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田径教案范文 【小编为】混合式教学探索的重点问题(二)(3)

2022-09-21 10:11 网络整理 教案网

二、Strengthen the regular construction of teaching and research groups, and initially form a united and progressive group

1、The teachers of the art and sports group of the elementary school earnestly implement the rules and regulations of the school, and earnestly complete the teaching, counseling, training and related tasks arranged by the school.

2、The teaching process has been standardized through the routine inspection of teaching.

3、Stimulate interest and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Teachers collect information extensively through full contact with students to find students' interest in the subject. After careful research and integration, a teaching plan and teaching content that are suitable for the school's characteristics and students' needs are formulated. Based on the attitude of understanding students, appreciating students, and serving students, we carefully prepare every class and take every class seriously. Give full play to the main role of students, stimulate students' interest in learning, and make the first grade and preschool children like sound, body and beauty.

4、Through education and teaching research, teachers quickly adapted to the new environment and improved their ideological and moral level and professional quality.

5、Take the opportunity of office culture construction to strengthen group culture construction and form group cohesion.

三、Take the opportunity of interest group activities to create the characteristics of art education in Sunshine School

1、Strengthen the management of interest groups, requiring teachers in the group to formulate practical teaching plans and teaching content according to their own strengths and students’ characteristics, so that extracurricular activities can be carried out in an orderly manner and students’ strengths can be reasonably obtained develop.

2、Complete the tasks assigned by the school seriously and responsibly.

3、 Give full play to the collective role of the teaching and research group, convene interest group tutors to discuss scientific and effective learning models according to the tutoring situation, and adjust tutoring methods in a timely and effective manner, so that extracurricular activities have achieved certain results.

General summary of school teachers' art and sports teaching and research activities [8]

This semester, according to the school's work plan and requirements, the art and sports teaching and research team actively learns the spirit of the new curriculum standard, actively implements the new curriculum reform, adheres to teaching as the center, takes teaching and research as the guide, and earnestly grasps every teaching link Now we will summarize the relevant situation of the teaching and research group this semester:

一、Actively implement the spirit of the new curriculum standards

This semester, this group pays attention to organizing teachers to learn about the spirit of the new curriculum standards, seriously asking each teacher to study the textbooks, discuss teaching methods, and actively implement them into their own teaching, and also actively carry out lesson preparation between the same disciplines Research, and strive to dig deep and understand the teaching materials and teaching methods. In the course preparation inspections, it is found that all teachers prepare lessons carefully, the lesson plans are written in detail and practical, with strong pertinence, and the teaching method design is novel, reasonable and scientific, which reflects the teachers' learning and understanding of new education and teaching concepts.

二、Serious research on new teaching methods

This semester, many teachers in this group actively participated in the new curriculum teaching practice demonstration week organized by the school. Among them, Zhong Zhaocang, a physical education teacher, and Li Wei, a music teacher, participated in the opening activities for teachers in the city, and received extensive praise It is well received. Teacher Zhong Zhaocang's new course teaching plan design also participated in the city's excellent teaching plan evaluation.

Teachers Sun Chengxia and Chen Bin also participated in the demonstration and evaluation of the art quality class teaching organized by the county, and achieved good results.

三、Actively play the dominant role of disciplines

In this semester's teaching work, in addition to completing the teaching work well, the teachers of each subject in this group also actively cooperated with the school center work and carried out various activities, giving full play to the advantages of different subjects.

This semester, the music teachers carefully organized the students' literary and artistic activities, and actively tutored them. They participated in county and city competitions, and some programs won award-winning art teachers to carefully guide students with painting expertise, and participated in several county and city competitions. activities and achieved good results. Another student's works won prizes in provincial competitions. On June 1st, with the active efforts of school leaders and teachers, several music teachers in the art and sports group worked overtime, carefully prepared and planned, and successfully organized a large-scale theatrical performance to celebrate the "June 1" student talent show.