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3、 Differences

Because the knowledge, experience, expertise, and personality of each teacher are extremely different.教学是一项创造性的工作。 Therefore, writing lesson plans cannot be the same, and each teacher's intelligence and creativity must be used. Therefore, the teacher's lesson plan should be based on the characteristics of the region and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.


The so-called artistry of the lesson plan is the ingenious design, which allows students to not only learn knowledge in the classroom, but also get artistic appreciation and happy experience. The lesson plan should become a unique "classroom teaching prose" or a textbook play Therefore, the beginning, the passage, and the end must be progressive, exciting, and achieve a three-dimensional teaching effect. The teacher's speaking, talking, asking, speaking, etc. classroom language should be carefully considered. There are a lot of words that should be said, and the words should not be said. You can't say a word, you have to make proper arrangements.


When writing a lesson plan, a teacher must proceed from reality, fully consider the actual needs, and consider the feasibility and operability of the lesson plan. If you want to be simple, you need to be complicated, and you need to be simple and complicated.

6、Consider variability

Because we are teaching students who are living and capable of thinking, and because everyone has different thinking abilities and different levels of understanding of the problem, they often ask different questions and opinions, and teachers cannot It is estimated. In this case, the teaching process may often deviate from the situation anticipated by the lesson plan, so teachers cannot hold the lesson plan firmly and suppress the enthusiasm of students. The original teaching plan and methods must be changed according to the actual situation of the students. Enthusiastically inspire students' thinking, and actively guide them in response to doubts. In order to achieve this goal, when preparing lessons, teachers should fully estimate the problems that students may raise during learning, and determine the key points, difficulties, doubts, and key points. What can students do? There are problems in places, what problems will arise in the metropolis, and how to guide them. There are several teaching plans to consider. If there is a phenomenon of disrupting the teaching plan, don't be nervous. You must take advantage of the situation and cultivate the enterprising spirit of the students patiently and meticulously. Because in fact, one unit or one The teaching goal of the lesson is gradually completed in a certain process of teaching. Once there is a deviation from the teaching goal or the teaching plan, don't be nervous, this can be adjusted in the entire teaching progress.

The specific content of writing a lesson plan includes the following ten items:

一个。 Topic (describe the name of this lesson)

两个。 Teaching purpose (or teaching requirement, or teaching goal, indicating the teaching task to be completed in this lesson)

三个。 Class type (indicating whether it is a new class or a review class)


四个。 Class hours (indicate which class hour belongs to)

五个。 Teaching focus (describe the key issues that must be solved in this lesson)

六个。 Difficulties in teaching (explaining the knowledge points that are prone to difficulties and obstacles in the study of this lesson)

Seven. Teaching process (or classroom structure, explaining the content and method steps of teaching)

八。 Assignment (describe how to arrange written or oral assignments)

九。 Blackboard design (description of what is to be written on the blackboard during class)

十。 Teaching aids (also called teaching aid preparation, indicating the tools used to assist teaching methods)

In the teaching plan writing process, the teaching process is the key. It includes the following steps:

(一)import new class

1. The design is novel and lively, and should be summarized accurately.

2. How to proceed, review those contents?

3. Ask those students how much time will it take to wait.


1. For different teaching content, choose different teaching methods. .

2. How to ask questions, how to inspire and induce them step by step?

3. How do teachers teach students how to learn? Detailed steps are arranged and it takes time.

(三)consolidation exercises

1. The practice design is exquisite, with layers, slopes, and density.

2. How to proceed, who will play on the blackboard?

3. How long does it take?


1. How to proceed, is it the teacher or the student?

2. How much time does it take?

(五)job arrangement

1. When arranging those contents, consider the expansibility of knowledge and ability.

2. Do you need a hint or explanation?

Children’s piano lesson plan Indian drum


1、 Let young children know that everyone has times when they are upset.

2、Learn to express your emotions in an appropriate way.

3、A simple way to get started with friends.


The teacher usually collects the prominent unhappy examples of children in the class (children, Xiaoka, Xiaojing, etc.).
