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ESL美国简介(MP3+中英字幕):第89期 美国的两大政党

2019-04-24 12:13 网络整理 教案网


win7用户:控制面板—>时钟、语言和区域—>区域和语言—>将语言改成英语(美国)。选举.民主党和共和党两党长期轮流执政.美国政党除两大党外,还有其他一些政党,但它们都无法影响两大党轮流执政的地位.。iso发布日期(utc):2003-7-9 23:12:00文件大小:84387840 字节sha1:0779973960ef572bfe293c5168e956c9d7223953sha1在线验证工具英语(美国) (14)windows server 2003 enterprise edition - vl (english)en_windows_server_2003_enterprise_vl。99 mb)语言:英语(美国)文件名:en_windows_server_2003_enterprise_vl。

45.What are the two major political parties in the United States?


Answer: Democratic and Republican


Explanation: More than 300 million people live in the United States and they have many different opinions about how the government should be.



If each of them voted independently (or alone, not paying attention to what other people are doing), then it would be very difficult to predict (or know ahead of time) how our government would be, and no one would be able to have very much power in American government.


However, our country has many political parties (or organized groups of people who have similar political opinions and try to get power in the government) that people can be affiliated with (or connected to as a member).


The two biggest political parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.



The Democratic Party is more liberal, believing that wealth (or money) should be shared among all people and that the government should make laws to help this happen, even if that means having higher taxes (or money paid to the government) so it can give help and services to everyone.