1、请设计教学环节,让学生学会“左”和“右”这两个词。 (音、形、义的结合)P10
2、北京将举办2008年奥运会,请设计一个以“奥运-北京”为主题的综合实践活动板块。 P22
基本流程:(1)引入对话,明确目标;(2)围绕目标收集资料;(3)学生小组,交流资料(奥运相关知识,图片等);(3)确定主题,分组准备(小组讨论报告的形式、选定的内容、分工完成设计、图像处理、文字编辑等) ; (4)小组报告,师生评价;( 5)全班展示,分享他们的想法。
3、在阅读教学中结合阅读和写作是提高学生写作能力的有效途径。请根据自己的教学实践制定教学设计。 P25
答题要点:以阅读理解为基础,以日常生活和语言积累为素材,将课文学习与学生作业有机结合。读写结合的形式:续写(《凡卡》:凡卡寄信后会怎样?)、仿写(《四季》、《春雨色》)、增写(《燕子专列》 ”:“所以,政府通过电视和广播呼吁人们立即行动,寻找燕子,将它们送到燕站。”如果你是瑞士政府的发言人,你会如何呼吁大家?),重写(有很多古诗《村子·家》:草长莺飞二月天,柳柳醉春烟。孩子们早早放学,忙着放纸风筝。东风中。)、补文(《纸船与风筝》:小熊和松鼠吵架后,等到好日子,会怎样?)等等。
老师在屏幕上打出课文的第一句话:“秋天来了,天气很冷,树叶从树枝上掉下来了。”请仔细阅读这句话,窦老师提醒,这句话里有一个很有意思的词,请查收!一会儿,学生们找到了“碎片”这个词。窦老师让学生们先读单词,然后在黑板上画了一片叶子问大家:“这是一片‘叶子’吗?”学生回答:“没有。”窦先生转过身,又把它放在了黑板上。画完一片叶子,我问大家:“所以是两片?” “不是两片,‘一片’就是很多很多叶子!就是很多叶子!”学生回答。 “那这个词应该怎么读?”窦先生问道。于是,同学们轻轻地读着“秋天来了,天气冷了,树叶散了……”“读你的经历和你的理解!”窦老师启发。
学生 1:(阅读流利,但情感不够)
师父:这就是你的感觉,非常好! (邀请其他学生阅读)
健康3:慢慢地、一块块地掉下来。 (边说边加上优美的伸展动作)
师父:很有诗意! (教室里爆发出一阵掌声)
答题要点:(1)激发学生的生活体验,让学生在积极的思考和情感活动中感知和理解语言。(2)珍惜学生独特的爱,鼓励学生单独解读课文) .
答:两种设计都注重将学生置于学习的主体地位,教师注重调动学生的主动性和学习积极性。不同的是设计一:老师先给出一个例句,帮助学生理解句子的意思,然后学生自己准备句子,然后点名交流。这样,学生的参与度大大降低,学习方法也比较简单,只有极少数学生发展了自己的语言。设计二:在教学中,教师构建小组合作学习的组织形式,让学生在参与中积极参与,在参与中积极发展,注意从大到小,把大班变成几个学习小组,实现通过小组合作学习的教学导向。全部的。在课堂教学中,组长负责组织组内学生独立完成需要自己完成的任务,并进行小组交流;对学生的发言和学习成果进行复习、提问、讨论、纠正,检查和评价每个学生的学习效果。收集和组织有关小组学习的信息,并向教师提供反馈。 In this way, the language ability of all students is fully developed.
3、An interesting composition teaching
Teacher: Classmates, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. I really think of all of you who have been to the Dragon Boat Festival. I wonder which classmates would like to invite me?
Student: (with a happy face, shouting) Teacher is coming to my house! I would like to invite you!
Master: Everyone is willing to invite me, I am very happy. But this is not the way to fight. I see it this way, whoever can cook, and the dishes are delicious, I will be a guest at someone's house.
Student: (his face is embarrassed, I don't know how to answer)
Master: This condition may make it difficult for everyone. However, there are still several days until the Dragon Boat Festival. If the students are willing to learn, they will definitely learn well and invite me.
Student: (excitedly) Okay, it's a deal!
[In the composition class in two days]
Teacher: Have the students learned to cook?
Student: (loudly) I learned!
Master: Yeah, so fast? Who did you learn from?
Student 1: I learned from my dad.
Master: Thank you for your sincerity. So what have you learned to cook? Must be fine, right?
Students: (Without waiting for the teacher to call, they all stood up one after another, rushing to talk. The teacher invited a few people to the podium to tell everyone.)
Teacher: All of these classmates spoke well just now. After listening to them, I knew that the dishes must be done well, and the teacher was almost drooling. But there are so many students in the class, it is impossible for everyone to come up and say, is there any way to let the teacher know what each classmate has learned to cook, and how is the cooking process?
Student: Teacher, let's write down the process of cooking and what dishes are made, don't you know?
Master: That's a good idea. In this way, the teacher not only needs to know what kind of dishes you are cooking, but also can compare and see who's cooking is the best, so I'll be a guest at whose house, okay?
Sheng: Good!
Teacher: Okay, let's write.
How is this composition teaching different from traditional composition teaching? What does it teach you?
Answer points:
Traditional composition: (1)Proposition or semi-proposition, the content is divorced from the reality of life. (2)The composition requirements are too high, too much emphasis is placed on the teaching of writing knowledge, and students are too constrained and passively accepted status.
Case: (1)The content of the composition is close to the actual life of the students, so that the students are easy to write and are willing to express. (2)We attach importance to the experience of life before writing, guide students to observe consciously, and help the students Independent writing provides a favorable space. (3)Advocate students to write independently, reduce constraints on students, and encourage free and creative expression.