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2021-08-15 23:02 网络整理 教案网












一、 充分理解教研活动的意义,动员教师参与教研活动,总结幼儿园教研活动












经过一个学期的系列区域活动幼儿园教案下载,孩子们对科学概念、自然现象、日常生活技能等材料有了新的认识。在这次活动中,我们看到每个班级的孩子都养成了良好的学习习惯。孩子的动手能力和分析问题的能力在不断提高。老师让孩子们学习做科学实验,以记录单的形式总结科学概念、自然现象等信息,通过记录单的形式提高孩子的科学概念。 , 增强孩子的探究能力。通过在社交互动区的实践,幼儿对社会的许多成员有了更多的了解,与同龄人和睦相处的能力也得到了提升,对相应的机构有了更深入的了解,他们的社交能力也得到了提升。和意识得到了提高。










3、 强调出去学习。











(4)民游戏文化渗透到课程中。开学之初,我们根据上学期的实践经验,对主题教学计划的制定进行了较大的改动。例外的是我们有很多在我们的主题教学计划中渗透民俗游戏的元素,经过深思熟虑和修改,课程教材更加有特色,更适合孩子的需要和发展。花了很多心思 把主题材料定位在我们 家乡的民俗游戏,经过年级组小组讨论后,教师单独设计教案。 . 从活动的过程和结果来看,孩子们与民俗游戏的关系非常密切,我很感兴趣,为民俗的传承做出了贡献我家乡的游戏。本学期平行班教师仍将每周集结一次,根据活动现场对课程进行事后研讨和预研,反思教学实践,及时对教材进行调整和修改,注重课程资料的积累,让我们的课程更加花园式。

2、Environment 作为一个隐藏的课程资源也受到了我们的极大关注。我们不仅将环境创造作为教师严肃的评估材料。按照初步计划,5月底,我们还进行了一次全园鉴定。






1、 完善教学科研活动体系。


2、 发挥教研合作共同体的优势。




教研组长负责教研活动的组织和开展。三个年级组由年级组长领导,确保活动按计划进行。本学期,我们三个年级组开展了绿色环保活动:绿色在行动——我是果园的小主人;发现自然,想象春天;举起一片绿地等活动有很好的效果; 4月,开展“走进课堂,展现特色”角观察活动;5月,开展骨干教师电影级开学活动;6月,开展6月1日大型活动“亲子”游戏、精彩、快乐一起”。经过丰富多彩的教研活动,提高了教师的能力,加强了学校的教研氛围。






为了提高教师对教案的再学习和再探索,由于很多老师对电子备课的依赖和懒惰,本学期已被我校校长要求恢复手工备课一段时间。主,但禁止抄袭,要求教师对每项活动进行自我反省。同时,我们坚持课堂听课制度,确保课堂教学质量。 [组织者]





1、 加强业务学习。








在幼儿园教育教学工作中,教学部三名教师将在中大班严格把控教学质量。要求年级主任对全年级的教学和日常活动要有自我思考,多与年级组成员沟通交流,保证每节课的质量。这样的模式极大地提升了幼儿园的整体教学地位。 2.备课模式和阅读笔记形式的再创新。











今年我上了一个小班。和孩子们在一起的日子里,有过快乐,有过悲伤,有过疲惫,有过汗水,但更多的是快乐。这种快乐是孩子带给我的,我爱孩子,孩子也爱我。我也因为爱而充满喜悦,也因为爱让我深入每个孩子的心,让我和孩子的心融为一体,让我对班上的每个孩子有了更深的了解。的确,虽然有时他们会抱怨孩子的恶作剧,并因为他们的不服从而失去态度。忙碌的工作让我感到疲倦,但由此心里总会有一份强烈的责任感:我是一名老师,我要引导这些追梦的孩子们,写下他们心中最美的一本书。这种强烈的意识不断激励着我真诚地拥抱每一个孩子。日日夜夜和孩子在一起,我总是想起两句话,那就是“如果我是一个孩子”和“如果我是一个孩子”。这种情绪,让我少了对孩子的抱怨,多了一份宽容;要求少,理解多;少一点责备,多一点尊重。 I think as long as we love seriously with our "heart", then our children will be the best.

At work, I strictly demand myself as always, abide by the rules and regulations of the kindergarten, unite with colleagues, ask questions if they don’t understand, and do not leave early or absent from work. He also actively participates in various activities inside and outside the kindergarten, obeys work arrangements, and strives to use the highest standards of the preschool teacher's profession to demand himself, and wholeheartedly do a good job in education and teaching. Because the children in my class are young, when they first enter the kindergarten, many children have tears on their faces and their ability to take care of themselves is relatively poor. In one day of study, we focus on stabilizing children’s emotions and helping them to develop good health. Study and living habits. Therefore, under our training, the self-care ability of the children in our class has been greatly improved. For example, the situation that most children often wear the wrong shoes has been greatly reduced, and their little feet are no longer "arguing"; The situation of children eating and cooking has improved a lot now, and the change of children has made us and parents feel gratified. Since a semester, with the help and leadership of our teacher, the children in my class have learned to take care of themselves (be able to eat independently, take a quiet nap, use their own towels and cups correctly, develop the habit of washing hands before meals and after going to the toilet, etc. ), know how to get along well.

In teaching and research activities, I can also devote myself and study seriously. I feel that everyone is my teacher, I can learn, and there is still a lot to learn. For example, teachers must perform standardized and correct operation demonstrations in Montessori educational activities. The design of teaching aids should be based on the age characteristics of children, and so on. Through this time and time of self-reflection and practice, I feel that I only need to study hard and do it seriously. In my spare time, I read some pre-school education magazines that I subscribed, go to the library to read some related pre-school education materials, and go to the bookstore to buy useful materials for education and teaching. Watching and learning all kinds of books and audio-visual materials, I believe I will do it to the next level.


As a teacher in the new century and in the new era, I think we must continue to learn, expand our horizons, and update our concepts so that we can keep up with the pace of the times. Only a practical change in thinking can ensure the lasting and deepening of education reform. Respect young children, pay attention to the ordinary moments of each child, pay attention to the child’s window of development, change the way children learn... These new ideas can all be memorized in my heart. How to integrate the curriculum organically into one-day activities, and how to catch the valuable hot spots of children's generation in a timely manner is worthy of further study and discussion.

In terms of parent work, this semester I used telephone interviews, parent conferences and other forms to communicate with parents frequently, and also used morning and evening parents to pick up their children for random conversations. It not only allows parents to keep abreast of their children’s performance in the kindergarten, but also provides a favorable prerequisite for us to further understand and master the status quo of children and provide targeted and timely education.

Moreover, in my life, I take care of every child in the class, pay attention to their diet, help the children dress and undress in different weather, take care of sick children, and get in touch with parents in time. , The child’s condition will be reflected in detail. And pay attention to creating a comfortable, healthy and warm living environment for children to reduce the children's thoughts of their parents, and to enable children to grow up physically and mentally, healthy and happily. It is precisely because of the tangible dedication that not only has the parents' approval, but also the parents' trust.

Although this semester is very busy and very tiring, I have gained a lot. I enjoy the joy of harvest at work, and I also find some existing problems at work. I will use the harvest I enjoy in my work next semester. I have to think carefully about the problems I encounter and find ways to solve them, and strive to do better in the future!

Summary of personal work of kindergarten education and teaching (五)

In a blink of an eye, the semester is over. Looking back on the past, it seems to be very busy, but I feel very fulfilling and meaningful. Especially this semester is very special for me. I am under pressure and motivated to work. I am required to work hard and work hard to achieve more gains. Now that the semester is over, I can't help but feel a little bit of emotion when I look back.

一、political and ideological aspects

I can actively participate in political studies, care about national affairs, adhere to the principle of equal emphasis on conservation and education, be loyal to my duties, be strict with myself, and be a role model for others. Firmly establish professional thinking, continuously learn professional theoretical knowledge and improve technical skills. Earnestly study the higher-level documents issued by the school, care about major events at home and abroad, and pay attention to the study of political theory. Basically, I can make it late and leave early.

二、 Get along with your child and watch your child’s growth:

The biggest gain of this semester is that we met 38 lovely children. We got along for a semester. From the beginning of their dissatisfaction with you, to now we can secretly tell you what we are saying, and feel that we are in the end. It is "the effort has been rewarded." The children in our class are all children who have never been to kindergarten. At the beginning of school, facing unfamiliar teachers, facing kindergartens that have never been to kindergartens, and facing the departure of their parents, many children couldn't help but fall. Tears, "Wow, wow," I burst into tears, and I am very dependent on the parents, but don’t look at the young children, they are very stubborn and cry whenever something goes wrong, and crying is pretty good, but Teacher Liu and I are determined Use love to influence children, patiently preach, and take care of them carefully. Now our children are more sensible and stronger, and no longer lose their temper or want to come to the kindergarten. Also, Liu Yujie in our class has had a lot of friends since the beginning, and now she has many friends of her own, and she gradually likes to help me study early; Lin Shuqing, who used to be quiet and introverted, has also become a lot more lively and cheerful.

Treat children with care, patience and love. Each class has a few more naughty children. The same is true in our class. Luo Gan is a child who gives me a headache. He is very active and hard to concentrate. , And I’m not good at getting along with my peers, often causing me "trouble", sometimes really angry, but the child is still a child after all, so I always be patient, reason with him, and use love to influence the child. I think the children will understand the teacher's intentions, and I will continue...

三、Treat each other sincerely, parents will love each other:

38 children are related to them but more than 38 parents. How to deal with the relationship between parents is very important. I am a relatively young teacher. The first contact with parents was when the children signed up. At that time, I felt their worry and distrust from the eyes of the parents, so Teacher Liu and I decided to prove our enthusiasm for work and love for our children with actions. Gradually, the eyes of the parents changed, and there were less warnings and more trust when sending the children. The children in our class are very young. Every day after school, Teacher Liu and I help the children sort out their clothes and pants one by one. Sometimes it is intentional to train children to wear shoes by themselves to improve their self-care ability. Now, most of the children in our class have learned to wear shoes by themselves. Looking at their changes, I feel a sense of accomplishment in my heart. Now parents are very relieved to hand over their children to us. Facing the parents’ peace of mind, what are we suffering and tired? Worth it!

四、 Strictly demand yourself and strive for more gains:

There is an old saying: "The sea of ​​study has no boundaries and hard work is a boat." Yes, teachers should be like this. The central kindergarten has many teachers with rich teaching experience. With such a good environment, I put forward several requirements for myself. : To be humble, to be painstaking, to be persevering in things. Because I was young, I had to learn many things from scratch. I humbly asked other teachers about the experience of class management, took every teaching activity seriously, wrote the activity design carefully, and tried to give each activity class well.

In order to update my own ideas, I also use the break time to read some preschool education magazines, such as "Early Childhood Education", "Preschool Education Expo", "Preschool Education", etc., to extract good methods from others, and to study the new " "Outline", and use this to ask ourselves, try our best to transform the theory into reality, improve the quality of activities, and strive for more gains.

Meet me will also be the new semester. I believe that in line with my love and dedication to this profession, there will be more hopes waiting for me...

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