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Music Teaching Work Plan Chapter 7

新学期开始了。 This semester I am teaching music for the new seventh grade class 3-10. There are 8 lessons per week, which is one schedule. Among my teaching classes, there are three large classes with more than 65 students, one Russian class, and four small experimental classes. The main teaching feature is the clarinet teaching, which will be fully developed in our school.

The specific teaching work plan is as follows:

一、Education and teaching:

Since the level of music teaching in each elementary school is different, this semester will mainly focus on teaching and training to popularize music knowledge. The learning of musical instruments is not difficult. The point is that it is difficult for some students who have no knowledge of music and do not know music. Therefore, the first thing to be solved is to learn simple music knowledge and cultivate interest in learning, starting from interest, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of students in learning.

1、Through courseware multimedia teaching, let students familiarize, understand, and listen to the single timbre of Western musical instruments, which is of great help to students' appreciation of works;

2、Before learning the clarinet, let the teacher demonstrate how to play popular songs, so that students want to learn this instrument because they love it. Don't give up every student, from simple to difficult, let them have their own sense of accomplishment.

3、 Teachers make full use of film and television resources to assist in teaching and broaden students’ music horizons.

4、Properly relax the classroom so that students have time and space to hold concerts, give full play to their personality and expertise, and fully demonstrate themselves. This semester is for freshmen to enter the school. Therefore, you must fully understand the students, and hold musical instrument recitals and song performances in the class, so that students can fully and actively participate in the music class.

5、 adopts flexible and diverse teaching methods to enable students to fully participate in classroom teaching activities. Especially in the experimental class teaching in small classes, every student can be fully demonstrated.

二、The second classroom aspect:

This semester will hold a two-year campus culture and art festival. This is a key activity for students to fully demonstrate their personal talents and specialties. Music can be divided into three major areas: dance, instrumental music and vocal music:

1、dance competition is mainly based on the class as a unit to perform group dances, pas de deux or solo dances, and a special dance performance is required. This form makes the class honor and cohesive moments concentrated, and can make dances bloom on campus.

2、vocal music competition is relaxed so that students with special skills can participate. The preliminary and semi-final selection and awards will be conducted, and the music teacher group will participate in the report performance.

3、 will perform vocal performances in each class of grade seven, select good singing students for training, and form a small chorus team.

4、instrumental music competition will be held in each class first, and then the unified school will conduct the competition. There is no limit to the types of musical instruments, and each musical instrument can participate, and awards are awarded according to the level.

5、Select students with musical instrument expertise to organize folk bands and western orchestras to organize large-scale performances in various activities in the city.

三、teaching and research:

According to the arrangement of music teaching and research in the district advanced school, music teachers in the district have applied for the study of instrumental chorus in elementary and middle schools. I am now in the process of experimenting with instrumental music in the classroom, and many of the progress in and after class are in further attempts. Participating in the subject research is a kind of growth, and you can also record all the bits and pieces you have done, so as to accumulate experience for future instrumental music teaching, so that you can better use your strengths to promote teaching. In terms of chorus teaching, we should also start to explore hard. Although it is difficult to teach chorus in middle schools, it will be effective if we are willing to do it.

For the special class students who are usually trained, strengthen basic skills training. Colleagues in the appropriate group rehearse some dance works together, and have the opportunity to provide students with opportunities to exercise, so that they can achieve themselves in practice. Raise soldiers for thousands of days, use them for a while, give full play to the students' music skills in various competitions at all levels, and finally succeed.

[7 collections of sample essays on music teaching work plan] related articles:

1.A collection of 6 sample essays about music teaching plan

2.A collection of ten articles about the music teaching work plan

3.Selected music teaching work plan model essay collection nine articles

4.A collection of 6 articles about the primary school music work plan

5.A collection of 8 sample essays about primary school music theory

6.Three articles about the primary school music teaching work plan

7.music teaching work plan

8.Junior Middle School Music Teaching Plan Model Essay Collection 10 Articles
