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2022-06-06 01:08 网络整理 教案网


Ⅰ.Teaching Contents:This passage is aboutfestivals and celebrations around the world.

Ⅱ.Teaching objectives:

Knowledge objectives;

(1)Students will knowthe festivals around the world such as how festivals begin and how festivals are celebrated(主题).

(2)Students can grasp the new words and expressions ,such asorigin高中英语教案下载, religious ,in memory of ,dress up and so on.

(3)Students can grasp the reading skills, such as skimming,scanning

Ability objectives:

(1)Students are able to find out the main idea and the details of a passage.

(2)Students can improve their reading abilities as well as the ability of using information through class activities.

Emotional objectives:

After this lesson, students will be interested infestivals culture around the world.

Ⅲ.Teaching key&Difficult points:

(1)Teaching key point:How to make students grasp some details of the passage and read it in different ways.

(2)Teaching difficult point:How to make students comprehendthe culture differences between the countries.

Ⅳ.Teaching procedures:

Step 1:Warming up and leading in(5’)

Present someChinese festivalspictures on PPT and have a discussion about them.

T: Work in groups and list below three more Chinese festivals that you know. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and what people do at that time. Then tell the group which festival is your favorite and why.


Time of year/date

What it celebrates

What people do




The beauty of full


Give and eat moon cakes

Watch the full moon with family and friends

Justification :showing pictures can attract students’interests to learn this lesson and lead to the main topic of the text. Group discussion can provide a good chance for students to share their experiences with others and improve their oral English skills.

Step 2. Pre-reading(10’)

Look at the pictures and title of the passage below.Discuss in pairs what kind of information you think will be introduced in the passage.

Justification: Showing picturescan stimulate students’ interests about the topic and activatetheir related knowledge. Students can have a prediction about the information of the passage. Discussion can improve their communication.

Step 3. While-reading(15’)

At this step高中英语教案下载, there are 3 activities.


Skim the reading passage and then fill in the following chart.

Kinds of festivals

Names of festivals


Festivals of the dead

Festivals to Honour People

Justification: listing the eventscan help students grasp the structural organization of the text by skimming skill.


Guessing :the meanings of these words and try to make up sentences.

Eg:in memory of, feast,…

Fill in the blanks of the text.

Eg: Somefestivalsareheldto_____thedeadortosatisfythe____whomight returneithertohelp

ortodoharm.In Japanese people should go to clean graves and light incense _______ their ancestors.In Mexico people celebrate the day of the _____ in the early November.

Justification:students can get more detail information by scanning the text and guessing the meaning can help them to learn vocabulary more relaxing.

3.Careful reading

Ask students to read thepassage again and answer the following questions.

1)What are festivals of the dead usually for?

2)What is one important reason to have festivals and celebrations?

3)Compare the festivals of the dead in Mexico, Japan and China.What things are similar? What things are different?

Justification:The above questions can help students improve their deep understanding of the text, and students’ reading strategies can be improved.

Step 4. Post-reading(10’)

Task:Survey and Discussion

Discussion in groupswhich festivals you think are the most important and which are the most fun. Then fill in the chart with your ideas.

Type of festival

Example of festival

Reasons for your choice

Most important

Most fun

Justification:It provides a good way for students toreconstruct the text andenhances their cooperation skills and presentation skills. TBLT can help students learn the language bydoing.

Step 5. Summary&Homework(5’)

At the end of the class,students can conclude what they have learned from the lesson. Teacher makes supplements and emphasizes the importance of cross-cultural communication.

Set two kinds of homework for them: one is to finish the textbook .The another is to search other festivals of English culture.

Justification: Give open homework to guide students use the language they learn in class.
