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2020-08-15 07:20 网络整理 教案网




Good morning everyone. Standing here, I’m very happy and excited. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me. And I’ll try my best. Today I’ll talk about unit from my contents consist of 8 parts

Analysis of the teaching material

Analysis of the students

Teaching methods

Teaching aims and demands

Teaching aids

Teaching procedure

Blackboard design

And conclusion

Well, firstly, I’ll talk about part 1 analysis of the teaching material. I have concluded the features of……. 1 . there are a lot pictures. For this, the kids will be interested in the book. As we all know that interest is best teacher for the students. 2. It lays stress on the communication. According to the problem of Chinese students learning English , the book design a lot of material to improve the students’ ability of listening speaking, reading, and writing. So I think the book is very good.

Then I’ll talk about next part analysis of the students. It is known to us that the kids are very active and like playing games very much, so during my class, I’ll design some interesting games to activate them to participate and learn something. They will also be interested in the class.

Next I’ll talk about teaching methods. My teaching methods are task-based approach and situational approach. Using different methods can make the class active.

Let’s move on to another part, teaching aims and demands. There are knowledge aims and ability aim.

Knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the words and phrases:………. And the sentences:…


Ability aims are To improve students’

listening and speaking ability by reading and practicing the dialogue.

Next is the teaching aids. In this class, I’ll use pictures, PPT and tape recorder. These can arouse the students’ interest in English.

Now I’ll talk about most important part teaching procedure. It consists of 5 steps. Warning up, lead-in, contents key points and difficult points and homework.

Step1 is warming up. Here I’ll use PPT to play a English song Bingo for the students and I’ll ask them try to follow it to sing together. By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and improve their ability of speaking.

Step2 is lead-in (导入根据所授内容设计,可借助展示与本课有关的话题以及图片之类引出本课话题)

Step 3 is contents(本个别为主要培训内容及组织的教学活动。可从听说读写四块分写) Step 4 is key points and difficult points(本部分列出本课重难点可为单词短语或词汇知识) Step 5 is homework.(作业方式最好新颖,例如课使教师依据本课内容做个小调查等) (conclusion)

To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them. If I were a teacher, I would build a close relation with my students, helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives. I’ll try my best and I’m confident that I can be a good teacher.


Unit 1 How often do you exercise

Section A说课教案

1a ---1c

教材分析:本单元以“How often do you exercise ?”为话题展开教学活动。首先学会正确地使用频度副词及时态,再学会描述课余时间的活动安排跟基本饮食结构。通过复习七年级学习过的介词短语,及本单元的听力训练初中英语评课稿范文,各种形式的口语交际活动跟口语训练,使学员积极参加,合作,从而培养学员的综合语言采用素质。教材在本单元的开篇,即本课时,安排了关于谈论课余时间的各项活动,以及初步了解跟使用频度副词,为进一步地使用频度副词及时态动词做语言知识上的准备。


A:语言目标:恰当使用always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 等频率副

词跟日常活动短语:watch TV go shopping read books exercise等。


掌握句型: What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.

What does she do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies.



教学重点:核心句型: What do you usually do on weekends?

I often go to the movies.


教学工具:词汇卡片 多媒体课件一套


Step1 Warm-up activities

(1) Do it (学生按教师的指令做动作)

T:Read books. / Do homework!/ Draw pictures/ Look at the blackboard

T: run / stop / stand up / sit down.

(2) Do as I do.(学生和同学边说边做动作)

I read books on weekends.

I run on weekends.


I do my homework on weekends.

Step 2 Revision and presentation

(1)教师问:“What do you usually do on weekends ? ” (并且板书)让学员按照自己的实际回答 I usually on weekends.

(2)教师出示动词卡片 watch TV、read books 、exercise 、clean、skateboard、 play basketball、wash clothes、go shopping、 go to movies让学生认读。

(3)做游戏:“ What’s missing?” (学生先把单词卡片全部读一遍,教师从卡片中任意抽掉一张初中英语评课稿范文,再让学生看卡片读单词词汇,然后让学生写出抽掉的是那一张词汇卡片。)

Step 3 Pattern drill and dialogue

(1)出示词汇卡片给学员,并询问:“What do you usually do on weekends?” 引导学生提问: I usually on weekends.

(2)Task one “Find my group members.”

在要求 时间内填完活动表格,再向周边同学开始求助,找出与自己课外活动大致相似的同事请他或她在每项活动里面签名。

to each picture , ask and answer in pairs . “What ’s the boy/girl doing ? ” “He/She is reading .” Check the answers on the blackboard and ask students to correct their own activities.(1a )

Step 4 Presentation and drill

(1)教师指着屏幕说:“ Now let’s see my activities on weekends. 屏幕上发生各项活动的照片并介绍。 I always read books at 6:00 in the morning. Then I usually run at 6:30. I often clean my house in the afternoon. Sometimes I watch TV, but I never watch TV too much. I hardly ever go to the movies.


always(100%) usually(80%) often (30-50%)

sometimes(20%) hardly ever(5%) never(0%)




教师依次提问: What do you do on weekends?

引导学生用图片中的活动及副词回答,如:I usually run.

(4)Task Two: Making cards

每个学生把自己的课外活动做成卡片,再把频率副词做成卡片,然后一个学生问What do you do on weekends? 另一个学生分别拿一张活动卡片和频率卡片并用其进行回答。

Step 5 Practice and drill

(1)Play the recording the first time .Students only listen . Play the recording a second time . Point to the pictures . This time say , Listen to the conversation and write the letter of one activity (a through e )after the word in the list .(1b)

(2) 屏幕上发生一张一个女孩读书的照片,教师提问:

What does she do on weekends?

再点击图片出现主语often 引导学生提问 She often reads books.

(3) 点击屏幕出现 A:What do you do on weekends?

B: I often read books.

C: What does she do ?

D: She often reads books/

(4) 点击图片出现活动照片,四人小组练习对话。

Step 6 Homework

(1)Make a conversation “What do you usually do after school ?” in groups.

(2)Collect some information about your favorite teacher with your partners ,such as his or her personality , hobby , eating habit and so on . Then introduce this teacher to us .