26、还有感伤;有父亲的严厉惩罚,有他源源不断的爱。爸爸的花儿凋谢了,“我”不再是孩子,“我”长大了。丑小鸭安徒生 教学目标:认知目标:积累本文中的生词和短语。能力目标:认识童话故事《丑小鸭》的自传色彩。了解这一形象的社会意义,培养学生欣赏文学作品的能力。情感目标:丑小鸭之所以能变成白天鹅,是因为他心中有一个梦想,正朝着它飞去,让同学们明白命运是没有轨迹的,关键在于追求美丽境界和美好的理想。教学重点:通过丑小鸭的经历让我意识到,要想成为一只“白天鹅”,需要自己的努力,最重要的是要有天鹅一样高贵的灵魂。教学时间: 一课时 教学过程:一、简介:童年 在我的记忆里,有很多美丽动人的故事,善良的小白
27、雪公主,可怜的火柴小姑娘,孤独的嫦娥,大方无私的快乐王子。曾经有过可爱的丑小鸭吗? (板书题目)二、了解作者,学生介绍所知道的,老师会做适当的补充(安徒生的生活可以更详细)。 三、消除阅读障碍:(命名后一起阅读和记忆)注音:傻笑、吐鸡、灯芯、草、铰链、爆发、听写:沼泽、嫉妒、木屐、嗖嗖
28、假笑解读:挤出来势汹汹的漫漫四、你喜欢这个童话吗?请谈谈你的理由。 《丑小鸭》《丑在哪里?它出生的时候是什么样子?请联系书中的句子回答。(见彩图)五、学生跳读全文后做研究。< @1.你知道通篇的线索是什么吗?(按名字回答)(合理线索)很清楚:以丑小鸭的流浪脚印为线索2.全文哪里写到了丑小鸭小鸭的流浪生活?请分别找出来(明结构)在沼泽老妇人灌木丛中的老农家花园3,简单总结一下各地发生的故事,你是怎么看待的?丑小鸭
29、你如何对待自己的生活?具体说法请联系回答。 (知道内容)沼泽:(同情,歧视)老妇人的房子:(被嘲笑)灌木丛中:(向往美丽和幸福)老农舍:(被追逐)花园里:(被称赞)4找到拿出童话中的几个人物(动物)形象,结合具体句子说说自己的看法。 (认图) 启示:老师看到了从冰雪中救出丑小鸭的仁慈农夫。我似乎看到了那个时代那些乐于助人的善良仁慈的人。 (让学生自由发表意见)(悲伤、可笑、轻蔑、美丽都可以通过人物朗读来理解猫君和鸡娘)结合本题理解文章和自传的现实意义本文中的童话色彩。 5 你知道为什么丑小鸭会变成白天鹅吗?找出文中对应的句子,分析(理解主题)关键句:
30、 我觉得我最好去更广阔的世界。 B I'm going to fly to them, it's much better to fly to these noble birds to suffer in winter C As long as you're a swan, it doesn't matter if you were born on a duck farm. D He is very embarrassed, because a good heart is a research discussion that will never be proud: some people say that the ugly duckling turned into a white swan is the result of his own pursuit and hard work; If the weak mother duck is driven away, even the place where she originally lived will become a white swan.你同意哪种观点? (The setting of this question is to allow students to argue and to deeply understand the theme of the work in the collision of ideas.) Analysis: 1.The reason why the ugly duckling is "ugly" is to use the aesthetic standards of the duck family to evaluate; The reason why it is incompetent in the eyes of the cat gentleman and the chicken lady is also measured by the ability standard of the cat family and the chicken family. So people can never admit its beauty
31、. 2.If the ugly duckling doesn't leave the old woman's house and pursue the life he wants, so as to know the white swan in the bushes, he will never know himself correctly. 六、What kind of inspiration does the ugly duckling teach us? (The wonderful speeches of the students who can write on the blackboard) 1.Being able to bravely leave the place where he was bullied and go to an unknown world. 2.Able to abandon the so-called warm and comfortable life and pursue the life you want. 3.The process of its own understanding and discovery shows that without the pursuit of a better realm and an ideal life, and without experiencing so much tempering, you will not find that you can actually become a miracle of life. 七、Extended extension: 1.In our real life, there are also many ugly ducklings, they have become a beautiful white swan after their own hard work, appreciate the article and grasp every minute of life , Destiny has no track2.Invite students to talk about their feelings after listening to the two articles. 八、Homework assignment: Choose one of the following essay topics to write an essay A Fate has no track B The Ugly Duckling’s dream九、Blackboard writing design: Ugly Duckling White Swan Swan Egg Ugly Duckling (Persistent Pursuit) The Ugly Duckling tells us: 1. To become a "white swan" requires one's own efforts. The important thing is to have a noble soul like a swan. 2. Fate has no track, three points are destined, and seven points depend on oneself. Becoming a "white swan" Teaching postscript: 1. Teaching is carried out in accordance with the ideas of rationale, clues, structure, knowledge, content, image, and theme. The links are tightly connected and the thinking is clear. In the "image identification" part, the students have demonstrated