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大学数学教案模板范文【篇一:大学数学教案模板】天津大学仁爱学院 英语课堂部教案 20 11 - 20 12 学年第 二 学期 授课部门: 英语教学部 授课老师:young【篇二:大学英文教案模板】unit 8 book 1 experiencing english i。 teaching objectives 1。 skills: 1) reading: reading between the lines 2) writing: how to use punctuations in a sentence 3) listening: understanding the passages about love and friendship, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening 4) speaking: talking about love and friendship 2。 vocabulary development: 1) words: acquaintance, barely, encounter, incline, intimate, occasional, principle, recall, recognize, replace, summarize, upset, bow, depart,enclose大学教案格式模板大学教案格式模板, endure, identical, intense, occupy, provoke, standing, trim, 2) expressions: compare… to, drift apart, ever after, even if/ though, join hands (with), no matter what/ how, etc。

, succeed in, try on, go by, in case, pass away, work out 3。 grammar and structure: 1) adverbial clause 2) attributive clause 3) modal auxiliaries in subjunctive mood ii。 important points: iii。 difficult points: 1。distinguishing replace, substitute, take the place of; confront, encounter, meet; bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer, tolerate; acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize 2。 speaking: talking about love and friendship 3。 listening: understanding the passages, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening iv。

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teaching arrangements:1。 total class time for this unit: 8 periods 2。 suggested arrangement: 1) talking:(duty report, group discussion, free talk etc。) 40 2) pre-reading activities: 15-20 3) understanding the structure of text a: 15-20 4) detailed study of the language:100 5) writing skills: 15 6) text summary 10’ 7) exercises: 55 8) reading skills: 15-25 9) detailed study of of text b: 60-70 10) comprehensive exercises: 20 iv。 lecture scripts:(by the teachers)【篇三:大学数学 friendship 教案模板】teaching plan for friendship -all the cabbie had was a letter 班级:2 英语 13-1 姓名:梁欢 学号:201341908105 teaching aims and demands : 1。

get more background information on the article。 2。 learning knowledge about the type of the writing and the structure 。 3。 the comprehension of the text 。 4。 the mastery of the vocabulary and the language points 。 5。 the familiarization with the language and the writing techniques 。 teaching content: 1。 learning all the cabbie had was a letter 。 2。 keys to the meaning of friendship 。 3。listening comprehension。 important points : 1。analysis of the structure of the text。 2。students can read and understand the article, in the process of reading to consolidate and improve the students reading skills and the ability to extract important information。

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3。the cultivation of students effective reading skimming and reading skills and strategies。 difficult points: 1。the difficulties are letting the students grasp the type of writing feature article 。 2。identifying figures of speech 。3。paraphrasing some complex sentences 。 4。 translating some sentences 。 6。employing sentences variety for special effects 。 teaching period: period 1-2 i。warm-up questions / activities listen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions: 1。

have you ever heard of dionne warwick? have you happened to hear her sing? 2。 what does a fair weather friend mean? 3。 what does dionne warwick think friends are for? 4。 does the song give you any idea of what the stories in this unit will be about? ii。teaching schedule。 step 1 lead-in listening task 1。 listening practice - here is a story about two friends。 listen carefully and see what it reveals 。 2。 after listening - complete the following statements according to what you have heard 。 step 2 reading task read the article and skim for the main idea of this article 。

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part one (1-20) from a conversation with the cab driver the author learned how much he regretted failing to keep up correspondence with his old friends ed 。 part two (21-35) reading the letter by himself , the author learned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and old ed 。 part three (30) the drivers experience urged the author to reach for his pen 。 step 3 detailed reading 1。pair work-one of you ask the questions and the other answers。 2。do the exercises and then compare your answers with a partner 。

3。read aloud paragraphs 6 to 15 until you have learned then by heart。 then try to complete the passage from memory 。 4。think of these questions 。 what does a cabbie do? who wrote the letter to the cabbie? why was all the cabbie had only a letter?5。read the last sentence and try to guess what the story is about。 6。summarize the story with three sentences? period 3-4 iii useful expressions 1.be lost in / lose oneself in: be absorbed in; be fully occupied with 。 2.or something: used when you are not very sure about what you have just said 。

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3.go ahead: continue; begin (sometimes followed by with + n。) 4.estimate: vt。 form a judgment about (a quantity or value)n。 approximate calculation or judgment made about a quantity or value。 5。might / may (just) as well: if you say that you might / may (just) as well do sth。, you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to do it and may even feel slightly reluctant about it。 6。not much of: not a good … 7。keep up: continue without stopping 。 iv summary from a conversation with the cab driver the author learned how much he regretted failing to keep up corre-spondence with his old friends ed 。

reading the letter by himself , the author learned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and old ed 。the drivers experience urged the author to reach for his pen 。 v homework write a letter to one of your friend 。 vi.feedback