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The teaching content of this book is still selected according to the new curriculum concepts of "man and nature", "man and society", and "man and self", highlighting the humanity, diversity, inquiry, and openness of teaching, and attaching importance to students The overall improvement of Chinese literacy, especially the improvement of literary appreciation. Focus on cultivating students' sense of autonomy, creativity, cooperation and knowledge integration.

The content of the whole book is divided into six sections, namely: reading, writing, oral communication, comprehensive learning, extracurricular memorization of ancient poems, guide reading of classics, appendices, and some supplements after the text. There are 25 texts in the whole volume, including 13 texts for teaching and 12 texts for self-reading. It is divided into six units, each with a topic. Below, the specific analysis is carried out in units.

The first unit: "The Poetry of the Sea". The five poems compiled in this unit are rich in content, diverse in techniques, and exquisite in language. They are natural music played by poets with their hearts. In teaching poetry, it is not appropriate to talk more, and it is not appropriate to emphasize rational analysis. The emphasis should be on guiding students to understand and understand the image and image of poetry through imagination and association. To let students read poems by heart, it is best to recite them. Experience the beauty of language, emotion, artistic conception and rhythm of poetry in reading aloud.

The second unit: "Thinking Style". The texts selected in this unit have strong philosophical rationality, focusing on giving students life enlightenment from many aspects and enriching their life experience; paying attention to guiding students to establish a correct outlook on life and values; broadening students’ horizons and improving their ability to think; Pay attention to the stylistic characteristics: the oral language of the speech is strong, and the written color of the letter is strong.

The third unit: "Youth Life". Pay attention to the genre and characteristics of the novel, understand the characters, plot, environment and other elements, analyze and grasp the theme of the novel; pay attention to cultivating the creative ability of students' imagination. Reading a novel is not only a process of acceptance, but also a process of re-creation, and understand the author's writing intention The work itself is the most important thing, but it is also very important to draw your own opinions (which can be the same as everyone’s or original); pay attention to figure out the language of the novel, get inspiration from it, and continue to accumulate to improve the actual language ability . The fourth unit: "Knowledge and Reading". This is the only argumentative essay unit in the complete set of textbooks and should be paid attention to. Let students understand some knowledge of argumentation (arguments, arguments, demonstrations, etc.), and transform knowledge into abilities in practice; guide students to combine their own life experience and knowledge accumulation, read articles, and form a personal and own understanding; Pay attention to the combination of reading and writing, and make full use of reading resources to guide students in writing.

Unit 5: Ancient vernacular novels. Attention should be paid to the character and plot of the characters. Ancient Chinese vernacular novels generally express the characters' personalities through rich, tortuous and complete plots, which embodies the characteristics of Chinese novels. Pay attention to the combination of history and cross-disciplinary learning; understand the life of the ancients, seek truth from the ancients, don’t be biased in understanding, don’t use a ready-made framework to ask for complete blame; pay attention to the language of ancient vernacular novels.

Unit 6: Biography of History. Understand history and understand historical figures; closely integrate history to conduct interdisciplinary learning, focusing on improving students' language ability, collecting data, screening data, discussing, commenting, writing reports, etc. to practice language ability; understanding dialectically In ancient societies and people, they should understand the development of history and do not engage in dogmatism; they should pay attention to the teaching of classical Chinese, accumulate vocabulary, understand sentence patterns, and value recitation. Extracurricular recitation of ancient poems: There are 10 poems, interspersed and completed in the morning reading time each week. Guided reading of famous works: Reading tasks will be assigned at the beginning of the semester, encourage and guide students to read carefully, and make reading notes, etc., and communicate at the end of the semester.

四、teaching goals

Ideological and moral goals: In the process of Chinese teaching, further cultivate students' patriotism, stimulate students' feelings of loving the language of the motherland, cultivate students' socialist ideological qualities, strive to broaden students' horizons, and gradually form a sound personality.
