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教案模板范文 小学语文(【衡实教育】教师资格证小学教案设计教学设计(一))(2)

2021-09-11 02:06 网络整理 教案网



《诗经》原名《诗经》,后被儒家视为经典,称为《诗经》。这是我国第一部诗集。西周至春秋时期的诗集30首,古称“三百首”。这些诗被编成“风”、“雅”、“宋”三部分。 “丰”又称“国丰”。是各地的民谣。 《论语》云:“不学诗,不能言。”古人认为,通过诗歌教育,可以使人“温厚厚道”。屋里的丫鬟对《诗经》再熟悉不过了,日常生活中可以与《诗经》相提并论。







Chí(chí):水中的小洲或高地。 (Sì):水边。

Shí (shí):墙上的鸡舍。

(huó):聚在一起,见面。杰:通过“叉”为鸡栖息的木制框架。 (2)对诗歌形式特征的初步感知。①题名取自句首。②基本句型为四字。

③采用重叠章节的形式,即重复章节,仅在意义和字面上有少量变化。 ④《诗经》为了获得音韵之美,大量使用了双声、重韵、重字的词汇。 (3)总结每首诗的主要内容。


《嘉嘉》是一首动听的情歌,看着伊人,眼不见为净,充满无限情愫。 《绅士在服务》中写道,他的妻子想念她永远不能回家的丈夫。 四、布置作业,熟悉全文,解读全文。第二课




在《国风》中,爱情婚姻的诗篇最为集中。 《诗经》时代,在某些地区,对男女关系的限制不如后世严格。因此,我们可以从这些诗句中看到年轻人对美少女的大胆追求。

“简家”“追寻”、“追寻”表达了诗人追求爱情的坚强意志。 “道阻而长”、“道阻而上”、“道阻而右”,说明爱情之路艰难曲折。 《宛在水中》、《宛在水中》、《宛在水中的无限情》。


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月明升起,优秀的人寂寞,舒瑶正确,心静。 (《陈风·月出》) 南有乔木,不可思议。汉有游女,不可思议。汉朝的浩瀚是不可想象的。蒋志永熙是不可想象的。

(《周南·汉光》) 所有诗歌的艺术风格都不是无缘无故形成的。明快热情的风格一定是自由奔放的情感的产物;内隐的表达总是情绪压抑的结果。

“君子侍奉”:“君子侍奉,别想了!” “君子为人,不饥不渴!”它表达了妻子对不能无限期地从服务中回家的丈夫的深深的渴望。关心。 《国风》中也有不少政治批判和道德批判的诗篇,反映了社会下层对上层统治者的不满。这首诗表达了在和平社会中对军人生活的厌倦和对家庭生活的怀念,但并没有直接表达对战争的反对和谴责那些自称服役的人。诗中的情绪也以悲伤为主,几乎没有愤怒。诗人所表达的情感既克制又真实。 3.《诗经》大量运用符、笔、行的表现手法。 《诗经》中的“行”,在朱熹的解释中,就是“宣说别的东西,使之念诵”,也就是用它来为念诵的内容铺路。常用于诗的开头。

在《官居》中,“官官居酒,在江之洲”是用远景的眼光提出以下的,“美人,君子,好人”。同时,关菊和鸽子也可以比喻为男女之间的求爱或和谐的爱情。 《嘉嘉》中“嘉嘉苍白,白露为霜”,描绘了一个初秋的早晨,诗人来到河边追寻思念的人,芦苇却呈现出冷峻的气息。孤独。 《君子》中有“鸡栖岭日夕,羊牛下”,“鸡栖玉中日夕,羊牛角下”。根据牛羊晚上回家的场景。夸大妻子对出征丈夫的思念。





作为一首民谣,为了获得声音的美感,《诗经》大量使用了双调、重复、重复的词汇。 In the rules of ancient Chinese, this type of vocabulary is an adjective, so it also helps to express the tortuous and subtle feelings and depict the wonderful and beautiful nature.

Students find examples from the text and appreciate their effects.

In "Guanju", "Guan Guan" (repetition of characters) describes the sound of birds, "tiaoyu" (repetition rhyme) expresses the beauty of ladies, "staggered" (double tone) describes the state of water plants, "toss and turns" (repetition rhyme) It depicts the situation of being unable to sleep due to lovesickness, with both a harmonious voice and a vivid image.

The "Cangcang", "萋萋", and "Cai Cai" (overlapped characters) in "Jian Jia" describe the lush appearance of reeds, and serve as supplementary pads for the following "retracing from it" and "traveling from it" , Exaggerated the atmosphere.

Through the whole reading experience. 三、 Assignment Homework Recite the full text.

Part 4: Teaching Plan for Primary School Teacher Qualification Certificate

Example lesson plan

一.Project: Standing Long Jump 二.teaching goal

1 Cognitive goals: Initially recognize and understand the standing long jump, and memorize the essentials of the action.

2 Ability goals: Through the teacher's guidance, group discussion and practice, master the technical movement of standing long jump. 3 Emotional goals: be able to actively participate in the learning activities of standing long jump, experience the fun in it, be able to actively communicate and cooperate with peers, and cultivate students' hard-working, courageous, decisive, and solidarity spirit.


(1) Teaching routine: the sports committee completes the team, reports the number of people, greets teachers and students, conducts safety education, arranges trainees. (2) frog jump. 2 new class lectures

(1) explains the essentials of standing long jump and demonstrates the exercises. Action method: Part One

Preparation position: Stand with your feet parallel and open naturally, lean your upper body slightly forward, bend your knees with your legs, and raise your arms back. Part Two

Take-off: Swing both arms forward and upward, while pushing and spreading both feet, and jump forward quickly. Part Three

Flying: Fully straighten your chest and extend your hips after the jump to stretch your body as much as possible. Part Four

Landing: The legs are bent and raised, the arms are swung in front of the body, and the calves are stretched forward as far as possible. Finally, the two heels touch the ground to achieve the effect of bending the knees and maintaining the balance of the body.

③Lead students to practice the decomposition of standing long jump collectively, focusing on the difficult points. Focus on correction, individual tutoring, observe and encourage students to practice more.

④ Divide the students into four equal groups, each group arranges the group leader to organize and manage, practice the complete movement, the teacher visits, and corrects in time.

⑤Students practice together freely, allowing students to communicate with each other to help point out each other's deficiencies.

(2)Game practice: Divide the students into four equal groups. After the specified jumper line, each group will send one member to complete the standing long jump relay to complete the standing long jump. The front team members will jump on the relay, and the winning team will be judged based on their accumulated results.

(3)End part ①Reorganize and relax ②Summary and comment

③Goodbye teachers and students

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