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目标教学是通过教学信息的反馈来实现的。在课堂教学中,教师应及时检测学生的学习情况,并根据检测情况采取相应措施,使绝大多数学生达到预定的教学目标。考试形式一般采用提问或笔试的形式。当然,尽量多用笔试,让更多的学生参与,效果更有效。 After the explanation of each knowledge point is completed, some "small, precise and lively" exercises can be appropriately selected for testing to determine the student's knowledge of the situation, and according to the problems exposed in the test, targeted group or individual guidance will使绝大多数学生达到教学目标的要求。教师对教学中的反馈信息有更全面的了解,实现对教学过程的优化控制,有利于巩固学生所学知识,提高教学目标的实现率,从而提高课堂教学质量.








心理学告诉我们,目的是人们采取行动的结果,动机是促使人们采取行动的动力。如果学生明确实验的目的,自觉地运用现场实验的内在动机,实验的效果会非常好。但是,刚开始一、的二年级学生对实验充满好奇、活跃、不熟悉。有的学生认为实验课好玩,缺乏科学态度,有的学生认为不参加高考,学习目的不明确。这些都给实验班的组织和教学带来了一定的困难。因此,除了要求学生在实验前在课本中明确实验目的外,还必须明确实验在生产生活中的实际应用。例如,在用显微镜上课时,建议医生诊断贫血、癌症等疾病,除了看、问、查外,还要通过实验室检查,使用显微镜、电子显微镜等. 对患者病变部位的细胞和组织进行病理诊断。得出结论。如果没有科学的方法,患者会被误诊,严重时会危及生命,造成无法挽回的损失。同时介绍了显微镜在工业、农业、医学等领域的广泛应用,激发学生的学习动力,树立科学态度,增加学习兴趣,克服组织教学的困难。 .


实验程序是学生规范操作的要领。只有了解和掌握,才能规范操作,实验才能成功。因此,指导学生在实验前进行预习,从复杂中简化实验步骤,把握每一步的关键词,与实验步骤相配合,才能获得良好的实验效果。比如显微镜使用过程中的“三一”:一、装放放放试间个间面一个手(5-7cm);二、对光要目(目镜)物体(物镜)透光(光孔、光源)直线,光强用平面镜,光强用凹面镜; 三、观察标本时,孔的中心距物镜一厘米。当视野中出现试样的颜色或杂质时,即表示观察目标即将就位。图像清晰,在未找到目标时缓慢移动载玻片标本即可找到。教师规范操作一步,一边讲述这一步的注意事项,一边让学生模仿操作一步,老师来回走动,及时表扬学生在规范操作中快速准确。纠正错误的操作。例如,用左眼观察时,纠正用右眼观察或闭右眼观察的习惯。转动转换器时,纠正拉物镜的错误操作。就这样,学生们迅速调整了光线,观察了视野中的标本图像。使用显微镜后将外部擦拭干净。转动转换器,将物镜移到两侧,放回原位。做一个临时安装实验,先在黑板上写下搓→滴→取→展→封面→染色的实验步骤,让学生看书了解每一步的意思,圈出关键词,老师会讲讲每一步的意义。并注意问题,让学生边操作边模仿操作。然后强调注意事项。滴一滴水,太多容易溢出,太少容易出现气泡。材料薄而透明,便于观察,压平防止重叠,轻轻覆盖防止气泡。气泡和细胞的区别在于,气泡的圆边较粗且呈黑色,中间呈亮白色,受轻压变形。这样,学生快速掌握步骤和要领,在显微镜下观察自己临时支架上的细胞,识别细胞壁、细胞质和细胞核(细胞膜靠近细胞壁,在光下看不到)显微镜),然后绘制细胞结构图。这样,学生就达到了实验的目的和要求。他们激动而终生难忘。

3、 指导学生观察实验现象。



学生在实验过程中的规范操作是实验的基础,仔细观察实验现象是达到实验目的和探索实验结果的关键。但是,学生在实验中往往只注重操作,而忽视观察和分析。例如,在解剖鲫鱼的过程中,学生认为解剖结束,实验就结束了。针对这个问题,我在实验前编写了一份实验指南,并要求学生在准备实验时准备纸板,并在某个位置写上鲤鱼的各个器官和系统的名称。在做鲫鱼解剖实验时,首先让学生观察鱼的各种鳍在游泳中的作用。然后,按照步骤规范操作解剖,将观察到的器官和系统解剖放在纸板上写的相应位置,并在实验指导的空白处填写相应的结构和功能,老师会检查分数。我在下一堂课前做了一个 5 分钟的小测验,181 名学生中有 160 人得分超过 90,其余的得分超过 80。这样,通过学生的手、眼、脑、观察和分析思维,学生得到了培养认真的科学态度,掌握知识,提高能力。

4、 考察需要掌握教材的高难度实验。

I conducted experiments in my class, such as observing plant cells with a microscope, exploring the composition of seeds, the anatomy of crucian carp, etc. After finishing the basic structure of the plant, the experiment of observing plant cells with a microscope was examined. This experiment not only examined the use of the microscope, but also examined the production of temporary mounts, and also examined the understanding of cell structure Lay the foundation for biological experiments. I refer to the method and grading standard of the high school graduates' physical experiment examination "Microscope Use and Temporary Mounting Production", one-third of the students complete it within 5 minutes, and the evaluation is above 90; most of them are completed within 8 minutes, and the evaluation is 80. Scores above; very few students completed under the guidance of teachers, rated 60 points. In this way, through experimental examinations, students are encouraged to carefully preview, review, and operate. Find out in time the students with poor experiment operation, strengthen individual tutoring, so that everyone can pass the test. In this way, the contradiction of less experimental equipment, more students, and difficulty in handling can be overcome, and the students' interest in studying biology is improved. In summary, through experimental teaching, students have cultivated the basic methods of learning biological sciences, a serious scientific attitude, and the development of intelligence, which has increased their interest in learning biology, thereby improving the quality of biology teaching.

Through several years of teaching and practicing biology experiment courses, I have realized that biology experiment courses can play a great role in improving the teaching quality of biology subjects. I am determined to continue to carry out the reform of the experimental course in depth, improve the quality of students in an all-round way, and improve the quality of biology teaching.

Chapter Five:

In the teaching of junior high school biological sciences, I think the most important thing is to firmly grasp the three parts

一、初中生物’s educational object is for all students. His purpose is not to train biologists to cultivate biological talents. The purpose of junior high school biology teaching is to improve the biological science literacy of all middle school students and cultivate their love Nature, consciously protect the environment, increase their interest in biological sciences, and lay the most basic foundation for some people who will be engaged in biological careers in the future. In other words, the purpose of junior high school biology teaching is comprehensive, basic, and scientific literacy education. From this point of view, in my biology education philosophy, from the moment I contact students, I have been training them to learn about biology. The interest of the subject is the main purpose. Every classroom design and every activity arrangement of mine is student-centered, and the central idea is to cultivate students' basic qualities. In the preparation of classroom teaching, I will pay more attention to choosing extra-curricular knowledge related to book knowledge. For example, when I talk about the ecological environment, I will do the Biosphere 2 Project, and I will allow students to watch China's drug-free propaganda when it is absolutely drug-free. In short, enriching students' knowledge, enhancing students' interest in biology, and cultivating their biological science literacy are the core of the teaching philosophy.