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2021-08-19 18:04 网络整理 教案网



并取得了可喜的成绩。 /r/n


本学期,我们主要通过艺术鉴赏和艺术创作活动丰富孩子的线描经验,提高孩子的线描技巧,重点鼓励孩子大胆画画,营造良好的艺术氛围。 /r/n


一、 会画画。 /r/n

孩子们在学期中有了画线的基础。这学期画画很熟悉。我引导他们想象各种点、线和面,鼓励他们自己画画,为孩子创造一切机会。动员家长准备各种画线工具,让孩子在家画画。经过一次次的绘画和练习,孩子们对线描有了更深的理解,绘画经验也越来越丰富。技能和技能得到了显着提高。 /r/n

二、 画得很大胆。 /r/n

我努力为孩子们创造一个自由、轻松的绘画环境,鼓励和引导他们想象各种独特的点、线、形来装饰画面。在每一节美术课的评价环节,我都注重让孩子们欣赏作品,互相评价,一次次的积累经验,他们的画面越来越丰富,他们的绘画技巧也越来越细腻。我也鼓励孩子们使用各种绘画工具和材料来画线画,体验创作的乐趣。在全园的艺术观摩活动中,各班老师都惊叹孩子们的胆量和丰富的想象力。 /r/n

三、孩子们的线条画功提高了,其他类型的绘画也有了很大的提高。 /r/n 有了画线的基础,孩子们画其他种类的画就更容易了。他们不必动脑筋去思考如何装饰。画面也更丰富:画孩子的时候,会给他们穿上各种图案的衣服;画房子、车、船、树、动物时,也有漂亮的图案,作品的质量也越来越高。孩子们的画册有让我们惊喜的内容,小画廊的作品也让家长们竖起大拇指。 /r/n


一、 孩子们的绘画功底相当两极分化。 /r/n

二、Children 的评价能力有待加强。 /r/n






兴趣是学习的动力。如何增加孩子对绘画的兴趣,充分发挥孩子的主动性,是我教学的重点。我们都知道孩子最喜欢玩,也最喜欢游戏。通过生动的语言,以游戏的形式教学,将绘画融入游戏是我的主要教学方法。比如在蜡笔画教学中,我让孩子们用游戏来构图,鼓励他们大胆想象幼儿师生关系教案范文,让每一幅画都富有创意。在涂色方面,引导孩子学习相似色、渐变色等着色方法,鼓励孩子有自己的想法。孩子们乐于接受新鲜有趣的事物。为了在某​​一方面提高孩子的绘画能力,我注重开展一系列不同形式的绘画活动。线描是一种重要的表现手段。为了提高孩子对线条的表现力,我们开展了一系列由浅到深的绘画活动,包括“灯泡鱼”、“我洗澡”、“我钓鱼”。让孩子随意思考线条的装饰,用不同的线条(直线、曲线、锯齿线)来装饰动物、花瓶,甚至整幅画。在活动中,孩子们发现了意想不到的效果,获得了成功的体验后,对画线活动产生了浓厚的兴趣。为了进一步提高孩子在线上的表现力,采用黑白搭配的方式,强化画面效果,增强孩子的绘画自信心。学前班的孩子对周围的事物有一定的了解,所以我们在组织绘画活动时也非常注重主题的选择。 《喜羊羊与大灰狼》、《别上钩》、《雷雨来了》等画材都是孩子们的最爱。能在活动中表达自己的想法,有积极的创造力。









本学期的学前儿童兴趣班活动,提高了构图能力,学会对自己的图片进行简单的布局,在构图时有自己的创意,增强了孩子对周围生活的理解,感知能力,并获得知识。 In the use of lines, the lines are much smoother, and various graphics can be used for line drawing and black-and-white matching. In the use of colors, children will paint according to the needs of the picture, and can try different coloring methods and expressions of background colors. It can be said that painting is a unique way of expression for children. In the teaching of children's painting, teachers are active instructors and supporters, leading the children to paint a colorful world with the little brush in their hands.

Part 3: Early Childhood Art Education

Children's Art Education

The most important thing in children's art education is to cultivate children's interest, practical ability and creativity. Children's art education should also pay attention to the characteristics of different ages and stages, and should conform to the child's physical and mental development.

1、 Cultivate thinking ability and imagination, develop intelligence:


Drawing requires the use of eyes, brain, and hands, through observation, thinking, and then drawing on paper. Can exercise children's abstract thinking, concrete thinking, logical thinking, spatial thinking, spatial thinking and practical skills, and develop children's intelligence well.

2、Cultivate children's patience:

As we all know, there is little difference in the intelligence level of children, but some students at school do not learn well, and some are poor (high school is more prominent). The reason is the difference in habits. Some children are active and lack concentration, which leads to lower grades. Learning art can exercise the child's patience and allow him to calm down and draw what he wants to paint. It not only cultivates his sentiment, but also cultivates the habit of sitting and living.

3、 Give children a space for useful activities (referring to elementary school students):

On weekends and holidays, parents don’t have time to supervise their children. Children either watch TV at home or have a few children dating together. Once they enter an Internet cafe, the consequences will be disastrous (the news media have reported a lot), and they can not only learn professional knowledge by studying art. , You can also relax and adjust in a good environment

4、 improve their aesthetic ability by painting and painting.

Develop inner temperament and develop intellectual potential. Develop personal hobbies. Promote the healthy development of body, mind and emotion. Cultivate the aesthetic ability to know oneself and the world. Develop a good habit of creative thinking. Cultivate students' sense of innovation.

Part 4: Early Childhood Art Education

Children's Art Education

Children’s art education helps young children learn to observe things, discover beautiful things in life, evaluate what shapes, colors, structures, and layouts are the most beautiful objects, appreciate beautiful things, and learn the skills and skills to express beauty and create beauty , Such as conceiving, positioning, drawing and coloring skills to improve children’s aesthetic ability. Preschool art education can not only train children's observation skills, but also cultivate children's serious qualities, and can also improve children's aesthetic ability, which has important value and significance to children's development. Parents who are looking for a child to become a dragon and a daughter to become a phoenix, hurry up and let the baby learn art.

Summary of Kindergarten Art Education and Teaching Work

Summary of preschool education art teaching work for children

Summary of teaching work for art children

Summary of Art Education and Teaching Work in Large Class in Kindergarten

Summary of preschool teachers' art teaching work
