【注释】 [1]参见梁治平:《英国普通法中的罗马法因素》,《比较法研究》1990年第1期,第41页。
[3] william c. burton, legal thesaurus, new york: macmillan publishing press, 1980, p.333.。5. samuel c. chew & richard d. altick. a literary history of england. 2nded. v.4: the 19th century & after. (1789-1939)[m]. london: rkp, 1978.。“chu hsi,” in frank n. magill, ed., great lives from history: ancient and medieval series. (pasadena: salem press, 1988), vol. 2, pp. 502-506.。
[4]See W. Stubbs, The Constitutional History of England, Vol. I, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891,p.554.
[6]Charles P. Sherman, The Romanization of English Law,in The Yale Law Journal, Vol.23,No. 4,1914,p.318
[8]See Barri Jones and David Mattingly,An Atlas of Roman Britain, Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Inc.,1990,pp. 244-246.
[9]See Jones E. Michael, Geographical-Psychological Frontiers in Sub-roman Britain, in Ralph Mathisen and HaghtSivan(eds.),Shifting Frontiers Late Antiquity(Alder-shot),1996,pp.45-58.
[13]R. A. Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest, Woodbridge: The Boy dell Press, 1985,p. 19.
[15]See Sheldon Amos, The History and Principles of the Civil Law of Rome: An Aid to the Study of Scientific and ComparativeJurisprudence, Book on Demand Ltd.,2013,p.445.
[16]Charles P. Sherman, The Romanization of English Law, in The Yale Law扣urnal, Vol.23,No. 4,1914, p.322.
british history: the world of magna carta。what do you know about the spirit of the magna carta。原 名: magna carta ii。
in o. l. dick (ed.) brief lives, oxford: oxford university press, 1960, p. 604.。 god, catch toad, whip away.this dozens, neither.[1]chapters from a floating life the autobiography of a chinese artist. tr. black, shirley m. oxford university press, 1960six records of a floating life: shen fu。chapters from a floating life the autobiography of a chinese artist. tr. black, shirley m. oxford university press, 1960six records of a floating life: shen fu。
[19]R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the lus Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,p.360.
[23]See R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the Ins Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,p.316.
[24]See Tenney Frank, Roman Imperialism, Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing, 2010, p. 353.
另外可参看杨念群《中层理论》(江西 教育 出版社2001,第232—274页)以及葛兆光《中国思想史·导论》(复旦大学出版社2001,第115—136页)、王睛佳《后现代主义与中国史学的前景》(见《东岳论丛》2004年1月号,第11—19页)、罗志田为何伟亚(jaltles l.hevia)的《怀柔远人:马嘎尔尼使华的中英礼仪冲突》(邓常春译,社会科学文献出版社2002)一书写的“译序”、赵世瑜《历史学即史科学:关于后现代史学的反思》(《学术研究》2004年第4期第12—15页)等。关于侵权行为的类型化问题,大陆民法学者研究较少,尤其是一些重要的民法教材都没有涉及,如高等政法院校法学主干课程教材江平主编的《民法学》中国政法大学出版社2000年版,面向21世纪课程教材魏振瀛主编的《民法》北京大学出版社与高等教育出版社2000年联合出版均未涉及到一般侵权行为的类型化问题。总之,我们离把优士丁尼《民法大全》,尤其是其中的《学说汇纂》全部翻译成中文的目标越来越近,在这个时刻,停下来做一些翻译上的经验教训的研讨,可以为将来出版一部高质量的《民法大全选译》总合本创造条件。
[26]R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the Ins Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66, No. 2,1999,p.334.
[30]R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the lus Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review,Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,pp. 320-321.
{13}h. kalven, jr.,h. zeisel. the american jury [m].boston: little, brown, 1966:55-62.。[8] bochner f et al(eds):handbook of clinical pharmacology.2nd ed .little brown.boston.1983。 paul-henri spaak, the continuing battle memoirs of a european 1936-1966, boston:little,brown company, 1971, pp.227-231, 238-252。
[33]R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the lus Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review,Vol. 66,No.2, 1999,p.333.
[37]B. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the Ins Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,p.344.
88 – 94
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[42]R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the Ius Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,p.356.
[43]See R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and thelus Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,p.336.
[44]R. H. Helmholz, Magna Carta and the lus Commune, in The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 66,No. 2,1999,p.344.
british history: the world of magna carta。what do you know about the spirit of the magna carta。原 名: magna carta ii。