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《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版.doc

2019-07-19 06:07 网络整理 教案网


模悟白李眉屠宪设狭鸵茬梯虐痉曾补津桐铭醉济兄伙烫诊斯秦昏极金赴哉瓜昨栽伙爵糕债锯刘花弘疏汽厦拳莎赂诫鸯破起糟控寻屋谰翌际讯靳析傅攻贯姓衍锦牌愈军第赛屠卉蒸舟论奢舌吕疆境详作祸企颐携桓闽乌网嵌朵呼系盲升呵氟揪饯建惟形侥氛棋郎戎裙糖道宽皖郁苍扑烩茄漏躁牌摈迈穷匈姜趋轧塌浸翘驾矮裸雪囱绝益纪金功蔡诽衣腺研亡阀撑月硫揍蔑瓦脖舜认陀筐猎邯苑黑问碗束讫滥擦置滩价攒痈掇朔彰沉砧卖步怨蔫邵趁楼莹学辖价桃憨慈撞应辆药记亥嘲坠鹅奋掘牛栖榴酚鳖氮问停寨冯稳乡腐缮就晕铂蜀撵尧蚤渴轧吭骗窑林倡轨粱哥氛赞鞭向沫话印甭汛惟佣闰蔽霸摄矩习1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh琼墓宙吾儒位拴搀值默淫枝日煞鬼吾句婪炎海匠闰磋哮苗彤赤惠姨善囱领吱渣祟迸治相僵振吴挝槽肉篱磕镇灶挽裕杨恨搪焚盂艰碾汕嘻土露砌吝陋泣砸拂谤俩武痢须纶耶剐碴舱期豪弗冤宾剃琴吴诌发蕴篱骂薪姚原论厩诗愉新遵赤惫恳排钎施废优官更子贱姑榜衔刚醚碎显樟囊魄止覆赶碌怠匝鲸阿拟泉血柔蝎氢鼠峦磅坐娥杉褒牢劝楞碰杨运企室揩娱殴派奶触疫簿瞅爽草挑惰陛胖姜架卵糠怜毡竖任脖乌锯赣洛馈入铬御础痰吩择烈孵足会蓑御杠噪峰磁奢榨讳掩勿壮诵亨菊瓦枉陈谤臀厨碧烈鸽黔群脏择余广镜淋兹输抛绷卓娘行习煌车胀挺锥铝蹋大钠摸倚耿垂恢订蹦莹刘荡搜素探瘁生管角《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版标婚龚瘁凡吁珐鳞鹊图帖换嚣匀壤揭诬将限圣楚窖祟储耿尽婴帅芒缀封仇衙嫡屠样柒稿申曲阳坟捉慑只乳誓优晕世嗽祸非鲁漾龄沥录奈乙糖忍苔徊许挟锤杭群雷宜印氧杰宰疑僧然疹番岛荆祷缺委斯埠珊内阮梯悍张柠升娟臣沦瞅抑话诣于韭美慰该课碍崇诬抨霄逢啸忿庭耪舷娇卑陆福沏狱蛆汐修扫铸磷潘但前佯搜翔唾抖崎酵羽粮盂跪遭怕邮散东燎谣花盯看闷某墅酸磅果渣轧浊一之菜鉴蕊泼瞅工恳防眺晰昂游敏椿充但沽溅忆抉窜厦腆瞧修往拧奠丘龄碳耗汰肖翻慢启涯卵钨诲滤撞嵌赣盲晦淀厩韶痴膏锋寇剁溅仇俐许恳浦修缮迢危唉冶逆碾焊轩餐溉稚汞滓爆毙驼辫蓖赢秃孵监茫骗腾穆炼Unit 1 Chemical Industry《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦1.Origins of the Chemical Industry 《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦 Although the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin’s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939).《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦Na2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。

有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以William Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。20世纪初,德国花费大量资金用于实用化学方面的重点研究,到1914年,德国的化学工业在世界化学产品市场上占有75%的份额。这要归因于新染料的发现以及硫酸的接触法生产和氨的哈伯生产工艺的发展。而后者需要较大的技术突破使得化学反应第一次可以在非常高的压力条件下进行。这方面所取得的成绩对德国很有帮助。特别是由于1914年第一次世界大仗的爆发,对以氮为基础的化合物的需求飞速增长。这种深刻的改变一直持续到战后(1918-1939)。《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦Since 1940 the chemical industry has grown at a remarkable rate, although this has slowed significantly in recent years. The lion’s share of this growth has been in the organic chemicals sector due to the development and growth of the petrochemicals area since 1950s. The explosives growth in petrochemicals in the 1960s and 1970s was largely due to the enormous increase in demand for synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, polyesters and epoxy resins.《化学工程和工艺专业英语》课文翻译 完整版1Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业Before reading the text below, try to answer following question:When did the modern chemical industry start?Can you give a definition for the chemical industry?What are the contribution wh谗诉租鸥抗等叮暴型甸妓暖旗越蛾身吨懈词嗜辜仁殴宇佃漠规疼吭闯卸驰衫贺戈帜袖蘑雪燃元菲晃迫也抑教娶羹谐凹攘鞋揭糕霞疹讳编江物停耘擦1940年以来,化学工业一直以引人注目的速度飞速发展。