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第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]词 句 梳 理类别 课标考点要求stamp n.邮票;印章 1.________ beside prep.在……旁边;在……附近 2.________ postcardn.明信片 3.________ rush 4.________ v.&n.仓促;急促 suggest v.建议;提议 5.________ grape n.葡萄 词汇 6.________ central adj.中心的;中央的 识记 7.________ 8.convenient ________ adj.便利的;方便的 direction 9.________ n.方向;方位 correct adj.正确的;恰当的 10.________ address n.住址;地址;通讯处 11.________ underground 12.___________ adj.地下的 n.地铁词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时类别Units 3—4[九年级全一册]课标考点要求humorous 13.________ adj.有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 silent adj.不说话的;沉默的 14.________ score v.&n.得分;进球 15.________ interview 16.________ v.采访;面试 n. 面试;访谈 dare 17.________ v.敢于;胆敢 private adj.私人的;私密的 18.________ guard v.守卫;保卫 n. 警卫;看守 词汇 19.________ require v.需要;要求 识记 20.________ European 21.________ adj.欧洲(人)的 n.欧洲人 examinationn.考试;审查 22.___________ speech n.讲话;发言 23.________ seldom adv.很少;不常 24.________ influence 25.________ v.&n.影响 fail 26.________ v.不及格;失败;未能(做到)词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时类别Units 3—4[九年级全一册]课标考点要求backgroundn.背景 27.___________ general 28.___________ adj.总的;普遍的;常规的 n.将军 pass by 29.____________ 路过;经过 pardon me 抱歉;请再说一遍 30.____________ be afraid of 害怕 31.____________ 32.____________ 一双 a pair of on one's way在去 to ……的路上 词汇 33.____________ deal with 识记 34.____________ 对付;应付 in public 35.____________ 公开地 36._____________________ be proud of/take pride 为 in……骄傲;感到欣慰 in person 亲身;亲自 37.____________ be absent from 38.____________ 缺席 take up 39.____________ 开始从事;占据 make a speech 40.____________ 做演讲词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时类别Units 3—4[九年级全一册]课标考点要求central 1.center(n.)→________(adj.) 中心的;中央的 normally 通常;正常状况下 2.normal(adj.)→________(adv.) examination 3.examine(v.)→________ ___(n.)考试;审查 politely 礼貌地;客气地 4.polite(adj.)→________(adv.) politeness →_______ __(n.)礼貌 词汇 impolite 反义词)不礼貌的;粗鲁的 →________( 活用 humorous 5.humor(n.)→_______ __(adj.)有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 6.Europe(n.)→__________(adj.& n.)欧洲(人)的;欧洲人 European 7.Britain(n.)→________(adj.) 英国(人)的 British helpful 8.help(v.)→________(adj.) 有用的;有帮助的 helpless →________(adj.) 无自理能力的;无助的段落梳理重难聚焦第16课时 类别Units 3—4[九年级全一册]课标考点要求 9.interview(v.& n.)→____________(n.) 参加面试者 interviewee ;接受采访者 →_______ ____(n.)主持面试者;接见者;采访者 interviewer spoke 10.speak(v.)→________( 过去式) spoken →________( 过去分词) →________(n.) 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 speaker speech 词汇 →________(n.) 讲话;发言 活用 11.direct(adj.)→________(adv.) 径直地;直接地; directly 坦率地 →________(n.) 方向;方位 direction 12.silent(adj.)→________(n.) 沉默;缄默;无声 silence silently →________(adv.) 不说话地;沉默地 absence 13.absent(adj.)→________(n.) 缺席 present第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]类别 课标考点要求 exactly 词汇 14.exact(adj.)→________(adv.) 确切地;精确地 活用 15.general(adj.)→________(adv.) 普遍地;广泛地 generally 1.打扰一下英语备课大师下载初中,你无法告诉我怎么到书店吗? to Excuse me, could you please tell mehow ________ get to ________ ________ ________ the bookstore? 2.打扰一下,你了解这周边是否有商场吗? 句型 if there is Pardon me, do you know ________ ________ a restaurant 再现 ________ ________ ________ around here? 3.你可告诉我哪里有睡觉的好地方吗? where there is Can you tell me ________ ________ ________ a to eat good place ________ ________?词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时 类别Units 3—4[九年级全一册] 课标考点要求4.当你参观外国时,知道如何有礼貌地求助是十分重 要的。

is When you visit a foreign country, it ________ important ________ to ________ ________ know how to ask ________ forhelp ________ politely. ________ 5.我过去常见到他经常都在图书馆读书。 句型 used to see reading I ________ ________ ________ him ________ in 再现 the library every day. 6.现在对我来说和同学一起闲逛几乎是不可能的,因 为总是有保安围着我。 Hanging out is ________ ________ with friends ________ almost because impossible for me now ________ there are always guards around me.词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时类别Units 3—4[九年级全一册]课标考点要求7.只有极少数的人可作为顶级专家。 small ________ number of people ________ Only a very ________ ________ make to the ittop. ________ 8.最后,李文的爸妈决定把他送到寄宿大学。

Finally, Li Wen's parents ________ ________ to made the ________ decision send him to a boarding school. 句型 9.他的同学建议他的爸妈亲自跟她们的女儿谈一谈。 advised his parents ________ to ________ talk 再现 His teacher ________ with in ________. person ________ their son ________ 10.现在,我知道了,即使它们再忙,他们也总是会想到我。他 们为我做的每件好事而骄傲。 even though Now I understand that ________ ________ they are busy, they are always ________ ________ thinking of me. They ________ ________ everything good that I do. take pride ________ in词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]类 课标考点要求 别 语 法 1.特殊疑问词引导的表语从句 链 2.used to的用法 接句子梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]重 难 聚 焦考|点|1 suggest v. 建议;提议 【点拨】 (1)suggest (sb./one's) doing sth. 建议(某人)做某事 We should suggest him/his giving up smoking. 我们必须建议他戒烟。


(2)suggest sth. (to sb.) (向某人)建议某物 She suggested a good way to me. 她帮我强调了一个(解决难题的)好方法。 (3)suggest that sb. (should)+动词原形 建议某人做某事 He suggested that they (should) go shopping on Sunday. 他建议人们星期天去购物。 (4)suggest的副词形式为suggestion,为可数名词。词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]针对训练 1.I suggested ________ dinner at the nearby restaurant C with these children. A.to have B.have C.having B 2.My teacher suggests we ________ something for them instead of buying them gifts. A.to do B.do C.doing A 3.—Could you please give me some ________ about how to write a book report? —Sure, no problem. A.suggestions B.suggestion C.advices词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]考|点|2 public n. 民众 adj. 公开的;公众的 【点拨】 (1)the public意为“公众”,作定语时,谓语词性 常用复数形式。