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2021-09-11 06:08 网络整理 教案网


在检查过程中,发现了许多显着的亮点。初中的老师有好几位写得非常出色。他们是:崔惠敏、张丽坤、孟惠妍、何锡坤、李米樵、姚菊芬。套用宋丹丹的一句经典台词:不是很好,很好!接下来,我将截取一些精彩片段展示给大家:这些老师的教案写得很好,课业很好,成绩也很好。他们深受学生们的喜爱,在那里我要给他们一个大大的赞誉!另一个亮点是二小学五年级教研组整体写得不错,最突出的有:李艳玲、曲永美、徐静娜、苏雄英、张丽丽,还有六年级的白淑娟、张月芳两位老师也写得很好。展示如下: 五年级教研团队是一支非常阳光、正直、充满活力的团队。学校的每一项工作都做得非常好。他们可谓是石塔学校南京路的第八家公司。小学一年级杜丽钊和李英芳的教学计划仔细、规范,重点难点和教学反思用红笔标出,起到了很好的提示作用。虽然艺术与体育系在人们眼中是所谓的副科,但陈丽蓉、安丽、孙兆霞等几位老师在备课时并没有马虎。他们写得细致生动,形象生动,很好地体现了美术课的特点。当然,检查过程中也发现了一些不满意的地方,总结如下:(一)个别老师没有上交教案。(二)小老师案教太简单了,没准备好课程。目的。

(三)教案没有黑板设计和教学反思。希望老师们以后能转变思路,不只是写教案应对检查,而是真正为写教案服务2009年9月26日XX -9月29日 对全校语文和数学学科教师的教学计划进行了检查,检查材料包括教师电子教案和教师风采案例两部分,以下是检查场景的总结:如下:一、电子教案(一)可取点:1、所有教师可以根据年级教材和学科的特点,以及学生的年龄特点设计教学;2、绝大多数的教师可以根据学校要求准备两周的课程;3、学习目标的设定 总体清晰、具体、可操作、可评价;4、教学过程可以更详细、具体,适合学术条件;5、大部分老师可以更及时的针对实际教学6、所有中文老师都有学术分析和教材分析; 7、郭挺圆和邵娜不仅有每节课的总体目标,还有每节课的子目标; 8、语文老师的大部分教案都有目标检测设计。 (二)Defects:1、极个别教研组长没有准备两周的时间,让组里的老师没有足够的时间准备第二课;2、一般不会有评价设计;3、部分教案不够规范,边距还是2,行距不是28分,段间距没有设置为0;4、极个别老师的教案略简单,不能给小组老师提供更好的模板;5、极个别老师没有及时反映;6、少数老师部分班级没有黑板设计;7、Check为以后的教学疏漏补缺;7、徐荣珍老师每班都有黑板设计。


(二)缺点:1、课时不够。918交教案,从开学到交教案的那天有12个教学日,加上超一周准备要求,至少要有15个课时;2、学习目标叙述不够规范,有的老师还是出现让学生,让学生等字眼,关键词不够精炼;3、教重难点4、同一老师部分课评设计完全一样,缺乏针对性;5、不能及时反映,有的从开学开始就没有进行过一次班级的反思。很少有老师的反思是疑似应对反思和生成性思维不足。少数教师反思材料不够具体,措施不够有效,没有得失;6、个性​​设计模仿教学过程电子乐sson计划,缺乏分析和思考,不体现老师的作风三、Proposal:1、学习目标的描述要清晰、具体、可操作、可评价、有方向性; 2、应根据学习目标制定有效的评价措施; 3、尽量规范书写格式,电子教案排版按照学校统一规定设置。整体布局科学有序,环节完备; 4、电子教案教学流程必须完整,所有环节必须完整; 5、电子教案教材尽量详细、具体,符合学术条件; 6、Style 案例的个性化设计要尽可能突出个性,不全面,只是一种突破; 7、板书设计要简洁明了,清晰体现教学思想; 8、教学反思材料要具体,措施要有效。必有得失,产生思想,建议用红笔书写或用红色字体标记; 9、style实例建议在教案右下角用铅笔标出页数,方便核对,避免出错。

教案检查总结第15章:为反映教学办公室开学之初对XX小学教案编制的要求,促进学校教学工作规范化,10月11日教务处对全体教师的教案进行了检查。具体场景总结如下: 一、Advantages 1、 整体考察场景良好,大部分教师可以根据学科教材和实际班级编写教学计划,指导教学实践。每个教案突出立体目标,渗透新课程理念,以人为本,面向整体,进取,倡导独立、合作、探究的教学模式,有必要的教学准备和清晰的流程。比如汉语组的荣奇老师结合一年级学生的特点,写了很多简单的笔画,结合一年级汉语拼音教学和简单的汉字教学,看起来形象生动。我想到了一个老人。老师就是这样对待教学的,没有不会教的学生。数学组的两位老教师陶桂莲和郝洪敏也是如此。他们认真备课。他们的精神值得我们青年教师学习。 2、大部分教师的教案可以按照学校的教案编制要求来准备。不仅有全书的课程要求和教材分析,还有教学安排;既有单元知识结构分析,又有各单元考试分析,语文老师,作文评注记录。比如吴新志老师写的单元测试分析就很具体,很有针对性。附(吴心智老师写的第一篇单元试卷解析) 又如:艾毅老师的作业评注记录了学生写作的真实过程。如果老师不仔细检查学生的作业,就不会有如此细致的分析。作文点评后,我们还体验了老师们认真复习功课的过程。

Attached (Teacher Ai Yi’s work commentary design) 3、Most teachers can reflect on the gains and losses in teaching in time, write teaching postscripts in time, and redesign them in a targeted manner (write teaching notes or Teaching side note), really achieved the effect of reflection. Teachers Liu Jun and Ai Yi in the Chinese group use electronic lesson preparation. The marginal notes and reflections are recorded in extremely detailed, which is in line with the actual teaching, and they can integrate their own teaching with the teaching concepts they read after class. The height of the theory. For example, Teacher Liu Jun wrote such a side note: The original design was to imagine what kind of picture the word "Die Cui Liu Jin" would show in front of your eyes? Teacher Liu Jun drew a line under this question and wrote next to the lesson plan: After this question was raised, no one raised his hand. I suddenly realized that it was difficult. The improvement of my teaching level and the improvement of teaching quality should be Very good. In addition, teacher Wang Huan in the math group brings 2 classes of mathematics plus the work of the head teacher, teacher Wang Defang in the English group serves as the teaching and research team leader and also brings 3 classes of English lessons, and the teaching plan of Yanying, Wang Huan, and Wang Defang in the language group) . Principal Chen Ziquan of the comprehensive group is in charge of the information technology course. Although it is a small subject, principal Chen writes the teaching margins and teaching reflections of each lesson as seriously as our main teacher. For example, he wrote in his reflection: The students' interest in learning in this class is quite high. It is simple and ends in one sentence or two sentences. The reflection of teaching remains formalized and not targeted. Can not play the role of reflection-adjustment-improvement. 三、 Improve 1、 The teaching office should increase the intensity of inspections and increase the number of random inspections.

Change the way of checking, try to let everyone check each other, restrain each other, and learn from each other. 2、When checking, we will conduct one-to-one communication on existing problems. 3、 Provide individual guidance to individual teachers when necessary. The above is the general situation of our school's inspection of teaching plans. The teaching plan reflects the teaching attitude of a teacher, and it is expected that everyone will carefully design the teaching plan while continuing to study the teaching. I also hope that what I do well is to continue to persevere, and if I don’t dream, I have to correct my attitude and improve it. In the end, what we share with you is that when we walk into the classroom, we will try our best to live up to those who are hungry for knowledge. This document was uploaded by users of Xiangdang.com.
