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2021-08-22 12:07 网络整理 教案网

4、Serious assessment: In accordance with the "XX-XX School Year End-of-Term Inspection Program", students will be assessed.


5、后课reflect: This semester, due to the cross-campus class, the efficiency of listening and evaluating the class is not high, the number of lectures is small, and the reflection is not deep and specific.教学能力的提升,尤其是教学论文,没有及时记录,总结,给教学工作留下遗憾。



This semester, I served as the music teaching for the first grade 三、四班 and the third grade. At the beginning of the semester, I participated in the parent open class organized by the school, and received good comments from the parents. In the celebration of "六、一", the performance of the waist drum team and the third-grade tone piano performance were arranged.我还参加了县小学音乐课堂教学设计比赛。在我精心准备下,这堂风琴课《欢乐颂》受到了同学们的欢迎。在这堂课上,同学们不仅学会了演奏音乐,还结识了伟大的音乐家贝多芬,了解了他的生平和作品。这学期活动很多,但我还是坚持以学生为本的宗旨,做好课堂教学,让学生在期末考试中取得优异的成绩。

三、Special work


I hope that in my future work, I can communicate and cooperate with teachers of different subjects, and learn from them, so as to improve my vision and ability in all aspects and accelerate my growth and progress.

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