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内容:—I like that green skirt.

—Me too. And I like those pants.

—What else are they wearing?

—They are wearing......

单词:Clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress.





Teaching Objectivist

(1)Knowledge Objective: Ss can master the words “clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress”

Ss can master the sentence structures “What are they wearing? They are wearing...”

(2)Ability Objectives: Students will have a basic concept of different clothes and use the words and sentences to discuss their favorite clothes.

(3)Emotional Objectives: Students can cultivate their interest in learning English.

Teaching important point & Teaching difficult point:

How to make students master and use the new words and structures in their daily life.

Teaching Methods:

Communication teaching method, task-based teaching method, audio-lingual teaching method.

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Let’s listen to a song “Ten little Indians” together.

Step2 Presentation

Show some pictures with the new words, and ask the Ss “What color is he\she wearing?” to review our last class, and lead the student repeat the words after teacher. And try to find how to use “be doing” by their own way.

Step3 Speaking

Design some question based on the students dressing to practice the new tense.

Step4 Explanation the text

—I like that green skirt.

—Me too. And I like those pants.

—What else are they wearing?

—They are wearing......

Listen and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation.

Group work. Read the dialogue aloud in groups.

Act out. Ask some groups to act out it.

Step5 Dialogue time

Work with your partner and make a new conversation.

Step6 Summary

Review Crammer point wit. Class

Step8 Homework:

Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Make up a dialogue. (编对话)

Blackboard Design






Dear Bob,

Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home now. I am doing my homework. My parents are watching TV in the living room. My grandfather is reading a piece of newspaper in my room. My sister is telephoning.

Your friend,







Teaching Objectives:

Knowledge objective: Students will be able to master the structure of “am/is/are doing”.

Ability objective: Students can use the structure of “am/is/are doing” in different situations to listen, speak, read and write.

Emotional objective: Students will love their family members more.

Teaching Key Points: How to make students master the structure of “am/is/are doing”.

Teaching Difficult Points: How to make students use the structure of “am/is/are doing” to express their opinions in daily life.

Teaching Methods: Communicative approach, Inductive method

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

The teacher greets students, and does a chat together with students.

Step 2 Presentation

The teacher performs a behavior of running and ask “What I am doing?” “ I am running.” Then points to one student and ask “What is he/she doing?” to make student to answer the question.

Then the teacher presents one picture on PPT. Then asks students to observe the picture and answer the following questions.

(1)What is the boy doing?

(2)What are his parents doing in the living room?

(3)What is his grandfather doing in his room?

(4)What is his sister doing?

Then the teacher constructs the students to conclude that the structure of present progressive tense is “am/is/are doing”.

Step 3 Practice

Activity One

The teacher shows students some pictures and writes down some sentences with blanks on PPT. The teacher invites four students from the four groups to fill in the blanks, using the structure of am/is/are doing and gives the group doing a good job one point.

My sister TV. (watch)

Jack basketball. (play)

I _ an English class. (have)

The sheep _ grass. (eat)

Activity Two

The teacher invites four students to make four sentences by using the structure of am/is/are doing. The one who doing a good job will get a reward.

Step 4 Production

The teacher asks students to read the dialogue with their desk mates, and then invites some students to perform their dialogue. The teacher gives some assessment.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

Summary: The teacher asks one student to share what he learned in this class.

Homework: The teacher asks students to write a story by using the structures of “am/is/are doing”.



One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Mascot in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the roles of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colors used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new Paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.