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2021-08-01 16:34 网络整理 教案网

二、As a teacher, textbooks must be understood and mastered. However, textbooks are only a tool for teachers to carry knowledge, and cannot be used as a reliance on teaching. In my opinion, the textbook is like a pool of water. You have to stand at a high place to look at it to feel clear. That is to say, you have to grasp the textbook from a higher angle than the textbook. The first step as a teacher is to study textbooks. Not only the textbooks for the grades taught in the institute, but also the textbooks for the entire middle school stage must be studied. First of all, we must know what knowledge students need to master in the biology curriculum throughout the junior high school stage. , How is the knowledge system arranged, what knowledge students need to learn at each learning stage, and those abilities that need to be cultivated and improved, and so on. In my teaching, I usually combine the knowledge in the textbook into a topic through my own arrangement, and then arrange the teaching schedule according to the students' specific academic conditions. And there are many activities throughout the teaching process, such as some classroom games, surveys, competitions, etc., so that students can master knowledge in a relaxed learning atmosphere.

三、Improve students' creative ability, and conduct inquiry-based activities in the teaching process. Biological science is a science that is changing day by day. I will always emphasize a concept to students in class. What the teacher tells in class or even the knowledge written in books is not necessarily correct. On the contrary, for biology, there is Perhaps some theories we have learned so far will be found to be wrong in future scientific investigations. In teaching, the knowledge that students learn is discovered through scientific inquiry by predecessors. Therefore, I believe that teaching is not rigidly teaching students knowledge. On the contrary, most of my classroom design is to put students in the environment where the scientists were at that time, let them experience the exploration process of the scientists, and guide them to find the essential laws hidden under various biological phenomena. At the same time, students are encouraged to question teachers and books, and encourage them to verify what they have learned through their own practice. For some new ideas put forward by students, as a teacher, we must give affirmation. It is most valuable to keep a creative heart of the child. And as a teacher, I must provide students with a platform suitable for creativity. For example, I can encourage students to fully demonstrate their talents and affirm their innovations in these activities by organizing hand-written newspapers and knowledge contests. I believe that, Students who grow up in such a relaxed, pleasant and encouraging environment will be the best reflection on teaching in terms of knowledge, ability, and innovation. In recent years, in our teaching, we have paid attention to letting students learn biological knowledge and cultivating biological abilities, while consciously infiltrating some innovative enlightenment education to students. This semester I still insist on cultivating students’ innovative spirit and practice. Focus on ability, strengthen teaching routine management, deepen classroom teaching reform, earnestly implement curriculum plans, implement teaching reform measures, and vigorously promote quality education, so as to strive to improve teaching quality.