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2020-09-03 12:00 网络整理 教案网


大班儿歌教学教案——Do you want to be my friend ? Objects: 1、 能够感受儿歌所体现的诗意儿歌教案怎么写, 喜欢听这首童谣。2、 通过游戏与操作活动理解学习儿歌 Do you want to be my friend?3、 能知道完整地用英文演出儿歌, 乐于与同伴分享这首童谣。 Teaching Aids:长颈鹿、 老鼠、 小猪、 小猴子、 小兔、 蜗牛、 图片,儿歌视屏 Procedures: (一) Warming-up:复习儿歌 What can you see? Look, look, what can you see? I can see a monkey, climb the tree; Look, look, what can you see? I can see a bird, sing in the sky; Look, look, what can you see? I can see a butterfly, fly、 fly、 fly; Look, look, what can you see? I can see a tiger, catch the children. (二) Presentation:1、 观看儿歌视屏课件儿歌教案怎么写, 初步感受儿歌Let’s have a look that is in our forest.What do you see in the picture? (Giraffe, mouse) where is the mouse? (Stand on the tree)Guess, who is coming? (Monkey, pig) what are they doing?(Playing the seesaw)What are they? (Snail and rabbit)2、 完整观看课件, 整体欣赏儿歌Let’s watch the pictures again. (三) Practice:1、 模仿老师动作, 分句学习儿歌I’m short, you’re tall; I’m thin, you’re fat; I’m slow, you’re quick; do you want to my friend? (老师按照相关性质编出动作使幼儿跟着学)2、 游戏“打枪”Let’s play the game—“shooting”Everyone put your hand up, like this(一个手指做四, 一个手做枪状) After one sentence change the hand, are you ready? (还能按照难易调整速度, 半句一换)3、 表演游戏Now, I invite some friends there, they want to make friend with you. (老师贴上长颈鹿的照片)I am giraffe, I’m tall, do you want to be my friend? (然后请一个小朋友上来选一个动物照片模仿老师一样说歌曲)Who want to choose an animal, and make friend with him.(然后让两个小朋友一起玩) Ok, I will invite two kids play the game and make friend with each other. One two three, who want to try?4、 分组表演, 自主操作You can perform the song with your friends.附儿歌: Do you want to be my friend?I’m short and you’re tall,I’m thin and you’re fat,I’m slow and you’re quick,Do you want to be my friend?