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知识归纳:一年级数学下册复习导学案(表格式).doc 9页

2020-12-12 14:19 网络整理 教案网


第一课时 :总复习(一)20以内退位减法年 月 日 编写人: 组长:年级一年级20以内退位减法 教学目标:1.复习20以内退位减法的算法,能恰当迅速地口算20以内退位减法. 2.通过复习结合加、减法含义分析应用题的数目关系,正确进行估算. 3.培养学生初步预测、综合概括等素质,发展它们初步的学习能力。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动所需资源反思与评判环节一、复习算法环节二、复习减法表环节三、复习加、减法应用题环节四、课堂练习环节五、全课小结环节一、。课件演示水果式题; 提问:20以内的退位减法,你是如何推导的 小结出办法: 1、想加算减:想9加2等于11,11减9等于2,8加5等于13数学表格式导学案,13减5等于8. 2.用差1得9,差2得8的方法: 减数与被减数的个位数差l得.减数与被减数的个位数差2得 3.10—2=8 8+1 9 即:11—2 9 lO-5=5 5+3 8 即:15—3=8环节二、出示20以内退位减法表挂图。板书:复习20以内的退位减法。老师随意指一道式题 环节三、课件出示:花园里一群蝴蝶跟一群蜻蜓。根据生编题情况,师再出示课本第99页第7题:1、蝴蝶跟蜻蜓一共有24只,其中蝴蝶有8只,蜻蜓有多少只?2、有蝴蝶8只,蜻蜓16只。


蜻蜓比蝴蝶多几只?你能够提怎样的难题呢?环节四、口算题。退位减法表里随机抽取。课本第99页第7题填写完整。环节五、师:今天我们复习了20以内的退位减法,还复习了本学期所学的应用题。同学们对于现在所复习的也有什么问题吗?环节一令学员畅所欲言后,师显然她们答案,小结出办法。环节二、生回答。(可采用开飞机、举红旗、爬山比赛、信鸽投信等多样方式活跃氛围)环节三、让生观察图形,尝试自己编题 1 .读题,分析已知条件跟问题。 2 .想想用哪个方法算?为什么用减法算?(因为要求蜻蜓有多少只,必须从一共有24只里除去蝴蝶的只数数学表格式导学案,所以用减法) 3 .列式解答。 根据学生编的乘法应用题,分析列式解答;并指出为什么用加法来解答。环节四、学生抢答。环节五、学生纷纷抢答。 教学课件 第二课时 总复习(二)100以内的数 100以内的加法和减法年 月 日 编写人: 组长年级一年级100以内的数 100以内的加法和减法教学目标:1、 使学生了解计数单位“一”和“十”,初步理解个位、十位上的数表示的含义,熟练掌握100以内数的写法跟加、减法。2、经历从准确情境中写实出物理算式的过程,培养教师语言表达或者看到问题与缓解问题的能力。


3、体会生活中处处有英语,培养教师学习物理的兴趣跟良好的学习习惯。教学重点:使教师了解计数单位“一”和“十”,初步理解个位、十位上的数表示的含义,熟练掌握100以内数的写法跟加、减法。教学难点:使教师了解计数单位“一”和“十”,初步理解个位、十位上的数表示的含义,熟练掌握100以内数的写法跟加、减法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动所需资源反思与评判环节一、启发环节二、复习数数和数的构成环节三、复习100以内数的读写法。环节四、复习100以内数的排序跟比大小环节五、复习100以内的减法和减环节六、全课小结。环节一、这节课我们一齐来复习100以内数的读写法并且加、减法。板书课题:100以内的数,100以内的加法和减法。环节二、课件演示填空题:(1)从后面起,第一位是( )位,第二位是( )位,第三位是( )位。(2)一个两位数个位上的数是3,十位上的数是5,这个数是( )(3)46里有( )个十跟( )个一。(4)100里有( )位数,1在( )位上。2、指名按规定数数:(1)从27起,一个一个数至43。(2)从60起,十个十个数到100。(3)从48起,两个两个数到60。


(4)从35起,五个五个数至65。(5)从92起,往前一个一个数环节三、1、看图读数、写数。(出示计数器)分别拨45、33、60、100四个数。到78发散思维练习。(1)45的个位是几?还有什么两位数的个位也是5?板书:15、25、35、45、55、65、75、85、95。(2)33这个两位数有哪些特征?十位上的3表示哪些?个位上的3表示什么?还有那些两位数个位和十位上的数字一样,谁可拨下来?(3)60这个两位数有何特征?谁可报出个位上的数是0的两位数?(4)还有一个数,它的个位的数也有0,这个数是多少?它是几位数?环节四、1、按次序在括号里填数。(1)26( )28( )( )(2)89、87、( )、( )、( )、( )77、( )、( )(3)( )、( )、75( )、( )2、比较后面每组数的大小51 47 59 71 58 85 98 92问:两个两位数如何比较大小?环节五、出示课本98页第5题,学生独立完成课本第98页第6题后全班反馈。全课小结。环节六、今天我们复习了100数和100以内的加减法,你有哪些收获?环节一、学生思考环节二、1、学生独立完成,指名回答。


2、开火车回答。使学生感受到数数的不同方法,知道数数的多样化。环节三、指名读数后,写在黑板上。(2)学生在计算器上拨出这四个数里,两位数是几?三位数是几?环节四、让教师独立完成课本第98页的1—4题。后全班反馈。反馈时,教师能选择题目让学员说说思考的过程。环节五、1、让学生将这种计算题先进行分类。让学员独立完成。全班反馈。反馈时,每种种类的题目都选择一道,让学生说说他们各自的计算方式学生独立完成课本第98页第6题后全班反馈注意事项。环节六、学生探讨回答。 教学课件 第三课时:总复习(三)元、角、分年 月 日 编写人: 组长:年级一年级元、角、分 教学目标:1、使学生认识人民币单元元、角、分及相互间的坦率关系,并可进行一些简单的计算。2、通过复习,体会人民币在现实生活中的功能跟作用。3、教育教师爱护人民币,培养珍惜时间的好习惯。教学重点:使教师认识人民币单元元、角、分关系,并可进行一些简单的计算。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动所需资源反思与评判环节一、复习元、角、分的认识、环节二、课堂练习。环节三全课小结环节一、我们学过人民币的单位有什么?今天我们来复习元、角、分的认识。

板书:元、角、分的了解。老师多媒体出示面值1角、2角、5角、1分、2分、5分、1元……人民币3)总结进率(4)1元2角 ( )角 15角 ( )元( )角3、课本96页第9题填写完整。环节二、1、课本第96页第10题。xK环节三、今天我们复习了了解人民币的知识,还复习了跟时间有关的知识。同学们对于现在所复习的常识还有什么疑问吗环节一、(1)说出各人民币的名称。(2)回答他们间的进率。(3)由1张1角可以换10张1分,引导学生讲出1角等于10分,由1张1元可以换几张1角,引导学生讲出1元等于10角,1元等于100分。环节二、学生独立完成。环节三、学生反馈。教学课件 第四课时 图形分类统计年 月 日 编写人: 组长:年级一年级图形分类统计 教学目标: 1.使学生初步体会在平面上确认位置必须两个条件,体会生活中处处有数学。 2.会数方块图,并按照图形排列找出一定规律.3.初步预测统计图,并按照统计图进行简单的推测,培养学生的实际应用素养.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动所需资源反思与评判环节一、复习图形。环节二、复习分类。环节三、练习巩固环节一、实物出示七巧板。 课本第94页第2题图 。

1 用4个正方形,可以拼成什么图形?拼一拼。 2 你可用学过的图形拼出一个有趣的图案吗环节二、出示课本第94页的图形。 师:该如何分呢?环节三、1、课本97页第14题2、课本98页第15题。环节一、同桌动手操作。环节二、让生探讨,得出自己的模式环节三、学生分类后完成表格。回答疑问。教学课件 第五课时: 解决难题年 月 日 编写人: 组长:年级一年级 解决难题 教学目标:1、通过复习,使生熟练掌握用学过的物理常识解决实际问题的方式。 2.通过复习,会解答简单的加、减法应用题.3.培养教师思维的灵活性及有序性。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动所需资源反思与评判环节一、复习“解决难题”w W w .x K b 1 .c o M环节二、归纳总结环节一、1.完成课本第96页第7题和第8题。 从图中你了解了哪些?要求的难题是哪个?怎样列式? 2.完成课本第98页第16题。从图中你了解了哪些?要求的难题是哪个?怎样列式?3.完成课本第99页第17题。4.完成课本第99页第18题。5.完成课本第99页第19题。6.完成课本第99页第20题。二、同桌互相说一说,她们分别可能套中那个圈?环节二、这节课,我们复习了这些知识?大大家有哪些收获?家有哪个收获?环节一、讨论,你想用哪个方法来解决同学相互说一说,她们分别可能套中那个圈?环节二、学生反馈。

教学课件 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area, and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. C pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. D guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: a the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and moreand actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area, and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. C pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. D guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: a the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more1and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area, and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. C pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. D guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: a the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more