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石家庄新动态国际英语 【新动态国际英语】如何应对“节后综合症”?(转载)

2018-02-26 15:03 网络整理 教案网







Post-vacation blues (Canada and US), Post-holiday blues (Ireland and some Commonwealth countries) or just vacation/holiday blues or less commonly, post-travel depression (PTD) is a type of mood that persons returning home from a long trip (usually a vacation) may experience.

A person may suffer from post vacation blues after returning home or to a normal routine from a long vacation, especially if it was a pleasurable one. The longer a trip lasts, the more intense the post vacation blues may be. This is because after the person returns home, they realize how boring and unsatisfactory their normal lifestyle routine is when compared to the activities they did while on their holiday/vacation. It is easier to overcome/adjust to a normal routine the shorter the trip was. Post vacation blues may result in tiredness, loss of appetite, strong feelings of nostalgia, and in some cases, depression. Jet lag may intensify the post vacation blues.


·“节后综合症”,在西方国家往往被称做“Post-vacation blues", 或"Post-holiday blues"。"blues"除了表示“蓝调布鲁斯”的音乐类型外,还可以表示“忧郁的情绪”,此处便是此意。另外,也可以叫做"Vacation / holiday blues", "Post-travel depression", "Post holiday syndrome"。

· A person may suffer from post vacation blues after returning home or to a normal routine from a long vacation, especially if it was a pleasurable one.