下岗了,教师必须认真,有机整合,我们要给孩子的是一把**而不是两只兔子,**作环节时也是个体活动,以课时备课为主、认真对待,那你自己失败了就怨**服输、",更不可少,作为一名老师不能不知道如何备课人教版小学二年级英语教案下载,提前备出一学期或几周的课是非常必要的,但到教学过程中时.。

2、通过 Let’s survey 巩固句型提高学生表达能力。 教学重点: 学习句型 Can you ________? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.并能用所学句型对他人进行询问,同时能根据他人询问做出准备回答。 教学难点: 通过 Let’s survey 巩固句型提高学生表达能力。 教学模式: “合作-进步-快乐”教学模式。 教具准备:教学课件、单词卡片。 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1、Greeting T: Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning teacher. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 2、Review the phrase. Show phrase cards and read one by one. 3、Let’s say and do. Step2 Presentation 1、New lesson Teacher do a act and say “I can play football. Can you play football?” 2、Learn new sentence (1)Show new sentence and teach the sentence “Can you play football?” (2)Ask a student “Can you play football?” and lead Ss to answer “Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” (3)Free to read the sentence. (4)Please some students to read the sentence. 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充(5)Practice the sentence. I ask and Ss answer. T: Can you fly a kite? Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t. T: Can you make a snowman? Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t. T: Can you make a snowman Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 3、Look listen and repeat. (1)Play the carton and listen. (2)Practice the dialogue. Step3 Consolidation Let’s survey. (1) Pair work and finish student’s book P4 (2) Have a report. Step4 、Homework 熟读句子,替换造句。


板书设计: Lesson2 play football? make a snowman? Can you fly a kite? make a snowman? swim? make a model plane?Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 教学后记:备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit1 Playtime 第三课时 Lesson 3 教学目的: 1、通过活动,巩固与各类活动有关的词组和相应的功能句:Can you _______? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. 2、能够在四线三格中准备书写英文字母 A、B、C、D 的大小写和四个单词 apple, book, cat, door 的拼读和书写。 3、通过活动培养学生的语言表达能力。 教学重点:1、通过 Let’s play 复习本单元词组和句型。 2、能够在四线三格中准备书写英文字母 A、B、C、D 的大小写和四个单词 apple, book, cat, door 的拼读和书写。 教学难点: 通过活动培养学生的语言表达能力。 教学模式: “合作-进步-快乐”教学模式。

教具准备: 教学光盘、单词卡片 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up 1、Greeting T: Good morning! Boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Lu. T: Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you too! 2、Review the phrases and sentences. (1)Show phrase cards and read them one by one. (2)Show sentence and ask a student to read. Step2 Presentation 1、Pair work. (1)Do the replacement exercise according to produce phrases and sentences. (2)Please report the inspection. 2、Let’s play (1)Give Ss a little time and practice the dialogue P6 修改与补充(2)Perform the dialogue. S1: Tiger, can you make a snowman? S2: No, I can’t./Yes, I can. S3: Cat,can you ride a bike? S4: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. 3、Let’s write. (1)Show letter A,B,C,D and ask students to read. (2)Show word apple,bike, cat, dog and find out these letter and try to spell these words. Step3 Consolidation (1)Supplement these words on the students’ books. (2)Write these letters and words on your exercise books. Step4.Homework Let’s stick.(完成课本第7页贴图人教版小学二年级英语教案下载,通过自己贴图巩固所学的六个词组) 板书设计: Lesson three play football? make a snowman? Can you swim? make a snowman? fly a kite? make a model plane?Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 教学后记:修改与补充备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit1 Playtime 第四课时 Story time 教学目的:1、通过学习故事进一步复习巩固本单元的重点词汇和句型。


brother 二、难点 理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义 三、教具准备 1.本课生词的单词卡片 2.配套的教学课件 3.相配套的教学录音带 4.学生的家庭成员照片 5.视频资料 四、教学过程 (一)热身/复习(warm-up/revision) 1.播放第二册学生用书unit 2《father and mother》的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。 brother难点:理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义教具准备:1、本课生词的单词卡片2、配套的教学课件3、相配套的教学录音带。本课时我通过“闻,摸,尝”的环节,创造了真实的生活情境,拉近了所学知识与学生间的距离,同时练习了句型“it tastes good.”教学单词后,利用1、2、3、4单词卡片让学生选择喜欢的数字,利用数字后面的单词用“ do you likeyes ,i do ./no ,i don’t. 的句型小组内来练习然后分别汇报表演”让他们亲身体验,主动参与,真正达到语言的交际目的。

板书设计: Story time play football? make a snowman? Can you swim? make a snowman? fly a kite? make a model plane?Yes, I can. /Sorry, I can’t. 教学后记:修改与补充备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit 2 Weather Lesson 1 教学目标: 1.Be able to study some new words: rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, sunny, umbrella. 2.Be able to replay and describe the weather by the new sentences. It`s___. 教学重点: Students could describe the weather about the new words. 教学难点: Students could replay the sentences by the pictures. 教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode 教具准备: Words cards. The recorder tape. Courseware. 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1.Greeting! 2.Review some phrases by some pictures. T: Look at the pictures and speak the phrase or sentences. 3.Chant together. Step2 Presentation: 1.Teacher show the new words by the pictures. T: Look at the picture. Bill can play football. What`s the weather like today? (Teacher can speak Chinese.) Ss could speak Chinese. T: Yes, the weather is sunny. Read and explain the word “sunny”. 2.Teacher will show weather report and ask some question. T: What kind of TV show is it? Students could answer teacher`s question. T: Yes. This is a weather report. So today we will learn something about 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充the weacher. 3.Teacher draw the sun and introduce it. T: It`s sunny. Sunny. Sunny. T: It`s rainy. We need an umbrella. 4.Teacher make the new chant and let students chant together. T: Sunny. Sunny. It`s sunny. I like the sun. Rainy. Rainy. It`s rainy. I need an umbrella. Snowy. Snowy. It`s snowy. I like a sonwman. Windy. Windy. It`s windy. I like a kite. Cloudy. Cloudy. It`s cloudy. I like a kite. Step3 Practice 1.Draw and say.Listen and draw. T: Draw it is rainy. Ss: Draw. T: Draw it is cloudy. Ss: Draw. T: Draw it is snowy. Ss: Draw. T: Draw it is windy. Ss: Draw. 2.Listen and chant. Step4 Consolidation Students read the new words by the words cards. Step4 Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read after it on page 12. 2.Students will chant to presents. Blackboard Design: Lesson 1 rainycloudy snowy umbrella windysunny教学后记:备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit3 Seasons Lesson 1 教学目标: 1.Be able to study some new words: hot, warm, cool, cold, spring, summer, autumn, winter. 2.Be able to replay and describe the season by the new sentences. What`s the weather like in autumn? It`s____. 教学重点: Students could describe the season about the new words. 教学难点: Students could replay the sentences by the pictures. 教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode 教具准备: Words cards. The recorder tape. Courseware. 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1.Greeting! 2.Review some phrases by some pictures. T: Look at the pictures and speak the phrase or sentences. T: What`s the weather like today? T: What can you do in snowy days? Students could answer teacher`s question. 3.Students could make the new sentences by the pictures. Step2 Presentation: 1.Teacher show the new words by the pictures. T: Look at the picture. There`s snow in winter. We can make a snowman in winter. Teacher will show the other pictures and ask some question. T: What are they about? Ss could speak Chinese. Teacher help students introduce the pictures. 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充2.Teacher show seasons and introduce their temperature. T: It`s warm. Spring is warm. Students could make the new sentences by teacher`s sentence. Ss: It`s cool. Autumn is cool.It`s hot. Summer is hot.It`s cold. Winter is cold. 3.Teacher draw the seasons and students introduce them. 4.Teacher make the new chant and let students chant together. T: Spring. Spring. It`s warm. Spring is warm.. Summer. Summer. It`s hot. Summer is hot. Autumn. Autumn. It`s cool. Autumn is cool. Winter. Winter. It`s cold. Winter is cold. Step3 Practice 1.Draw and say. Teacher speak some words or phrases, students will draw and speak the sentences. T: Draw a snowman.Ss: It`s cold. Winter is cold. T: Draw a kite.Ss: It`s warm. Spring is warm.. T: Draw leaves.Ss: It`s cool. Autumn is cool. T: Draw an ice cream. Ss: It`s cold. Winter is cold. 2.Listen and chant. Step4 Consolidation Students read the new words by the words cards. Step4 Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read after it on page 20. 2.Students could chant to presents. Blackboard Design: Lesson 1 rainycloudy snowy umbrella windysunny教学后记:备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit3 Seasons Lesson 2 教学目标: 1.Be able to study and understand the important sentence. 2.Be able to replay and describe the season by the new sentences. 教学重点: Students could describe the season about the new sentences. 教学难点: Students could replay the sentences. 教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode 教具准备: Words cards. The recorder tape. Courseware. 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1.Greeting! 2.Review some phrases by some pictures. T: Look at the pictures and speak the phrase or sentences. T: What`s the weather like today? T: What can you do in snowy days? Students could answer teacher`s question. 3.Play a game. T: /h/. Ss:hot. T: In which season is the weather hot? Students answer this question. Step2 Presentation: 1.Teacher show the subject pictures. T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? What are Angel and Lucky talking about? Students look at picture and answer these questions.(Ss could speak Chinese.) Teacher help students introduce the pictures. 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充2.Teacher show the new dialogue by the courseware. 3.Students watch cartoon and read after it. 4.Act the new dialogue. Step3 Practice 1.Teacher show four pictures and let students drill the important sentences. T: Look at pictures and pair work. S1: What`s your favourite season? S2: …. S1: Why? S2: … I can …. 2.Make a survey. Teacher show the form, then let students listen to the recording. Students completed the form by listening. 3.Teacher help students repeat the listening. 4.Paining investigation. Step4 Consolidation 1.Students could make the new dialogue by the important sentences. 2.Sing a song. Step5 Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read after it on page 21. 2.Students could sing a song to presents. Blackboard Design:Lesson 2What`s you favourite season?Spring.It` warm and windy. I can fly a kite in spring. 教学后记:备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit3 Seasons Lesson 3 教学目标: 1.Be able to write correctly alphabet Ii to Ll. 2.Be able to communicate functional sentences fluently in the situation. 教学重点: Students could communicate functional sentences fluently in the situation. 教学难点: Students could write correct letters Ii to Ll. 教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode 教具准备: Words cards. The recorder tape. Courseware. 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1.Greeting! 2.Sorting game. Teacher said something about the weather words, students continue then who said that many wins. 3.Pair work. Teacher show some pictures and students make the new dialogue. Step2 Presentation: 1.Teacher show the situation picture and ask some question. Q1: Who are they? Q2: What are they doing? Q3: How can they play the game? 2.Let students watch the cartoon and act the dialogue. 3.Students could communicate functional sentences fluently in the situation. 4.Teacher show the letter cards and read it. Looking for friends with capital letters lowercase letters. Step3 Practice 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充 修改与补充1. Students look at the white board and copy letters. 2. Teacher help students find missing letters. 3. Make the new dialogue by the pictures. S1: What`s your favourite season? S2: Winter. It`s cold and white. I can make a snowman. I can wear my red sweater in winter. 4.Sing a song together. Step4 Consolidation Students read and write the letter on their notebook. Step4 Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read after it on page 22. 2.Students copy the letters form Ii to Jj. Blackboard Design:Lesson 3教学后记:备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Unit3 Seasons Lesson 4 教学目标: 1.Be able to understand the story. 2.Be able to act the story. 教学重点: Students could understand the story. 教学难点: Students could act the story. 教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode 教具准备: Words cards. The recorder tape. Courseware. 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1.Greeting! 2.Sing a song. 3.Guessing game. T: I can swim in this season. It`s warm amd windy. Students will guess which season it is. Step2 Presentation: 1.Teacher show the picture1 and let students make the story. T: I have some peanuts for you. What can you do with the peanuts? Teacher help students forecast the story. T: Angel has some peanuts,too.Who comes? Yes,little Cock.Angel gives him the peanuts.What does Little Cock do with the peanuts? Can you guess? 2.Teacher will show the other pictures and let students storting. Teacher help students understand the other pictures. 3.Students watch the cartoon and let students read after the story. Step3 Practice 1.Listen to the tape and repeat the story. 修改与补充2.Act the story one by one. 3.Teacher help students make the new story by another pictures. Step4 Consolidation Students repeat the sentences by pictures. Step4 Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read after it on page 24 to 25. 2.Students repeat story to their parents. Blackboard Design:Story It`s summer. Let`s water the peanuts. I want to swim. 教学后记:备课组成员:主 主 备 人: Recycle 1 Lesson 1 教学目标: 1.Be able to review some words from unit1 to unit3. 2.Be able to listen and speak ability through for further training. 3.Be able to sing the song to further improve the students` ability to rap. 教学重点: Students could review some words. 教学难点: 1.Students could listen and speak ability through for further training. 2. Students could communicate functional sentences fluently in the situation. 教学模式: “Cooperation progress-happy” Teaching mode 教具准备: Words cards. The recorder tape. Courseware. 教学过程: Step1 Warm -up : 1.Greeting T: Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. 2.Oral play T: What’s the weather like today? S1: It’s ______. T: Can you play...? S1: Yes,I can./No,I can’t.. Step2 Presentation: 1.Say the chant of unit1--3 2.Game a.Bomb game 教师在单词卡片中穿插放置几张炸弹图片。