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2021-09-03 17:02 网络整理 教案网

Considering the differences in the level of social and economic development in different regions of our country, we have selected three provinces, namely, Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as representatives of developed, underdeveloped, and underdeveloped regions. Questionnaire on Ideological and Ethical Quality Status”, in which more than 10,000 middle school students were randomly selected from more than 30 middle schools in Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to conduct a questionnaire survey. As a supplement to the questionnaire, we also conducted a questionnaire survey on 30 More than 200 students and 160 teachers from many middle schools conducted interview surveys. The survey results showed that there are significant gender differences in ideological and moral quality scores of middle school students. The gender differences in junior high schools are more obvious than those in high schools, and girls’ ideological and moral quality scores are common. Higher than boys; junior high school students’ ideological and moral quality scores have significant grade differences, junior high students score the highest, and gradually decrease as the grade rises, the second grade is higher, and the third grade is the lowest; high school students’ grade difference is not significant, and junior high school students’ ideology The moral quality score is higher than that of high school students as a whole; there are also significant differences between the only-child middle school students and the non-single-child middle school students. The ideological and moral quality scores of the only-child middle school students are significantly higher than those of the non-single-child middle school students. There are significant differences between urban and rural types. Urban schools have the highest scores for ideological and moral quality, followed by schools in the urban-rural fringe area, and rural schools are the lowest. There are also significant regional differences in ideological and moral quality scores for middle school students. Secondly, underdeveloped areas are the lowest. The survey also found that current middle school students have higher overall ideological and moral quality scores. Among the four first-level dimensions of ideological and moral quality, the relationship with society has the highest score, and the relationship with the collective is the second. It is the dimension of relationship with others again, the dimension of self-relationship has the lowest score; among the 20 secondary dimensions, the order of the average scores from high to low is: integrity and justice, love for the party and people, rights and obligations, love for peace, *legal system , Energy conservation and environmental protection, respect for others, social ethics, collective cooperation, network ethics, helping others, cherishing life, patriotism, self-respect and self-reliance, honesty and trustworthiness, filial piety to parents, tolerance, dedication, seeking knowledge and progress, and practicing innovation. This conclusion reflects Contemporary middle school students' ideological and moral qualities are consistent with their pulses, and they are sensitive and strong in response to social development. The outstanding performance is that they score low on traditional values ​​such as filial piety, tolerance, dedication, seeking knowledge, enterprising, and practical innovation. Loving the party, loving the people, rights and obligations, loving peace, *legal system and other values ​​that highlight the trend of social development and progress have higher scores.

Based on the conclusions of questionnaire surveys and interviews, this article reflects on the current problems in the moral quality of middle school students in our country, and puts forward the following educational suggestions: In view of gender differences, schools, families and society must implement responsive measures. Teaching strategies; for grade differences, school moral education methods should pay attention to value guidance, abandon exam-oriented education, and reshape the education goals of education; for the difference between only children and non-only children, families should strengthen parent-child communication and adopt a * type of education; Different types of schools in urban and rural areas, the government must remove the urban-rural dual structure barriers, parents must assume the responsibility of family education, local governments must purify the social environment and network environment; in response to regional differences, increase investment in basic education in underdeveloped and underdeveloped areas , To strengthen post-service training of in-service teachers, and implement a regular rotation exchange system for teachers.

This article is a sample essay on the teaching of ideological and moral courses in elementary schools, which can be used as a reference for topic selection.

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