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Unit 1 How can I get there Part A ∣人教(P

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Unit 1 how can I get there part A Let's try & Let's talk配套精品教学设计☆教学内容☆Unit 1 how can I get there part A Let's try & Let's talk☆教学目标☆知识目标:(1)能听、说、读、写主要动词:Where is the museum shop/post office? It’s near the door/next to the museum.能在实际场景中熟练运用。(2)能够理解句子:What a great museum! Is there a…? Where is it?(3)能够完成Let’s try部分的训练。2.能力目标:培养教师综合利用语言的素养。3.情感目标:培养教师乐于助人的良好质量。☆教学重点☆主要词汇:Where is the museum shop/post office? It’s near the door/next to the museum.能在实际场景中熟练运用。☆教学难点☆正确使用方位短语near, next to, behind, in front of.☆教学方法☆情景操练法:在课堂方位短语时,让学生动手操作摆地图,不仅突破瓶颈,更可提升语言利用能力。


情景对话法:通过反复朗读,情景对话pep小学英语六年级上册unit1表格式教案,突破重点。3.视听法:利用视听手段,提高了学生的据说能力。4.多媒体辅助教学法:设计独特,化解了课堂难点,提高了教师学习积极性。☆教具准备☆多媒体课件、单词词卡、图片。☆教学过程☆Step1.Warm-upReview the words.Look at the pictures and the word cards, review the words.Challenge your memory.挑战记忆力。把全班分为两组,告诉学生们本节课要进行几轮比赛pep小学英语六年级上册unit1表格式教案,能够答对的小组会赢得小星星,最后那个小组的星星多,哪个小组就是获胜组。Step2.presentation and practice1. Teach A Let’s try(1)Let the students read the questions and options in Part A Let’s try.(2) Play the flash. The students listen and tick.(3) Correct the answers together.Teach let’s talk.The teacher shows two questions: Where is the museum shop? Where is the post office? Write the sentences on the blackboard and then play the flash of let’s talk. PPT8.Let the two groups answer the questions . The right one can get a red flower for the group. The teacher writes on the board: It’s near the door. It’s next to the museum.句型讲解: I want to buy a postcard. I want to send it today.Want to+动词原型 想要做某事。


I want to watch TV. I want to read a book.语音知识:连读。两个单词中的第一个单词以音节结尾,第二个单词以同样韵母开头,只读一个发音,相同的词尾读音随着第二个单词 wan(t) to nex(t) to两个单词中的第一个单词是以音节结尾,第二个以动词词尾开头,我们把这两个单词连在一起读. send itI wan(t )to send i(t )today.请学生们多读几遍句子。(5)PPT11 感叹句What a great museum!多棒的博物馆啊!What a big apple!多大的一个苹果啊!What an interesting story!多有趣的独白啊!请学生写出感叹句的构成方式,教师总结:What+a/an+形容词+名词!(6)PPT12 词语讲解 I’ll ask。我会问问的。Excuse me, sir.打扰了,先生。 A talking robot一个会说话的机器人。The teach plays the flash again and let the students follow it.The students read the sentences.PPT13 flash. Two partners together, give voice to the flash.Act out the dialogue each group. If you do well, you can get a red flower for your group.Step3. Consolidation and extension介词和动词时态的用法区分Near 附近 next to 旁边 in front of 在上面behind在前面听听摆摆的游戏。


教师课前使学员把所有短语制成单词卡片或照片,如:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital, school, library.听老师的指令,学生进行摆图片的游戏。The hospital is behind the library. The school is next to the library. The post office is near the hospital. The science museum is in front of the school.