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2021-08-04 23:27 网络整理 教案网

2、 The theme is correct, but the central idea is not prominent, the speech is smoother, and the total score is 3 points. 3、 is correct, but the main ideas are scattered and the speech is not smooth. The total score is 1-2.5. ) Group simulation exercises 2 times, 6 points each time. (Standard: 1、3 points for correct content and method, 2 points for simulation and realistic, 1 point for fluent explanation, total score of 64 group simulation points. 2、 basically correct content and method, realistic simulation, fluent explanation, 12% of total score 5 Points. 3、 The content and method are basically correct, the simulation is artificial, the explanation is not fluent, and the total score is 4 points.) (2)期末结果号 1 2 3 4 5 6 Summative assessment requirements for the "Marketing Psychology" course Judgment questions, single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, essay questions, case analysis questions, the proportion of 10% 15% 15% 20% 15% 25%六、 textbook, data1. Textbook used: Shan Fengru. Marketing Psychology (Third Edition). Higher Education Press. 2014.08 2. Reference materials: (1)冯丽华. Marketing Psychology (Second Edition). Electronic Industry Press, 2009.01 (2)江林. Consumer Psychology and Behavior (Third Edition). Renmin University of China Press. 2007.04. (3)菲利普.科特勒著. Translated by Mei Qinghao. Marketing Management (No. 14 edition). Shanghai People’s Publishing House. 2010.013.Marketing Psychology Course Website: 4. Related Website: China Economic Information Network, China Marketing Communication Network, China Planning Network, Link Business Network, Global Brand Network, Salesman Network No. One marketing network, network marketing manual, China public relations network, China advertiser network, Bo Rui management online 七、 other issues that need to be explained