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(2)Learning and researching new curriculum standards and new textbooks are still one of the focus of this semester's teaching and research work. Each member of the teaching and research team should earnestly study advanced education and teaching theories and the "Chinese Curriculum Standards" to establish new teaching concepts. Clarify teaching goals and requirements, grasp changes in teaching content, explore new teaching methods for new textbooks, and further improve teaching levels and teaching quality. Taking the "Teacher's Wisdom Cup" competition and new curriculum reform experiments as an opportunity, give full play to initiative and creativity, and be active Invest in the experiment of curriculum reform, so that the experiment of curriculum reform can truly be "experiment, summary, and improvement."

(3)教研组’s regular requirements. Teaching and research group activities are held every two weeks. Members of the teaching and research group can sign up to participate in the presiding work. There are various forms and a unified record book should be used to keep records. The records should be written in a standard, neat and detailed manner. .

(4) Do a good job of managing the process of collective lesson preparation to improve teaching quality. The purpose of collective lesson preparation is to create conditions for teachers to develop independently. Before preparing lessons, teachers of the same grade and the same subject must be organized to carefully analyze the textbooks, unified understanding, and Make a record of the discussion, and then divide the work to prepare for the lesson, carefully modify it until it is transformed into your own understanding. Give full play to the group advantage, improve the quality of lesson preparation, and ensure the quality of classroom teaching.

(5)任课 Teachers should seriously reflect on teaching, actively write papers on the basis of teaching and research, and strive for teaching papers to be published or awarded.

(6) Strengthen routine research to ensure load reduction and efficiency. This semester, the teaching and research team will cooperate with the school to check the implementation of routines through various methods such as lectures, inspection of teaching plans, and homework corrections.

(7) Organize small, diverse, practical research activities and competitions, and organize excellent Chinese class evaluation activities.

5、 Adhere to the correct orientation and guide and supervise the lesson preparation process of the lesson preparation team. The seventh grade, grasp the foundation, grasp the norms, cultivate the ability, and various teaching methods.

In the eighth grade, we should not only grasp the basics, but also improve the ability, by analogy, train students to answer questions in a well-organized way. For the ninth grade, do a good job of teaching the graduating class, strengthen the training of comprehensive abilities, and have clear knowledge points and put them in place. All ninth grade Chinese teachers should further study the spirit of the reform of the middle school entrance examination, learn from the experience of language reforms in other places, carefully study the middle school entrance examination, and in-depth study of the "Examination Instructions" to truly understand the spirit of the reform of the middle school entrance examination, so as to reform the third-year Chinese teaching, with key points , Targetedly do a good job of teaching and reviewing third-year Chinese language.

In order to effectively improve the efficiency of Chinese teaching and review work for the graduating class, two review work seminars will be carried out in the activities of the teaching and research group this semester: analysis of the purpose of the question and the description of the high school entrance examination; analysis of the simulation test paper for the high school entrance examination.

At the same time, junior Chinese teachers should pay attention to the collection and selection of data and information, and jointly discuss and review work. Strive for high school entrance examination Chinese scores to achieve better results.

6、 Carry out solid and effective language practice activities to broaden students' horizons.

Organize flexible and diverse, small-scale student competitions. Poetry recitations, mockups, speech contests and composition contests are carried out in a planned way to enhance students' interest in learning Chinese.

These activities are designed and organized by each lesson preparation group, and carry out the language knowledge and skill competitions with grade characteristics.
