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2021-09-14 23:03 网络整理 教案网

六、 认真组织各级各类教研活动,开展学校教师公开课、学区、校际教师观摩活动。通过这些活动,教师的教学水平得到了提高。学校之间的教育教学交流得到加强。 七、参加学区教学督查班的教学工作紧张有序。参加学区教学督查班的教学工作紧张、有序、科学、高效。根据义务教育课程改革情况,及时调整备考策略,优化教学行为。充分发挥主渠道作用和课堂主阵地,有效优化课堂教学,从40分钟中谋取利益。全体教师具有质量意识、危机意识、忧患意识,认真研究考试情况,认真研究考试策略,千方百计提高参与学区教学考试班级的教学质量。 八、 开展校本培训,提高教师素质 学校着力打造师德、美、才教师队伍。校领导和优秀教师精心开展青年教师培训,思想引导。组织青年教师学习教育政策法规,学习师德,树立科学的人生观、世界观、价值观,树立正确的教育观和人才观。学校开始引导青年教师学习教材、教学方法,开展教学改革,提高专业技能。学校善于发现青年教师的闪光点,适时表扬。 九、重视教学反思,提高教学科研水平。反思是教师回顾和分析教学行为及其结果的过程。它是最常见的教学和研究形式。根据教学过程,教师需要在教学后的三个阶段进行反思。


教学前,反思教材、学生、教学方法三大教学要素,使教学计划具有针对性和前瞻性。在教学中,要及时、自觉地反思师生行为,不断调整教学重心和教学方法,使课堂教学高质量、高效率地进行。教学结束后,对自己的教学行为进行批判性反思,以理论化教学经验。经过反思,教师的教学能力有了明显的提高。 十、 开展教师座谈活动,促进教学交流。周五举行教师讨论活动。教师轮流发言,每人两名教师发言。讨论材料主要是过去一周的教学经验、教育故事、教育反思、课程改革、教育信息、学科探索和学校管理。教师发言时,观点正确、清晰,论据足够有力,能与教学实践紧密结合。活动结束后,教师可以反思教育教学,传播先进的教育理念,讲述亲身经历的教育故事,让教师有亲切感和亲切感。 ,促进教育教学交流,让教师分享教育的成功与喜悦,在听讲中,探索科学的教育教学方法。十一、关注学情调查,研究教学情况学生注意对学习困难学生和留守学生的调查,从生活情况、学习情况、心理素质等多方面进行调研,准确发现问题,及时采取措施。这样,从学生到学生,促进学生综合素质的健康成长。

2021年小学教研工作总结格式5一、围绕一个中心:“打造有效课堂,提高教学效率”。我们紧紧围绕区教育局提出的“打造高效课堂,提高教学效率”的教研工作目标,细化各项措施。 3月,中心小学教研组组织镇小学校长、教学主任召开统一思想、提高认识、更新观念、深化改革专题工作座谈会,并于7月5日召开阶段性报告会。在各小学校长的主持下,教学办公室可加大校本师资培训力度,确保所有在职教师参与理论学习和课堂实践讨论,提高课堂教学效果。中心小学教师和研究人员本学期在校参加不少于20场讲座,主持不少于3场专题讲座,并做好宣传、研究和指导工作,有力地促进了学校的稳步发展。我镇小学的教研工作。 二、 实施两大变化:课堂教学教师授课时间不超过20分钟,教学设计紧扣教师线和学生线。为落实区教育局提出的课堂教学改革意见,通过培训和课堂讨论,让广大学科教师了解如何实现40分钟课堂教学不超过20分钟,从而保证学生的学习行为不低。 20分钟,明白“20分钟”是指在课堂上的累计时间,而不是累计的连续时间。通过大力宣传、相互学习、共同讨论,我镇小学教师在思想上认识到“提高课堂教学效率必须巧妙安排40分钟”。

In terms of action, put an end to classroom teaching based on scripts, try to give students the space to learn independently, and boldly try the "six lettings" teaching proposed by Deputy Director Tao Xinqiang, namely: let students raise questions, let students solve problems, and let students make mistakes Explain, let the students talk about the ideas, let the students realize the methods, and let the students talk about the harvest. From the inspection results, we found that although the methods and methods of classroom teaching still need to be improved, we have been able to realize the "two concerns" and "four points" in terms of consciousness. Students with problems; the "four requirements" are: confidence must be sufficient, grasp must be accurate, operation must be familiar, and cooperation is important. In order to promote the reform of the classroom teaching model, the teaching and research group of the Central Primary School unified the teaching design format according to the requirements of the teaching and research section of the District Education Bureau. Yang Guimei and Zhou Deping respectively wrote instructional design examples and issued them to the primary schools for reference. The teaching design highlights the teacher’s guide line and the student’s learning line in the teaching process, and basically achieves a clear teaching process and separates teaching and learning time. The format is as follows: Teaching Links Teacher Behavior Time Student Behavior Time After inspection, more than 85% of the subject teachers in our town’s primary schools have been able to prepare lessons as required. Each teaching link has indicated the estimated time, and teaching reflections have also been written after class. The format of instructional design has been standardized, and the quality of design still needs to be further improved. In the future, efforts must be made to achieve high-quality. 三、 promoted the normal development of three key topics in our town.


Currently, there are three key projects in our town in the experimental stage, including: "Constructing a "Task + Cooperation" Elementary School English Classroom Teaching Model" participated by the entire town's English teachers and "Study on Happy Primary School Students' Work for Primary School Students in the Chinese Language Group of Acer Primary School" "Experiments and Experiments" is a district-level topic, and "Investigation on Utilizing Resources and Improving Students' Problem Solving Ability" by the Mathematics Section of Acer Primary School is a school-level topic. Under the guidance of the leaders and teachers of the teaching and research section of the District Education Bureau, the three subjects have been experimented as planned, and the work can be carried out in detail, which has played a pioneering role in promoting the participation of teachers and students in class research in rural primary schools in our town. Among them, English subjects are all prepared on the Internet as required by the teaching and research section of the District Education Bureau. 四、 Strengthen the construction of the four groups of teachers. 1、 Continue to do a good job in the classroom teaching ability training for young and middle-aged teachers under the age of 45. Starting from September 20, the primary school of our center has carried out rotation training for teachers under the age of 45. This training focuses on improving the classroom teaching ability of young and middle-aged teachers. The training form is based on the classroom, and the training process is mainly based on research classroom teaching. The specific measure is that each elementary school organizes teachers under the age of 45 to conduct business learning, and then the central elementary school's teaching and research team will arrange a time for each person to attend an open class of audio-visual teaching, and conduct on-site lectures after class. Our town has established a training work leadership group, with Zeng Hongbin as the group leader, and the principals and deans of primary schools as members. The leading group went deep into each school to listen to and evaluate lectures in stages and in batches in a planned way. This semester, we checked the classroom teaching of 42 teachers who participated in the training.