教案范文 教师活动 学生活动(教研活动,顾名思义,就是,我的收获!(组图))
第 1 部分:教学和研究活动总结
1、 每次教研活动都要做好充分的准备。只有充分准备讲课、讲课和评价,参加活动的教师才能有所收获,而不是为了活动而从事活动。
2、教研活动因人而异。针对不同的教师,应规定不同的活动要求,并改变安排的内容。这样教案范文 教师活动 学生活动,每个人都能得到所需要的,得到所需要的,从而增加教师参与活动的积极性。
小学教研活动总结 在教研活动中,我校深入贯彻中心学校活动精神,进一步更新教育理念,改革课堂教学,积极参与,把讲课活动作为学习的好机会互相学习。老师们倾注了极大的热情,认真地编写了教案。评课时,本着真诚帮助同事提高的态度,直言课堂的不足,返校后及时改写第二教案,尤其是冯宝琴老师参加了小学组。对于第一次教研活动,我很早就写了教案。下课后,我立即写了第二个教案,交给了教务处;其后张金智、孔淑玲、陈根华老师积极参加其他学校组织的教研活动。 , 并将我在课堂复习中听到的好建议应用到我的课堂上。
3.Revision 指令类。是一门主要教授作文和批改方法的课程。在这种类型的课程中,教师首先教学生如何评价和改变作文。根据不同年级、不同类型、不同作业要求的构成,提出批改的重点和要求,使学生在相互批改和批改中潜移默化地提高作业水平。
教育研究是推动课程改革的重要动力。学科兴盛靠教育研究,教师活力源于教育研究。本学期语文教研组的教研活动开展得积极扎实。教学科研活动的蓬勃发展,不仅使教师的快速成长,也促进了学生的发展。学生的语言素养得到全面提高。教研组的活动能有效激活学科教研,营造互动对话的氛围,引起教师个体之间的反思和共鸣,帮助教师实现观念的更新、观念的转变、行为的转变。 改变。
二、 加强日常管理,优化课堂教学。
3、一学期来教研组考察课本2次。 (定期检查在学期开始和结束时进行)。教师可以根据需要准备足够的课程。大部分青年教师都能写出详细的计划,能及时写出,教后反思。
四、 大力推进新课程改革,持续深化课堂教学改革。
1、牢固树立“课堂教学”是素质教育主阵地的思想,在新课程标准下积极构建适应时代和儿童身心发展的课堂教学理念、方法和评价体系. “努力教好每一节课”是对自己工作的最低要求,有效提高了四十分钟的效率。
2、 改变学生的学习方式。本学期继续改变学生单一的接受式学习方式,提倡研究式学习、发现式学习、参与式学习、体验式学习和实践式学习,以实现学生学习方式的多元化转变,改变我们的学习我想学,我能学,我会学,从而促进学生知识技能、情感、态度和价值观的全面发展,为培养未来需要的人才奠定基础。
4、 加强课程改革研究。开展“与新课程同行,与学生共同成长”学习研究课程改革沙龙活动。组内教师在校园网发表讨论或上传论文。
作为学校最大的学科群——汉语言教研组,我们深感应该始终站在课程改革浪潮的最前沿,为学校的语言教学和语文教学发挥自己的智慧和才华。促进学校整体教学水平的提高。 开学伊始,我校全体教师认真研读《汉语课程标准》,了解各年级部分的教学目标和要求,展开了新课程理论下课堂教学标准的探讨。随后,他们通过个人自学、小组交流等多种方式学习新课程,把握新课程,转变观念,形成课程、教师、教学、课堂、质量的新概念。
二、 继续在学校开展课堂听力活动,相互交流学习,相互学习。
做好教学科研工作,认真开展学校课堂听力活动,促进教师集体教学水平的提高,一直是我校的传统。近年来,随着学校师资队伍的不断壮大,我校语文教研组的教师逐渐分为三级:各级骨干教师、有一定教学经验的教师、刚毕业的新教师。 如何让不同的教师在教研组中共同成长?我们的做法是开展“四课”活动,即重点教师示范课、新教师形象课、报告课、备课小组实验课。每一项活动,我们都精心抓好以下环节:集体备课、组织讲课、评课、总结。老师们的教学为您提供了成功的示范和有益的启示。作为我校的新人、刚刚走上舞台的新人,老师的教学取得了预期的效果。这样,全班级的相互倾听,为各级教师提供了一个训练阶段和成长阶梯。
三、 进一步落实集体备课制度。
“尺子短,寸长。”每个人都有自己的长处和短处。如果我们能互相学习,互相学习,扬长避短,我们的工作就会更有成效。然而,由于种种原因,集体备课一度流于形式。本学期,我们认真贯彻落实教务处有关规定,严格纪律要求,改进组织方式,实行定题、定时间、定讲师、定参与备课小组的做法,大大提高了集体教学质量。备课。在集体备课中,力求做到统一思想、统一进步、统一实践,特别是在准备教学目标、准备学生实践、准备教学方法时,可以集思广益,取长补短。同时,通过集体备课,可以及时了解教育教学情况。 ,根据教材特点,不断探索、改革、创新。
四、 组织各种活动促进语言学习。
1、积极响应学校号召,推进学术校园建设,准备了丰富多彩的展示活动。 2、 在四月份组织了一次演讲比赛。试听后,学校内部评价良好。
4、 积极参加学校组织的“学习课程标准,讲教材”的评价活动
谈到教学科研活动教案范文 教师活动 学生活动,相当一部分教师认为教学科研只是专家学者的事情,教师只需要做好本职工作。针对这一现象,我们把让教师充分理解教研活动的意义,调动教师参与教研活动的积极性,作为有效开展教研活动的首要问题。具体做法是:一是让教师明确教研活动是幼儿园保教管理中不可或缺的一部分,针对性很强,主要是解决教育实践中的问题或难点。 Through teaching and research, working methods can be improved and the quality of education and teaching activities can be improved. Secondly, let teachers make it clear that teaching and research activities are an important way to improve their own professional level, and the professional level of teachers has a direct impact on the quality of education in kindergartens. Third, let teachers make it clear that the content of teaching and research comes from teachers' practical experience, and this kind of practical experience comes from daily teaching work. Therefore, teachers should not forget that they are researchers in their daily teaching work. The questions raised by teachers may be the main content of teaching and research activities. In this way, teachers’ opinions and ideas are included in the ranks of the research, and teachers’ consciousness is gained. Pay attention to it, thereby effectively improving the enthusiasm of teachers to participate in teaching and research activities.
二、 Strengthen theoretical training, change teachers’ concepts, and unify educational thinking.
The overall quality of teachers and the renewal of their ideas are directly related to the quality of care and education. Over the past year, we have adhered to the methods of external learning and internal research, combined with the actual situation in our town, strengthened research, started by changing concepts, and improved the overall level of teachers. In terms of theoretical training, we use the advanced experience of studying outside, the Internet, and books to conduct theoretical training for teachers in various aspects. Over the past year, we have selected more than 10 teachers to visit and study in Beijing, Jinan, Weifang, and Zibo to bring back advanced knowledge and learn and share with everyone.
According to the work arrangement of the teaching and research group, in March and April, we carried out the "Theme Environment Creation Activity" in the whole town. First of all, we carried out how the creation of the teaching environment can really promote the development of children, and how teachers can optimize the theme environment during the theme teaching. How to make the environment talk to the children and let the children be the masters of the environment and other theoretical knowledge training. The central kindergarten focuses on highlighting the local characteristics. In each class, the environment creation with different characteristics of stone, straw weaving, floral cloth, paper art, bottle art, and fruit was carried out. On April 10th, our kindergarten successfully served as an on-site meeting for rural kindergartens in Laizhou City. Provided on-site, highly appraised by experts and leaders. The environmental creation of each village garden has also undergone major changes. It is not only close to the theme, child-centered everywhere, but also reflects flexibility and interest.
In terms of file management, we first asked teachers to clarify the importance and content of file management, and successively conducted theoretical trainings on how to scientifically classify and archive, and common methods of archiving, and organized observations of the center’s kindergarten archives.管理。 Now the file management of every kindergarten in the town has made great progress. It can achieve clear classification, complete catalogue, and substantial content, and has established a personalized teacher growth file.
In addition, we also conduct anatomical analysis through different cases and launch activities in the form of questions. In this way, after everyone’s discussion, the entire case analysis is more intuitive and vivid. Through training, teachers can have a new understanding of education and teaching, be able to boldly express their views and opinions, and actively raise various questions, so that teachers can use problems as clues and solve problems as their goals in learning, so that teachers gradually form A teaching and research method of learning, research, reflection, and improvement makes teaching and research more effective in serving teaching.
三、 focuses on teachers’ practical operation and strengthens reflective learning.
The content of educational activities in kindergartens is very flexible and selective. It is difficult for teachers to truly understand and comprehend it by relying solely on theoretical learning. Therefore, we actively provide teachers with a practical operation platform, allowing them to carry out practical operations and find problems in the operation. For example, in the process of collective lesson preparation by teachers, give full play to the initiative of teachers, and presume what questions children will ask in activities, how children will respond, what games are more suitable for children, and what kind of design is more beneficial to children How to accept and evaluate young children. In this way, everyone expresses their opinions and brainstorms together, their thinking is collided, and they experience different teaching personalities. All teachers can share resources and experience happiness in the atmosphere of teaching and research. Through practical operation, teachers have a new understanding of the kindergarten curriculum, active participation in activities is better, teaching activities fully embody new concepts, games are the mainstay, dynamic and static alternate, the teaching process can first consider the needs of children and meet the needs of children Demand.
We also actively organize a number of activities to allow teachers to continue to grow in the activities, such as: celebrating the 38th "Love Mother" theme activity, we invite mothers from all over the garden to participate in the activities, so that mothers can celebrate their holidays At the same time, I feel the children’s little progress; in the parent open day, organize parents to observe the corner activities, dance performances, outdoor games, and group teaching, so that parents can further understand the children’s performance in the kindergarten and have a better understanding of the kindergarten work. New understanding; in the Mid-Autumn Festival series of activities, we invited professional mooncake-making chefs to the park to demonstrate the process of making mooncakes for the children. Under the meticulous guidance of the master, the children have made various moon cakes through various processes such as grouping, kneading, kneading, pressing, etc. You can have a lot of fun eating moon cakes made by yourself; children's story king competition, children's day party, dance competition , Teachers' classroom teaching competitions, skills and skills competitions and other activities, teachers and children grow and progress together.
In addition, in practice, we also focus on strengthening teachers' reflective learning. Find the entry point of the problem from reflection, so that teachers can establish correct concepts from bit by bit, list the problems from the discussion, and sum up the experience. We often organize teachers to conduct reflection and exchanges on teaching, so that teachers can learn from each other's strengths and learn from each other's experiences, so as to guide their own teaching more effectively.
四、Education and research have diversified forms, and the effect of teaching and research has reached a new high.
This year, we carried out multi-channel teaching and research activities with training as the main body, organized seminars and competitions as supplementary. There are group teaching and research, group teaching and research, on-site observation, on-site comment and teaching and research interaction. In the activities, there are not only content to improve teachers' educational skills, but also content to solve educational puzzles. The diversification of teaching and research forms allows teachers to acquire knowledge from multiple angles and aspects. Over the past year, we have organized competitions such as environmental creation competitions, teacher playing and singing competitions, skills and skills competitions, on-site observation activities, multiple on-site interactions between teaching and research, and multiple theoretical trainings. Through teaching and research, teachers’ professional growth has been advanced by leaps and bounds, such as: the acuity of observation, the ability to analyze problems, the ability to solve problems, the ability to organize activities, the ability to write, the ability to apply modern information technology, etc., teachers’ announcements There are more than 20 papers, activities, educational essays, and teaching plans on the Shandong Preschool Education Network.
The enthusiasm of teachers for teaching and research is also unprecedentedly high, which has enhanced the communication and communication between leading teachers and made the atmosphere of the whole kindergarten more harmonious, which further stimulated teachers' enthusiasm for work.
五、deficiencies in teaching and research activities
The current teaching and research activities have achieved a little bit of results, but there are many shortcomings, such as: Although a lot of valuable experience is summarized in the activities, it lacks repeated demonstrations in the process of practice, and lacks the arrangement and exchange of experience ; The application of modern information technology is not sufficiently mastered; individual teachers are not good at expressing their opinions; they ignore the role of parents in teaching and research.
The teaching and research activities of this school year have ended. In the future work, we will continue to improve methods, continue to innovate, and use practical actions to promote the smooth progress of teaching and research activities, further improve the quality of teaching and research, improve the professional level of teachers, and strive to teach and research. There are new breakthroughs.