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你值得拥有:七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrat

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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版.doc 版权申诉docFinding your way教学目标:1.To recognize key expressions about directions and tell the different prepositions from one to another. 2.To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and making a route and develop students’ ability to catch the detailed information. 3.To give directions in an everyday context and write a short passage with these expressions.教学重点:1.To tell the prepositions about directions from one to another 2.To use these expressions to write a passage教学过程:Step 2: Presentation Recognize some simple instructions (A1)a. Say : Do you know the meaning of this sentence ? What should you do? Which picture will you choose? Where is the sentence? Maybe it is like this: Cross the bridge and turn rightb. Check their answer and point out: there is another expression in the second picture.Turn right at the second turning. 1.The Class 1 Grade 7 students and the exchange students from Britain are going to play a game called “Treasure Hunt”. There’s some treasure somewhere in the fields. Let’s try to find it. Mr Wu will give us some instructions. a. First listen to the tape and put the instructions into the correct order. (A1)walk past the wooden house along a small path next to the river walk across the field walk towards the bridgewalk straight on take the second turning on the left You are inviting a classmate to your home. You need to give him directions . Use these phrases and the following dialogue as a model. (B)Step 3: Language points1.在第二个拐弯处向右转,然后一直向前走。

_______ the_______ ______ ______ the right, then ________ ______ __________. 知识点:(1)past (prep.) 经过 eg:开车经过那个公园 drive past the park/ 七点半 half past seven(adj.) 过去的eg:过去几天来 for the past few days(n) 过去 eg:在过去 in the pastpass (v.) 经过七年级上下册教案下载,通过,传递eg:把书递给我____________________________通过那次考试_________________________passed (p.p.) 2) toward(s) (prep.) 朝…去--ward(s)是词前缀,用在“前后左右上下”等词后七年级上下册教案下载,如:backward(s), forward(s), upward(s), 3) right (prep.)在右边(adj.)正确的(adv.)恰好,正是,确是4)across (prep.)through (prep.)cross (v.)crossing (n.)eg. The bus goes straight _______ Huilong. On my way home , I saw a police go ______ (passed/past) If you want to buy the best, you are here in the ______ place. 1. would like to + v.原形 表示“请你…好吗?”eg. Would you like _________________ ?(帮我一个忙)请你再说一遍行吗?_____________________? 2. It’s easy to + v. 原形如: It’s easy to __________________. (解答这个题目)翻译:这个词语很简单_______________________. Step 4 Summarycross the bridge/road go /walk across … turn left / right walk past …walk along/down … walk straight on ….Take the second turning on the left = turn left at the second turning Would you like to …?Step 5 Practice1. You are Lilei. You invited Jane to your home. Now you give her instructions. 2. 填空1. Take the second t_____ on the right.2. Turn left and walk along a small p____ next to the river.3. There is a big football f_____ on the other side of the road.4. The girl is walking t_____ the sea.5. C_____ the road at the traffic lights.6. Walk p____ the police station and you’ll see the hospital.7. Walk s_____ on and you’ll find it at the end of the road.8. There is a lovely w_____ house on your left.

