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幼儿英语my,house教案范文.doc 文档全文预览

2020-02-18 03:00 网络整理 教案网


幼儿英语my,house教案范文篇一:My house 大班英语情景教学篇二:幼儿园中班英语教案 幼儿园中班英语教案--《Happy birthday》 活动内容:学习生日派对歌曲及用语、单词 活动目标: 1、学习词汇“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解意义,能较准确地模仿发音,在场景中理解“??for you.”的意思。 2、愿意演唱插曲,体会与同伴一同欢庆的开心。 活动打算: 排练情景舞蹈、歌曲唱片、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 活动过程: 一、Greeting 1、Teacher and children say “Hello!” “Good morning!”each other. 2、Teacher and children sing《Nice to see you》together. 二、Review T and C read the rhyme《Horse》. 三、Learn. 1、T and C watch TV of Birthday party.“Where is it?”“Yes,it’s dog’s house.”T come in the house, “Oh,This is a TV.Let’s watch TV,OK?” 2、T and one child show together. T: “Hello,I’m cat.Today is dog’s birthday,I’ll go to this party.” T: “Ding-Dong!” C: “What is it?” T: “I’m cat.” C: “Come in, please.” T: “Happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” T1: “Thank you.” 3、C learn “cake” “gift” “card”. 幼儿边玩边尝试个别输出; I see ?.; 中班英语公开课教案:Happy Day 目标: 1、能与同伴愉快地游戏活动,大胆地展现自己的长处。


2、复习所学的歌词及时态。 过程: 1、起床。 幼儿躺在各处做睡觉状,老师开始学鹅叫,并说:“Get up ,kids !”。幼儿睡觉后听《 Goodmorning 》。 2、去幼儿园。 T:Now英语的教案怎么写,let’s go to the kindergarten ! How did you get there ? S: Drive a car / Row a boat。《Drive a car》边听边跑到座位前坐好。 3、表示对客人的欢迎。 T:Hey, boys and girls look! Today there are many guests come here to see you wonderful show! Are you happy? S: Yes. I'm happy! T: Now ,Let' sing a song to welcome them ,ok? S: Ok ! > 4、户外活动。 T: It's time to play . Let's go out to play together! T: Let's have a game !Play Game《 Flower 》 5、学习活动。


T: My god It's raining! Let's go back to the classroom! Let's go!!! T: That was close !! Now class begins! Who wants to be a little teacher? T: You are so great! The next game is ;Robot game;! Who wants to be a robot ? 6、午餐时间。 T: Ring, ring ! Lunch is ready! Today we eat hamburger. Do you like it? But ,before you eat ,you must ~~~?(老师做洗手状) S: Wash my hands !《Wash your hands》 7、午睡。 T: It's nip time !Let’s go to bed ! Take off your shoes and put them neatly !Sing 《nip time》(幼儿脱鞋,假装睡着) 8、活动结束,向客人老师说再会。


幼儿中班英语教案:《 pencil 》铅笔 一、活动主题:《 pencil 》的截图。 问:a、What is it ? b、where should we park the bus(car/train/plane/boat)? 引导幼儿逐一把照片贴到挂图上的停车场.码头.和飞机场。 2.引导幼儿逐一认识小兔.小猫.小狗.小羊.小牛的家,问:Whose house is it ? 3.引导幼儿观察挂图,逐一提问: How can we go to the(ra it、cat、dog、sheep、cattle)’s house ?4.个别提问,引导幼儿边操作边表达。 三、玩一玩 玩法:幼儿分四组英语的教案怎么写,每组分别请一名幼儿戴上头饰操作同样的“交通工具”比赛谁先前往某个小动物的家。全体幼儿喊口令:By bu y train ------ 获胜的幼儿得到奖励。 师:Do you like to play a game? Presentation: 1、Teach the new song :Ten Little Rabbits. Step 1:Present the new songCAI presents the new song “Ten Little Rabbit”.:Yes!They are rabbits.They can jump. Stand up,please. Follow me! “Rabbit,jump,jump,jump!”。


T:小兔子们现在就在我们附近,大家了解它们在那里吗? S:他们就在哪间老鼠屋里。(学生们手指着小狗屋说) T:Wow, you are so clever!Yes. They are in that house 在小兔子跳出来的过程中,老师结合手势示范唱。 2、Teach the numbers:one to ten. Step 1:Lead the numbers “one to ten”. T: Oh,sorry! I forgot to introduce their names to you. Do you want to know their names? Ss:Sure. T: Now please listen to the radio and remember their names. Ss listen to the radio:The pronunciation of the numbers “one to ten”. Teach :one T T continues to put up the word cards and go in front of the rabbits: What about this? And this?通过某些提问使学生回忆起two to ten的发音 房子 桃子卡片——wall It’s a peach. (拿出带有桃子与单词的卡片)Follow me, peach , peach , it’s a peach. 进行个体操练,可以进行拍卡或夹卡等。

香蕉卡片——roof T: This is my wall of fruit house. Who can help me get the roof ? 教师邀请三对师生与父母到后面来,家长拿着带有虚线的零食图片,学生拿食物照片,配对。 配对成功后,由家长提问:What’s this ? 学生回答:It’s a ... . 7. Summary : 教师指黑板上的水果屋: Thank you for your help, I get my fruit house. 指着水果What’s this ? 学生回答:It’s a ... . T: Let’s see who is the winner today. Everyone did a good job ! 8. Homework : 熟读水果apple, peach, banana ,pear,达到学生认读句子。 操练句型What’s this ? ---It’s a ... .