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2021-09-11 12:59 网络整理 教案网

这要求我们及时改变语文教学中以传授知识为主的旧教育,转变为注重培养学生适应能力和创新能力的新型教育。为此,必须加强课题研究,着力培养学生的语言素养。任何学习都必须注重课堂内外的联系,不断拓展学生的认知领域,即生活课堂生活。此外,学习本身包括接受和发现两种主要形式,这需要不断鼓励学生通过个人参与自主发现。因此,语文教学不仅要注重课堂语文学习,更要注重社会生活中的语言实践。 4、老师们互相帮助,互相学习,共同提高每位老师的教学水平。 1. 这个学期,每个备课组的老师互相听课不少于3节,每学期总课时不少于10-18节。一定要及时倾听、思考、做笔记、评论;通过相互学习,相互学习;形成更浓厚的教研氛围,不断提高我校整体数学教学水平。 2. 本学期开设了两门教研课,充分展示了初中教师的教学思想、教学风格以及掌握和使用现代信息技术的水平。本教研组提出的口号是勇于创新,勇于实践。我们要求学生有创新精神,所以我们的老师应该更有创新精神。创新,付诸实践,是提升自身业务水平的最佳途径。相信在全体教师的共同努力下,大家互相帮助、共同努力,一定会开创校本研究、集体备课的新局面。


附:公开课表:一、指导思想:以学校教学计划为指导,围绕进一步提高教育教学质量和效率,大力推进课程改革,有效转变教育观念,提升教师能力和水平;深入课堂,及时研究,注重正常语文教学,及时反思和总结,进一步提高语文教学质量。 二、工作目标:1、 在教学科研工作中,树立全面素质教育和创新教育思维,树立教学科研工作全局观;要克服教学科研过程中简单的结果模式,建立成果和教学科研工作的成果。过程并重的意识;克服教研对象狭隘的学科思维,树立教研对象的整体观。 2、 调整教学研究策略,进一步提高教学研究质量和水平。要加强以新课程为重点的教育理论研究,探索现代教育理论指导教学实践的途径和方法;分析新课程目标和内容的构成,研究解读课程标准,研究新课程应具备的活动形式和教学方法 不断提高教学研究的有效性,调整教学思路和方法对新课程和不断发展的现代教育思想进行研究;搭建开放、广泛参与的教学科研学术交流平台,形成和进一步树立教学科研成果意识。 三、工作力量1、在教研内容上下功夫,转变观念,从课堂教学入手,将教学改革落实到实际教研活动中,力争每两周一次,设立中心代言人,利用有效安排时间,引导教师开展活动 学习新的教学大纲,理解新的教科书,指导自己在未来的教学中。

计划5月份在学校开展优秀班级评价活动。将评选出若干一、二等奖,以激励教师,选拔教师参加市级评价班。此外,教研内容也应该更丰富、更充实,让每一位教师都能参与进来,把最新的教育信息频繁地发送给教师,迅速改变了过去陈旧的观念和模式。 2、认真的教研活动和集体备课时间对于教研组的每一次活动,每位老师都要准时到达活动地点,准时到点集合,绝不让时间流逝不必要的等待和聊天。备课小组活动不应流于形式,而应有效地为教学服务。 3、 加强项目研究,注重学生素养 语文教学不仅要传授语言知识,更要注重引导应用,培养学生的语言能力。 This requires us to promptly change the old education based on imparting knowledge in Chinese teaching, to a novel education that focuses on cultivating students' adaptability and innovation ability. To this end, we must strengthen subject research and focus on cultivating students' language literacy. Any study must pay attention to the connection between inside and outside the class, and continuously expand the cognitive domain of students, that is, life classroom life. Furthermore, learning itself includes the two main forms of acceptance and discovery, which requires continuous encouragement of students to discover independently through personal participation. Therefore, Chinese teaching should not only pay attention to classroom Chinese learning, but also pay attention to the language practice in social life. 4、Teachers help and learn from each other, and jointly improve the teaching level of each teacher. 1. This semester, the teachers in each preparation group should listen to each other no less than 3 sessions, and the total number of lessons in each semester should not be less than 10-18 sessions. You must listen and think, make notes, and comment in time; through mutual Learn from each other and learn from each other; form a stronger teaching and research atmosphere to continuously improve the overall mathematics teaching level of our school.

2. This semester has two teaching and research courses, which fully demonstrate the teaching thinking, teaching style and the level of mastering and using modern information technology of junior high school teachers. The slogan proposed by this teaching and research group is to be brave to innovate and be brave in practice. We require students to have the spirit of innovation, so our teachers should be more innovative. With innovation, putting it into practice is the best way to improve one's own business level. I believe that with the efforts of the whole group of teachers to help each other and work together, they will surely create a new look for school-based research and collective lesson preparation.
