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2020-08-30 02:21 网络整理 教案网

高中英语备课教案模板_初一数学备课教案模板_初中数学 备课教案模板















高中英语备课教案模板_初一数学备课教案模板_初中数学 备课教案模板




*1 从备课开始,笔试和口试备课大致相似,但是还是有一定差距的。笔试的之后时间自己把握的,但是面试备课的时间是固定的,像我写字如果想写工整一点的话就更慢,我考试教案没读完,就是写得很慢了!所以就想着还是写简案,那也比没写到好。还特地留了时间去整理讲课思路,哈哈哈。备课一定把句子写好,不要搞得更花,反正高考作文怎么工整,教案就如何来要求自己。






Grandpa: Can you come over here? Li Lan? I need help finding my glasses.

Li Lan: Ok, Grandpa! Where did you put them?

Grandpa: Eh? What did you say? Speak up, child!


Grandpa: You don’t need to shout, child! I can here you just fine!

Li Lan: Ok, well, did you look in your coat pocket?

初中数学 备课教案模板_高中英语备课教案模板_初一数学备课教案模板

Grandpa: My boat? Child, I don’t have a boat!







Dear teachers, let me read this dialogue first.


Then allow me to begin my presentation.

Good morning, class. Welcome back to school after three day holiday of the Labor’s Day. Where did you go on vacation? Jack? You went to Sichuan to see pandas? They must be very lovely. Peter?You went to visit your grandparents? Oh, they are very lonely when you are not with them. So you went to see them. Very good grandson. Because family is important. So during the holiday Li Lan also went to accompany her grandpa. Let’s see what interesting things happened to them.

Now listen to the dialogue and tell me.// It’s over. What happened to them? Iris? Iris said grandpa can’t find his glasses and asked Li Lan to help him. Is she right? Yes, nicely done! Sit down please. And did they find it in the end? No? Why? Oliver. Because grandpa couldn’t hear Li Lan clearly and misunderstood her question. Is he right? Yes, excellent!

You all got the meaning of this dialogue clearly. While listening, do you find that some words are stressed and others are not? Yes? But what kinds of words can be stressed and what kinds are not? You can’t say it exactly? Ok, let’s listen again and this time, pay attention to what kinds of words did they stress.

The tape is over. Did you find it? Cindy, you said you find that words like “come, need, help, finding, glasses. Grandpa..fine..” are stressed. Good, you listened very carefully. Can you find what the property are they? They are nouns, and? Yes, nouns, verbs, adjectives. Right. sit down please. Apart from these three kinds of words, adverbials also needs to be stressed. But we don’t have an adverbial in the dialogue. But still remember that. Then almost the rest words are not stressed. Ok sit down. Oh I see Sara put up her hand. Sara please. You ask why the sentence “I SAID, WHERE DID YOU PUT THEM?” are all stressed? Good, you listened very carefully. The rules we conclude just now are general rules. But when someone really wants to stress on something he intends to let others pay attention. These words can also be stressed. Because grandpa can’t hear clearly. Li Lan stressed every word in a loud voice. Clear about all the rules now?

Ok, now let’s read after the tape and pay attention to the stress. // Now work with your deskmate, have a dialogue and correct each other’s pronunciation and stress. Five minutes for you to practice and then I would like some pairs to come to the front to have a role play.// Time is up! Which pairs want to show us? David and Rita please. So David played as grandpa and Rita as Li Lan. You can start! // They finished. Is there anything they should pay attention? Betty? You said the every word in the sentence “Where did you put them?” should be fully stressed. Yes. Good sit down please. But they performed very well. They are really like grandpa and granddaughter, right? Excellent performance. Thank you, go back to your seat.

高中英语备课教案模板_初中数学 备课教案模板_初一数学备课教案模板

Everyone, let’s watch a video clip here。 Are you familiar with it? I see all of you are nodding。 So the name of it is… yes, Friends。 Now 4-5students form a group and watch it again, you are supposed to find out as many stressed words as possible。 Finished? Group one, how many stressed words do you find? 5? Ok, what are they? They are… Christmas, present, dinner, give, seat。 Very good! Are there more? Group 3! You also find deer, beautiful… right! nicely done! Group 4, any supplements? …。Class, now we can clearly see that group 4 gives all the right answers。