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2020-08-24 07:12 网络整理 教案网




【课题】Lesson 14

【重点】 句型“Is this …? May I use it?”及其肯定回答;单词“yes, it”;句子“Yes, it is.”。

【难点】 正确朗读单词:pencil, pencil-box, notebook, story-book


1、 导入:

1) 学生朗读上一课的课本,教师用粉笔在记分册上登上成绩。登最后一个成绩时,教师故意登错,然后对着一位学生桌上的橡皮问:“Is this youreraser?”,这名学生可答出:“Yes.”。教师又问:“May I useit?”,并用中文解释说:“我可用一下吗?”,学生说:“Yes.”,教师拿走橡皮,并说:“Thank you.”。


3)教师创设情景,向老师借不同的物品, 引导学生用“Certainly.”或“Sorry.”回答。

4)教师领读“May I use your notebook?”,并指出“use”和“notebook”的读音。

5) 学生一人一组相互借用学习用品, 做对话练习。

如:A: May I use your notebook/ eraser/ pen/ …?

B: Certainly. / Sorry.

2、 Learn to say:


1) 让学生看图,听两遍录音。

2) 学生听第三遍录音,教师请师生做访谈中的男生,边听边回答学生的疑问。教师问:“Is this youreraser?”,学生答:“Yes.”,教师帮助学员回答完整:“Yes, it is”。教师领读“Yes, it is.”,强调“itis”的连读,并请几组学生朗读。

3) 继续听录音老师问:“May I use it?”,学生答:“Certainly.”。

4) 学生做访谈中的女生,听录音重复问题:“Excuse me. Is this your eraser?”和“May I useit?”。教师回答学员的疑问,并迅速纠正学生的发音,如:“excuse”中的[iks],学生爱发成[isk];“May I use it?”中“useit”的连读。


6) 学生分角色演出课文,男生读A部分,女生读B部分,而后再互换。最后校长请部分师生朗读短文。

3、 Let’s practise:


2)教师把动词和英语分开,并打乱顺序,让学生看英语找出相对应的词组。可以多加些词,如:yes, it, pen, eraser等。

3) 学生两人一组,用黑板上的词组做对话练习。

如:A: Is this your pencil?

B: Yes, it is.

A: May I use it?

B: Certainly.

4) 学生到黑板前舞台对话,每说完一词则拿下此词,要求每组的词不准重复。继续活动,直至把黑板上的单词练完为止。

4、Let’s play:

A game

1) 教师发给学员每人一张Bingo的游戏板,教师说句子学生在任意格中写下单词。

2) 请9名学生到黑板前说出刚刚读过的9个单词,其他学生判断对错,并检查自己的书写。


4) 继续活动,直至全班大多数学生都有过“Bingo”。





六句话分别是:May I use your notebook?

May I use your story-book?

May I use your pencil-box?

Is this your notebook?

Is this your story-book?

Is this your pencil-box?





一、 Warmer up:

(The pupils come to the seat.)

T: Hello,boys and girls!I'm your new English teacher today.My name isMeggy.

Are you ready for class?

Ss: I’m ready!

T: OK.Let's begin our class.

I'm new here.I want to talk with you.Who want to talk with me ?



S:How are you?

T:Fine,thank you!How are you?

S:I'm fine,thank you.

T:Nice to meet you!

S:Nice to meet you,too!

T:You are so brave,a sticker for you.

Go on with S2 and S2.


T:Today,I’m very glad to be here.I want to be your friend.Do you want to bemy friend?

Teacher show the word friend on the screen.

T:Do you want to be my friend?


T:Hello!What’s your name? You are my friend,yes?

S:My name's …

T:How are you?

S:I'm fine,thank you.

T:Nice to meet you!

S:Nice to meet you,too!

T: You are my friend,yes?


T:This is my friend,…。How about you?


The students ask this question one by one

T:How are you?

S:I'm fine,thank you.

T:Today,we have 3 new friends.Could you say hello to them?

(A picture and a card are showde at the same time on the screen.)【Thestudents try to guess the meaning of the sentences according to the pictures andtry to answer them】

T: I'll read it only one time.Listen carefully. How old are you?。【Payattention old】

The students read them by themselves.

T:Does anybody want to ask me?

S:How old are you?

T:Sorry,it's a secret.”【进行文化渗透,在西方问女士的年龄是不礼貌的】

T:This is our new friend Sarah. Could you say hello to Sarah?

Sarah:I'm nine.Today is my birthday.

【借由学生与多媒体中人物的访谈互动引入本课的另一个句子:Happpy birthday!以及情景birthday party。】

T: T:(Show the cake)Look,I have a birthday cake。Let’s eat the birthdaycake,OK?

Ss:No.This is for Sarah.

T: (The teacher read the sentences and the students followed.

birthday cake及 Let’s eat the birthday cake。Let’s go to the birthdayparty,OK? (PPT show the picture of Wuyifan and Mike))Oh,Wuyifan and Mike !Whathappened?Let's have a look!

(1)Show the question and play the video.

T:What did Wuyifan say when he give the present to Sarah?

How old is Sarah?

(2)The students answer the questions after the video ,the teacher show themthe answers and give them prize.

T:What did Wuyifan say when he give the present to Sarah? What did Sarahanswer him?

S:Happy birthday! Thank you!

T:How old is Sarah? How to know that?

S:9.I'm nine.


(1)Play the video again ,the students should read it in roles thistime.

(2)Every group show in front of the classroom one by one.

四、 Expendition


T: If today is your partener's birthday,how do you make a dialogue withhim/her?

(2)多媒体呈现呈现:T:My dear friends,do you know who gave you life? Your parents.Doyou know who will love you forever? Your parents.Do you know your parents'birthday? What will you say to them?

S:Thank you!


T:If today is your parents' birthday.

Can you make a card for them?卡片上画birthday cake ,写上“Happy birthday




《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·牛津小学英语》1A第七单元第三课时(Say a rhyme, Play a game)。



1. 继续巩固an eye,an ear,a mouth和a nose的认读。

2. 继续巩固祈使句Touch your … 能帮对方发指令,语音语调正确。

3. 会说歌谣Follow me。

4. 能使用早已学过的英语与对方做简单的交流。