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Theaching goal:

1.能够听、说、认读五个有关房间的词组 study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room。

2.能够用This is my home. You can see a living room…句型简单介绍房子。

3.能够听懂“Let’s do”的指令,并作出相应的动作。

4. 培养教师对家的热爱,提高教师的英语表达能力跟交际能力。

Theaching key:


Theaching difficulty:单词bathroom, living room,的正确发音。

Theaching aid: Cards Tape recorder CAI

Theaching method: TPR Pairwork Groupwork

Theaching steps

Step 1 Warm-up

1. Good morning. Boys and girls. How are you? Nice to meet you.

2.Let’s sing《In the Classroom》,OK?

Step 2 Preview

1.Show the CAI(door ,window) What’s this? This is my home, there are manyroom are there? Do you visit my home? Now, let’s study Unit4 《My Home》.

Step 3 Presentation

1.(Show the CAI). This is my home, you can see a bedroom, a living room, astudy ,a kitchen and a bathroom.

2.Look ,what’s this?(客厅) There are five words on the blackboard, listen tome and guess, which word is “living room”?Teach“living room”. There is a TV inthe living room. What can you do in the living room? Teach“watch TV”.Chant“living room,living room , watch TV.”

3.(Show the CAI). .Look ,what’s this?(书房) Listen to me and guess, whichword is “study”?Teach“study”. There are many books in the study. What can you doin the study? Teach“read a book”.Chant “study,study, read a book”.

4.(Show the CAI). .Look ,what’s this?(厨房) Listen to me and guess, Whichword is “kitchen”?Teach“kitchen”. What can you do in the study? Teach“have asnack”.Chant “kitchen ,kitchen,have a snack”.

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5.(Show the CAI). .Look ,what’s this?(bathroom) Listen to me and guess,which word is “bathroom”?Teach“bathroom”. What can you do in the bathroom?Teach“take a shower”.Chant “bathroom ,bathroom ,take a shower”.

6.(Show the CAI). .Look ,what’s this?(bed ) What’s this? (room) What’sthis? (bedroom)Teach“bedroom”. There is a bed in the bedroom. What can you do inthe bedroom? Teach“have a sleep”.Chant “bedroom bedroom, have a sleep”.

7.Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

8.Let’s do.

Show the “Go to the ”, put the “living room, study , kitchen, bathroom,bedroom” on, then T act “Go to the living room, watch TV. Go to the study, reada book. Go to the kitchen,have a snack. Go to the bathroom ,take a shower. Go tothe bedroom, have a sleep”.

Now let’s do, ok? Follow me.

Step 4 Practice

Now, this group is team one, this group is team two. Let’s go,ok?

1.炸地雷: Let’s play a game, Ok? Who can read? Read together.

2.Close your eyes, what’s missing? Guess, then tell us.

3.Now,look at the screen, Guess, what’s this? (Show the CAI ) The studentguess.

4.look, this is my home,you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study ,akitchen and a bathroom.

Who can do like me ? Tell us what’s your room like?

The students look and say.


1.Tell your home to your friend.2. Prepare the“Lets talk.”

五、Blackblard design:

Unit4 My Home

living room watch TV

study read a book

kitchen have a snack

bathroom take a shower

bedroom have a sleep


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Family Activities

教学目标 :


① 能听、说、认读主要动词father(dad) mother(mom)man、woman .

② 能听懂、会说Who’s that woman/man? She/He’s my mother/father.并可在情景中采用;能够介绍自己跟询问对方的家庭成员。


① 激发学生学习数学的兴趣

② 教育教师热爱自己的家,热爱自己的家人。


能熟练使用词汇Who’s that woman/man? She/He’s my mother/father.教学生学会如何询问对方家庭成员。






从学生的学习实践出发,注重教师的素养培养,让学员在准确的语言情境中学习Who’s that woman/man? She/He’s mymother/father.的词组,充分考虑到学生的年龄特点跟认知规律。








① Sing an English song : boys and girls .

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② 日常用语练习

A:Good morning . I’m… I’m from…

Where are you from ?

B:I’m from…

A:Nice to meet you . Hi ! This is…(名字). My new friend . ……


1、出示教师演示文稿,教师扮演这个新同学,问一位学生:What’s your name ? 引导这个女孩回答:My name’s Linda .教师及时对其它学生说:She’s Linda . 并示意学生跟着重复这句话。

2、教师指着离自己稍远的女孩问:“Who’s that girl ?”引导学生提问:She’s…3、同样的方式,教师指着离自己稍远的女孩问:Who’s that boy ?引导学生提问:He’s…

4、让学员指着班里的同事做回答:Who’s that girl ? She’s…Who’s that boy ? He’s…

5、教师拿出学生们所熟悉的校长的图片询问教师:Who’s that man ? Who’s that woman?由此引出man和woman并鼓励学生提问:He’s Mr Black . She’s Miss White .

6、教师能向师生出示几张同学们喜欢的几张明星的照片,让学生做Who’s that man ? Who’s that woman ?的回答练习。

7、教师出示自己的家庭照片说:This is my family . Do you know who they are?鼓励学生对图片中的人物提问,教师用She’s my mother . He’s my father .来提问,并重复词组mother ,father。教师继续用mom、dad代替mother , father进行提问,然后带读他们。并向学生强调mom和dad更多地用于日常用语中。

8、让学员观看教学课件Let’s talk的内容。





请一名教师到讲台前,并蒙住他(她)的眼睛,再叫一名教师说几句英语,让全班学生问:Who’s thatboy/girl?猜的人说:He’s…/She’s…猜对了,就蒙住说话学生的双眼,继续游戏。

2、Who’s family is this ?

教师先收集几张学生的全家福,出示其中一张问:Who’s family is this ?引导该家庭的学生逐渐作反应:This is my family.然后使其它的朋友对图片中的人物发问,该生回答。
