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教 案New Horizon 新视野大学英语(四)教研室:大学数学教学部教师姓名: 课程名称New HorizonCollege English 授课专业和学校培训内容Unit Eight Slavery Gave Me Nothing to Lose授课学时4教学目的This reading passage looks into racial problems from a different perspective. Generally the black like to attack the discrimination against them, but the author from her personal experience comes to a different conclusion in a positive way.教学重点Study the language points and the narrative skill of a story. 教学方法Student-oriented communicative teaching, free discussion and interaction.教学过程Warm-up activities (10 minutes)Understanding the text (10 minutes) (Ask the students some questions related to the text.)3. Detailed studies of the text (50 minutes)4. Grammar and exercises (20 minutes)5. Writing skills introduction (20 minutes)作业Assign homework: 1. how to bring facts to life. 2. Translation and after-class reading.. 辅助方式Multimedia software, CD-ROM 教学内容Warm-up activitiesIntroductory Remarks:Step 1: Show some pictures and watch a video, discuss in groups.Step 2: 1). What have you heard about the black in the States. 2). Have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level? 3). What are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?4). "Human rights" is a term frequently used but seldom defined. What rights should belong to every human being? II. Understanding the text1. Analyze the structure of the passage.2. Discuss the three main parts: childhood experience, consciousness of her skin color, reflection of being a black.3. Explore the social issues of the US; how to achieve success out of unfavorable situation.III. Detailed studies of the text1. up to/till/until (L. 1)until 直到…Up to now, Mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.到现在为止,斯科特先生从一个车子修理部向另一个汽车修理部发送了长期索取备件的邮件和其它紧急函件。

Everyone works, from the lift boy up to the President.从电梯工人到总经理人人都工作。occupied with, especially devising or scheming 忙于What are you up to?你在忙什么? 2. exclusive (L. 2)Excluding or tending to exclude排他的The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals.饭店每天收费二十美元,不包括用餐。This is an exclusive white residential area.这是一个纯粹的黑人居住区。The reporter had an exclusive interview with the Nobel prize winner.那位记者独家专访了这位诺贝尔奖得主。clud, clus: closeconclusiveexclusionexclusionaryexclusiveinclusivereclusereclusiveseclusionincludeexcludeoccludepreclude3. in passing (L. 11)by the way; casually; as a matter of second importance顺便提起He mentioned in passing that he had been there once.他顺便提及他当时到过哪里一次。

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4. break off (L. 17)1. to stop suddenly, as in speaking 说话时忽然打住 2. to discontinue (a relationship) 断绝(关系)We had to break off our discussion, because it was getting late.时间晚了,我们被迫中止讨论。In my view, you should break off with Jim.依我看,你因该终端和他的交往。常用词语:break down失败;故障break in训练, 闯入, 打断break into 破门而入, 侵占break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷break through 突围, 突破5. give of (L. 23)give money, time, etc. esp. in a way that seems generous; to devote or contribute:(慷慨)给予; 奉献大学教案范文,贡献,We’re very grateful to all the people who have given of their time.我们对所有付出时间的人深表敬意。

She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of education.她确实抽出时间来麻烦。为了提升教育品质,他们奉献了自己。give off: to send forth; emit 发出,释放出The food gave off a bad smell.食物早已发臭了。6. tendency (L. 28)a predisposition to think, act, behave, or proceed in a particular way 脾性:思想、行为、举止的一种倾向His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roommates.他老是说话尖刻,使同寝室的人和他疏远了。He has a tendency towards pessimism.他有消极的倾向。tend v. . 倾向;易于[(+to/towards)][+to-v]He tends towards selfishness.他有自私自利的倾向。

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She tends to get angry when others disagree with her.别人不同意她的见解时,她很容易生气。7. at one’s elbow (L. 35)nearby, close by在(某人)手边She stayed up all night writing the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.她熬了一整夜写论文,身边放着一壶咖啡。up to the/one's elbows 非常忙;深深卷入She was up to her elbows in preparing dinner when the doorbell rang.门铃响时她正在为打算晚饭忙得不可开交。8. pay for (L. 40)偿还, 赔偿He'll have to pay for what he has done.他将为自己所做的一切付出损失。I think it is right to pay good for evil.Do you know how much he paid for the spectacles? Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.那些城市的规划者们如果忽略这一点,将会付出你们能够承受的损失。

9. in the main (L. 50)in general; on the whole大体上;基本上The letters, in the main, were from his father.这些信大部分是他母亲写来的。In the main, the money raised goes to children’s charities.多数状况下,募集的资金送到了儿童慈善机构。10. in company with (L. 51)together with 一起In the army, he found comradeship, excitement and adventure in company with men of similar taste.在军队里大学教案范文,他跟志趣相投的人共同体验了亲情、刺激跟冒险。She came in company with a group of girls.她同一群女孩子一起来。固定表达:for company 陪伴in company 在(客)人面前keep company with 与...在一起part company (with) 分离Two's company, three's none. 两人结伴,三人不欢。

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11. alter (L. 58)become different; make sb. or sth. different变更,更改The design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement.这台数控机床的电路设计需要改动,以适应新的要求。The city has altered almost out of recognition since I left there five years ago.自从五年前我离开以后,那座城市未更加几乎认不出了。12. more or less (L. 59)to some extent or degree; somewhat或多或少,有点儿We hope our explanation will prove more or less helpful.希望我们的表明或多或少有些帮助。He more or less thought it was his duty to tell me.他或多或少认为告诉我是他的责任。