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2021-08-17 13:57 网络整理 教案网


如果老师给学生激励性的话语和目标来促进他们的进步,然后在师生之间进行情感交流,这种情感必然会激发学生的主动性,鼓励和鞭策学生完成目标。使学生的学习由被动变为主动,由被动变为进取,由死气沉沉变为活泼的学习过程。比如《三大宗教》这堂课,提前两周给学生一些关于宗教的问题,让学生根据问题或其他材料搜索信息,学习三大宗教。 课堂上采取了集体竞赛的方式,同学们踊跃发言。当被问及泉州的宗教建筑景点时,抓到问题的学生回答了十多个地方。因此,良好的评价氛围真正激发了学生积极参与的积极性,激励性的评价机制激活了地理课堂教学。



全面推行以人为本、灵活教学是不可能的。此刻,课堂活跃,同学们的提问太多了。有时老师害怕学生会提问。预先设计的难点和重点无法实现,所以我想尽一切办法把学生的想法引导到自己设计的路径上,按照老师的教学路径走。老师欢迎问题。如果是奇怪的问题,老师往往视而不见或仓促。经过。例如,在“人类居住地-聚落”部分,向学生展示了5种不同自然环境的图片。在背景音乐中,学生可以选择一个环境来设计房屋。我们的目标是让学生了解聚落的外观和材料大多因地制宜。万万没想到,一个学生在北极地区建造了一座宫殿,配备了全方位的导弹、枪支等高科技防御系统;一些学生在沙漠地区设计了带有防御系统的房屋。 ,还有太阳能吸收系统——白天变成室内空调,晚上变成室内暖气……导弹、枪之类的我不太了解,也不是什么材料这节课。我只是评论他们的想法很有创意和独特,我希望将来自己设计它们,所以我回到了我的想法。下课后,我反思,如果我可以沿着学习的方式开始教学,让学生在这方面有优势和劣势,或者让学生回家查看信息,了解是否需要安排防御系统那里,是否科学等等。这不仅真正尊重学生的个性,以人为本,而且培养学生在有问题和好奇心时的学习态度和毅力。



教师是课程改革实施的主体,也应该是课程开发的主体。然而,教师直接参与课程开发存在许多实际困难。教师工作量大,教师习惯于依靠现成的教材进行教学。没有思考和反思的空间,课程开发也不是他们自己的事情。因此,课程改革的目的与教师课程改革的实践总是背道而驰。课程改革给教师带来了挑战,也提出了更新更高的要求。教师要感受到这一挑战的紧迫性,要努力提高自身素质和专业技能,掌握和了解最新的科技地理知识,掌握现代教育技术必须涉及各个学科,知识面更广。 ,不落后于时代。








将学生在日常生活中比较熟悉的问题引入课堂。 For example, it is very difficult to remember the abbreviation of each provincial administrative region when studying the section of "Administrative Divisions of China". In the new class, the teacher asks the students to identify the vehicle license plate. The words on the code show the practical use of learning the abbreviations of provincial administrative divisions. Then ask the whole class to say the words on the license plate that they know. The teacher writes on the blackboard (not to repeat) and asks: "Across the country, what other words might appear on the license plate?" I was eager to know, I opened the book and looked for it carefully, and I have experienced its application in practice. After I found it, I actively combined the provincial outline and the origin of the abbreviation to memorize it. No one is far behind, and the learning atmosphere is very strong. This not only solves the teaching difficulties smoothly, but also enables students to learn the way to acquire knowledge by themselves. This method is to learn geography in connection with life.

3、Analysis-Induction-Comprehensive Sublimation Knowledge

Analysis, induction and synthesis are indispensable in the thinking process of students. They are interdependent and closely integrated. For this reason, the law of "analysis-induction-synthesis" should be followed in geography teaching so that the knowledge learned can be used flexibly . The analysis should start from the systematic nature of the content of various geographical things, from individual to general, linking individual scattered geographical things together, finding their commonalities, summarizing the rules, and then summarizing and integrating relevant information from the part to the whole. In this way, it can deepen the understanding of the characteristics of each region and obtain a complete knowledge system. For example, after the new junior high school geography textbooks have been taught, they will enter the review stage. Teachers and students will discuss together and summarize the junior high school geography knowledge into two major categories: nature and humanities. Natural geography is further divided into geographic location, topography, climate, rivers and lakes, resources, etc. Human geography can be divided into population, ethnicity, industrial and agricultural production, transportation, commerce, etc.; some topics can also be divided into several items, such as geographical location can be divided into two aspects: latitude location, land and sea location, climate can be divided into climate name, Distribution area, climatic characteristics, and impact on local vegetation and agriculture are sub-items. Industry and agriculture can be subdivided from their respective development conditions, distribution areas, and products produced (industrial sectors, crops); the conditions for industrial development can also be classified from resources, The conditions for agricultural development can be divided into sub-items such as transportation, manpower, science and technology, etc. from topography, climate, and labor. Then use the overall guidance of local learning methods, from large countries to small towns, villages, and to systematically review, sort out, and discuss from the above knowledge structure. When reviewing geography exams, I often use this method. Students are motivated to review and the review results are good.


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