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2019-12-30 09:01 网络整理 教案网




1基本信息Class Info单元主题Theme / Topic师生水平Grade/ Language level2教学目标Teaching Objectives1内容目标(content objectives)·知识 knowledge

·技能 processes/ skills

·标准 State/ ESL Standard(s)

·评价方法 How assessed?


2语言目标(language objectives)·语言意识 language awareness

·语言使用 language use

·标准 State/ ESL Standard(s)

·评价方法 How assessed?

3学习策略目标(learning strategies objectives)·元认知意识 metacognitive awareness

·练习策略 strategies to learn/ practice


·标准State/ ESL Standard(s)

·评价方法 How assessed?




·多媒体支持……4课堂进度--PPPProcedure1Preparation(1) How will I find out what my students already know about this content topic and what related prior experiences they have had?


(2) How will I find out what language skills and learning strategies they already know for this type of task?

(3) What vocabulary needs to be taught?

(4) What type of advanced organizer will give students a good overview of the lesson or unit?

2Presentation(1) what is the best way to present this content so that students understand the concepts?

(2) What language skills will they use?

(3) What learning strategies do I need to model, explain, and/ or remind them to use?


(4) How can I differentiate instruction so that each student understands what I present?

3Practice(1) What kind of activities will help my students apply the new information?

(2) What language skills will they be practicing?

(3) How will they apply learning strategies during practice activities?

(4) How can I differentiate the practice activities so that each student learns from them?

5教学反省Self-reflectionWhat is the best way for my students to assess their own learning of content, language, and learning strategies?6课余拓展Extention(1) How can I connect the topic of this lesson to students’ own lives, culture, and language?

(2) How does this topic connect to other content areas?

(3) How can parents become involved?

(4) How can I help students transfer what they have learned to new situations?
