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人教版 Book 1 Unit 2 Section A


Analysis of the Teaching Material

Ⅰ. Status and Function

1. This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each Sample. To attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To start listing “Word Bank” and tell the Ss to remember the new words. To start asking the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

2. This lesson is the first one of Unit 2. So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

3. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.

Ⅱ. Analysis of The Students

The Ss has learned English for about one month so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.

Ⅲ. Teaching Aims and Demands

The teaching aim's basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus'provision.

1. Knowledge objects

(1) To make the Ss know how to use the affirmative sentence “This is...” and the negative sentence “This is not...”Everyday expressions for “Apologies”“I'm sorry”“That's all right”.

(2) To study the new words “six, hey,sorry英语初中教案模板范文, it’s, that's”,etc. by learning the dialogue of this lesson.

(3) To finish some exercises.

2. Ability objects

(1) To develop the Ss' abilities of listening英语初中教案模板范文, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss' ability of working in pairs.

(3) To develop the Ss' abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3. Moral objects

(1) To enable the Ss to be polite and love life.

(2) To enable the Ss to look after their things well.

Ⅳ. Teaching Key and Difficult Points

The teaching key and difficult points'basis is established according to Sample A of Lesson Six in the teaching material's position and function.

1. Key points:

(1) To help the Ss to communicate with each other.

(2) To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3) To develop the Ss'interest in English.

2. Difficult points:

(1) How to make dialogues and act them out.

(2) How to write the right whole sentences.

Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: Powerpoint or Authorware, school things and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

02The Teaching Methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. Audio-visual teaching method

3. Task-based teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students' abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I'll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method,“Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I'll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I'll give the Ss some tasks and arrange five kinds of activities: talking, guessing games, watching CAI, acting out Sample A having a competition.

Teaching special features:

To use these methods are helpful to develop the Ss'thought.


Studing Ways

1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.

2. Let the Ss pass "Observation—Imitation—Practice " to study language.

3. Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.

Teaching special features:

Let the Ss communicate with each other and adopt competition methods to develop the Ss’ keen interest in English.


Teaching Procedure

I’ll finish this lesson in four steps. First I'll divide the Ss into four groups and bring a competition into the class. At last let's see which group is the winner.

Step1 Warm-up

1. Free talk between T and Ss .

Such as: Hi, I'm . . . . What's your name?

This is …. How do you do?

Who is he/she? How are you?

Who can count from 1to 5?

What's this in English? etc.

2.A game: Ask the Ss to give T some school things. For example:

T: Give me your book.(ruler, box, pen, table, knife, etc.)

T: This is your book. This is not my book. It's your book. etc.

In this course I'll ask them to make a dialogue group by group without repetition. Find out which group will make the most dialogues.

Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by imitating and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge.

Step2. Presentation

This course is very important. I'll mainly talk about this step.

I'll use CAI to present the whole dialogue. Arrange some situations to help Ss understand Sample A.

First scene: There is a bag on the floor. B is picking it up and get ready to leave. Now A is talking with B.

A: Hi, B. How are you today?

B: I'm fine, thank you. And you?

A: I'm fine, too. Oh, this is my bag.

B: No, this is not your bag. It's my bag.

A: (Look closely) Oh, I'm sorry.

B: That's all right.

(At the same time, C is running up and hitting A.)

C: Oh, I'm sorry.

A: That's OK.