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学案编号 课题:七年级上册 Unit 4 What can I do for you? Section D (40) 备课人 刘娜 复备人 分课型 预展课 主课型 听说课 学校 小组 审核人 班级 学生 学习目标: 学习难点及突破策略: 一、知识 学习难点: some 与 any 的用法。 1.学习音标。 突破策略: 习题练习法。 2.复习 some 与 any 的用法。 疑难探究: (总结自主学习中遭遇的疑难问题,集体交流初中英语导学案模板,教师点拨) 3.复习购物句型。 直击课本: 二、方法 1. Listen to the conversation between the woman and the salesman and complete the 情景交际法跟唱录音机。 。 table. 三、情感 2. Complete the conversation with some/any.Then practice with your partner. 鼓励学生帮助家人做家务。 3. Write a conversation between the customer and the salesman. [重难点预设]: Let’s check: some 与 any 的用法跟购物交际用语。


1.用 some, any 填空。 [学习过程跟步骤] (1) Jim has ________ Chinese books. Warm up (2) Does Ann have ________ brothers? 一、 阅读提示: (3) --- Would you like ________ oranges? 一、 1.走入新课 --- No, thanks. 1.读黑板上动词 shirt worker nurse / color dollar letter / ball four (4) We don’t like to eat ________ cakes. door / (5) --- Do they have ________ rulers? fifty happy monkey --- Yes, they have ________. 2.总结以上划线的字母组合在词汇中的发音。 (6) Sally has ________ erasers, but she doesn’t have ________ knives. 3.跟录音机跟读,完成 1 2. 用所给句子的适当方式填空。


二、 阅读提示: (1) The woman often goes shopping and ____ (try) on new clothes. 1.仔细阅读 2 的对话,用 some 与 any 填空。 (2) My mother wants to buy two ____ (kilo) of salt. 2.总结 some 与 any 的用法。 (3) There are many ____ (mouse) in the old house. 3.两人一组分角色朗读对话,完成 2 (4) Are you kidding? The skirt is 280 yuan. I’ll ____ (think) about it. 重点句子: (5) I’d like to take a pair of ____ (shoe). 1)—What can I do for you, madam? 3. 句型转换。 —I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. (1) The dress is only 30 yuan. (对画线部分提问) (2)—Can I try it on? _______ _______ is the dress? —Sure. (2) ____________________ ? (写出问句) (3)It looks very nice on you. I’m just looking. (4)That’s fine. We’ll take it. (3) He needs five bottles of water. (对画线部分提问) (5)—Thanks a lot. _______ _______ bottles of water does he need? —Not at all. (4) I want some fish.(改为否定句) (6)—How much is it? I ______ want _______ fish. —It’s only seventy yuan. (5) What do you think of this coat? (改为同义句)页码( 56-57)[教师复备/ 学生笔记]:[教师思考/ 学生反思]:_______ do you _______ this coat? 4. 根据所给标点初中英语导学案模板,将以下的词组组合成完整的语句,注意字母的大小写。


(1) would, T-shirt, that, he, like, black __________________________________ . (2) father, fish, like, my, doesn’t, any __________________________________ . (3) you, two, rice, bags, do, want, of __________________________________ ? (4) about, water, drinking, how, some ___________________________________ ? (5) doesn’t, all, pants, the, she, like, green, at ___________________________________ .
