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思想道德教案模板范文 小学(100篇免费小学思想品德课教学论文范例格式模板参考.)(2)

2021-09-03 17:02 网络整理 教案网




中学阶段是人一生身心发展逐渐成熟的时期,也是价值观、人生观、世界观逐渐形成的关键时期。思想品德、思想政治课作为中学思想政治教育的主要阵地和主渠道,肩负着传播全国主流意识形态和为青少年健康成长提供精神动力的艰巨使命。探讨中学思想道德与思想政治课教学的实效性,不仅可以丰富中学教育有效教学的理论,更重要的是可以为中学思想品德建设做出贡献。思想政治课的教学实践为教学实践提供了参考和指导,特别是本研究对中学思想道德与思想政治课有效教学现状的分析和有效教学策略的探讨不仅具有对教师开展有效教学有直接的参考价值,也有利于有效提高中学思想品德和思想政治课的教学效果,加强和改进中学生思想政治教育。 .


第一章是介绍。主要阐释了研究的缘起,从理论上揭示了中学思想政治课应提高教学效果与课程实际情况之间的现实张力;它还总结了相关研究。 , 寻求学术研究的前提;探讨本研究的意义和方法。




















第六章是提高课程教学有效性的策略。示范战略主要包括加强专任教师思想政治素质和能力建设;建立符合时代和学生实际的教学目标、内容和方法; *展会所需的课程网络支撑平台;形成以师生共同成长为重点的综合评价反馈调整机制。这是本文的结论。


马克思主义认为,人的本质是人的社会属性。这说明人的本质不在于对物质生活的追求,而在于对提高生活质量和探索生活意义的精神追求。人们对道德生活的向往,恰恰体现了这种精神诉求。思想道德素质是指在思想道德社会化过程中,通过社会教育和个体内化形成的个体基本内在素质和心理素质。 It is an important part of the individual's comprehensive quality. , Is the core and soul of the overall quality of the individual, and plays a role of value orientation in the quality structure of the individual. Middle school students are in a period of transition from adulthood to adulthood. During this period, their physical and mental development changes drastically, and their ideological and moral qualities are in the process of being formed. It is extremely unstable and highly plastic. It is a critical period for the development of moral sentiment, psychological quality and behavioral habits. The level of ideological and moral quality during this period will have a huge impact on their lives. The purpose of this research is to objectively Understand the current status of the ideological and moral quality of middle school students, explore the reasons for the problems in the ideological and moral quality of middle school students, and put forward effective education suggestions to provide guidance for the current school moral education reform.

In order to scientifically and reasonably evaluate the current status of the ideological and moral quality of middle school students in our country, this research first defines the meaning of the ideological and moral quality through literature research, interviews and surveys, and explores whether or not the ideological and moral quality should be evaluated, whether it can be evaluated, or not. Can quantitative evaluation, how to evaluate and other theoretical issues, determine the indicators for evaluating the ideological and moral quality of middle school students, and compile the Questionnaire on the Ideological and Moral Quality of Middle School Students (Trial Questionnaire) based on the evaluation indicators. "(Test questionnaire) includes four first-level dimensions, namely: self-relationship, relationship with others, relationship with the collective, and relationship with society. Each first-level dimension includes five evaluation indicators, among which, the self-relationship dimension Including cherishing life, self-respect, self-reliance, seeking knowledge and progress, practical innovation, integrity and justice; the dimensions of the relationship with others include honesty and trustworthiness, respect for others, filial piety to parents, helping others, and tolerance; the dimensions of the relationship with the collective include awareness of collective cooperation, awareness of dedication, Love the party, love the people, patriotism, and love peace; the dimensions of the relationship with society include social ethics, rights and obligations, * legal system, energy conservation and environmental protection, and network ethics. Then, the questionnaire was tested and the test results showed that in addition to 12 questions and In addition to the low degree of discrimination between the first-level dimensions of the questionnaire, the remaining 80 questions of the questionnaire have good discrimination, with high reliability and validity, and the test results basically meet the main psychometric indicators, indicating that they have been revised The latter "Questionnaire on the Ideological and Moral Quality of Middle School Students" is scientific and feasible for evaluating the ideological and moral quality of middle school students, and can be used as a test tool for the current research on the ideological and moral quality of middle school students in China.