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八年级英语上册《Unit 1 How often do you exercise

2021-01-01 05:03 网络整理 教案网

八年级英语上册《Unit 1 How often do you exercise》(第5课时)教案 人教新目标版.doc 版权申诉doc课题: 八年级上 Unit 1 教学设计第 5 课时 上课日期:________学习目标:1 review all the new words and phrases2 master the grammar: the present tense 教学过程一、先复习 单词和词汇 :How often, exercise, hardly ,ever, once , twice, program, result, milk ,health短语:how often, twice a week, as for , how many , of course , look after,The same as , a lot of 二、复习 课本内容 重点背诵下列重点段落:1. how often do you shop ? I shop once a month.2. Here are the results of the student activity survey.3 Good food and exercise help me to study better.4. I eat it twice or three times a week.三、教师抽查人教版八年级中国历史上册教案下载,同学互查人教版八年级中国历史上册教案下载, 对背诵中发生的问题加以讲解。

四、 小检测将以下句子译成英语:1. 健康的生活方式 _____ 2. 去溜滑板 ____ _______________3. 上网 ______ 4. 至于 _____ __ 5. 饮食习惯 _______ _______6. 垃圾食品 _______ _______ 7. 几乎从不 _________ _____8. 当然 ____ _______ 9. 取得好成绩 ______ ______ 10. 活动调查 ___________ __11. 保持健康 ______ _________ 12. 保持健康 _______ _____13. 保持健康 ______ _________ 14. 与……相同 _____ __15. 吃最少的肉 _____ ______ 16. 一周两次 _____________17. 一周锻炼一、两次 _________ __ ____ 18. 很积极 _____ ______19. 提高英语水平 ________ ___ 20.给……增添内容 ____ _______ 21. 相当健康 ________ ____ 22. 有点 _______ 23. 少 _________用所给词的适当方式填空:1. I hardly ever exercise, so I think I’m kind of _______ (health).2. It’s bad for your health to eat junk food three _______ (time) a week.3. They go to the movies _______ (one) a month.4. He usually ______ (have) some milk and bread for breakfast.5. What’s your ________ (eat) habit?. 选择填空:( ) 1. Is her watch ____ yours or different?A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to单词:( ) 2. ____ the hotel, it’s very clean and near the downtown.A. As for B. AsC. Because D. /( ) 3. His mother wants him ____ at home today.A. staysB. stayed C. to stay D. staying( ) 4. ____ Dasan is from Canada, ____ he can speak Chinese very well.A. Although, but B. Although, / C. Although, so D. /, so( ) 5. —____ do they play football? —Always.A. How soon B. How much C. How many D. How often( ) 6. Here ____ the results ____ the student activity survey.A. is, with B. are, of C. is, of D. are, with( ) 7. Good food and exercise ____ study better.A. help me to B. helps me to C. help me with D. helping me( ) 8. When I come home ____ work, I felt very tired.A. toB. from C. forD. at( ) 9. His grandmother is well because she often ____.A. exercises B. smokes C. sleeps D. sings( ) 10. I think drinking milk is ____ our health.A. good at B. bad for C. good for D. good to( ) 11. Are you ____ now? A. online B. the online C. a online D. the Internet板书设计Unit 1 How often do you exercise?教后小结

