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六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(1)教案 冀教版

2020-02-11 08:10 网络整理 教案网



Unit 2 Good health to You Lesson 12 Eat your vegetables!

一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:

1.Student can understand read say and practice the drill: How often do you???


2.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson. 3.Student can understand read andsay the following words: cabbage, peas and onions.

4.Ss can understand read and say the following phrases:

play sports,brush your teeth3l英语第一册教案下载, comb your hair take a shower and wash your face. 二.The Importance and The Difficult point: The importance: Practice the dialogue. The difficult point: Make a chart.. 三.Teaching Aids:

some pictures, some vocabulary cards some real objects and one tape-recorder 四.Allocation of time: one course


五.Teaching steps:

Step 1.Organizing the teaching 1.Greetings

2.Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision

1. Play “Never” to review adverbs of frequencey. Use phrases form: brush yoru teeth, comb your hair, eat fruit,play sports.Ask each volunteer completes a turn3l英语第一册教案下载, ask : “How often do you ____?”


2. Play “What’s Missing?” to review “skin” “musles” “bones” “teeth” and “face.”

3. Review “meat” “fruit” and“vegetables” with a drill. Use large vocabulary cards. Step 3.Key concepts: cabbage onions peas month 1.Introduce:

a. Demonstrate “cabbabe” “onions” and “peas” with real vegetables. Explain that cabbage, onions and peas are vegetables. b. Demonstrate “month” with an English calendar. 2.Student book :

Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books. 3.Practice:


a.Choose a drill to practice the new foods and include the following foods:

meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, melon, strawberry, banana, grapes, apple and orange. b.Divide the class into small groups.


Ask each group to make a chart like Mr. Wood’s chart. 六.Students’activity: 1.Sing the English song. 2.Play “What’s Missing?”. 3.Play “Never”. 4.Imitation.

5.Practice the new words with a drill. 6.Groupword to make a chart. 七.Blackboard:

Lesson 12 Eat your vegetables

Cabbabe onions vegetables Bonesmusles month